Sato and Yoshiro are walking on the sidewalk.
"I can't believe she let me take off another day." Sato says.
"Well, you deserve it."
"Why did you want me to take off work? It seems like you had a plan in mind when you were trying to convince me."
"I just want to spend some time with you. Besides, you can use the time off. Wanna go to that place?"
They walk across on a beautiful bridge with Japanese blossom trees surrounding it. Yoshiro stops Sato in the middle of the bridge and leans over the edge.
"Look at this, Satoshi."
"You know I hate it when you call me that."
"You can't beat that view." Yoshiro ignores Sato's remark.
Sato stands next to Yoshiro and looks over the edge at the water. Sato takes a deep breath and closes his eyes.
"Hey, Sato."
"What?" Sato closes his eyes.
"Have you ever thought about marriage?"
Sato opens his eyes and looks at Yoshiro.
"I mean yeah. Once or twice. It's a lot of hassle and trouble to go through and not really my priority. What about you?"
"Same." Yoshiro says nervously.
Sato looks back out at the water thoughtfully.
"Being married would be very nice. I've thought about being married to you. To me, it'd all be worth it." Sato smiles.
Yoshiro blushes and stares down at the water below them.
"Really?" Yoshiro asks.
"Yes." Sato replies. "I realize that I can't find anyone better than you to be with. Or rather, I don't want to find anyone else to be with. I love you, Yoshiro Abiko. Nothing will ever change that. For as long as I live."
"Stop, you're going to make me cry." Yoshiro says, blushing madly.
Sato kisses Yoshiro on the cheek and smiles at him.
Yoshiro looks up at him and straightens his posture. Yoshiro and Sato both kiss. Sato caresses Yoshiro's cheek while Yoshiro places his hands on Sato's waist.
"I love you too, Satoshi Yamazaki. And nothing will ever change that for me."
"Together forever…"
"...Never apart. God that's so cheesy."
"You're the one that insisted on us having a couple saying." Sato says with a smirk.
"Yeah but you're the one that chose it."
"I don't regret a thing."
"You know, I've seriously been worried about you."
"What do you mean, I'm fine."
"Well, I guess it's just because I'm your boyfriend...I didn't want to bring this up, but I've noticed some changes."
"Like what?"
"'ve gotten noticeably thinner and weaker. I don't think you're eating or sleeping right. You know that can lead to death right?"
"Pfffft. If I die before I get to marry you, you can throw salt on my grave."
"Why do you gotta say things like that?" Yoshiro playfully punches Sato in the shoulder as they both chuckle.
"Wanna come see my new apartment?"
"No way! You've finally moved out of your shithead of a father's household?"
"Yup. Kasumi too!"
"Speaking of Kasumi, how is she?"
"She's been…" Sato sighs. "To be completely honest, Yoshi...I don't know how she's doing. Ever since we've moved out, she's been having night terrors really bad. Her anxiety and panic attacks seem to be getting progressively worse and I don't know what to do."
"The best thing you can do for her is get her professional help." Yoshiro suggests. "I know a great counselor that worked with me after my parent's divorce. She's really nice and I think that Kasumi might like her."
"I don't know. Kasumi doesn't really like doctors or therapists. I don't think she'd even be willing to give it a try."
"I'm just saying, she will be able to help Kasumi out. I can give you her number to give you an option if you decide to talk to her about it?"
"Yeah that'd be great. Thank you."
"Sure. Let's go check out that apartment of yours."
Yoshiro smiles brightly at Sato and they walk side by side to the apartment.
Kasumi and Ex are still deep in the woods by his cabin.
"Ok, now let's see what you can do versus a person." Ex says.
"What? Fight you?" Kasumi questions.
"Ok. Bring it on, know-it-all."
Before Kasumi could even ready herself, Ex plants a hard kick to her diaphragm. Kasumi falls to her knees clutching her stomach.
"Don't call me know-it-all, smartass." Ex retorts. "Also, don't waste your time speaking when an opponent is right in front of you. It gives them time to strike."
"Got it." Kasumi wheezes.
Kasumi weakly stands up and gets in the stance that she was told to get in while Ex just stands there with his hands hanging by his sides.
"Go ahead and try to strike."
Kasumi furrows her eyebrows and charges at him. She punches with her right hand. Ex easily dodges it, grips her wrist with his right hand and uses his left hand to push her forward and straight into a tree. All the while, twisting her right hand back and locking it there. Kasumi groans in pain.
"I told you not to coil."
"Right." Kasumi says angrily.
Ex steps back, releasing Kasumi. Kasumi moves her right arm around to try and work off the pain.
"I'm not going to dodge or block or strike this time. I want you to come at me full speed and punch me right here." Ex points to his stomach. "Should be easy enough, right?"
Kasumi readies herself and sprints at Ex. She punches him right where he told her to, but he doesn't even flinch.
"Wh-What the hell? Are you made of steel?"
"Who knows. When you build up strength, you'll be able to do some real damage."
"Tch. Whatever. I can do some real damage now." Kasumi shrugs off.
"Yeah right. Why'd I have to fix a bullet wound from last night?"
"Your point?"
"My point is if you were able to do damage then, they wouldn't have gotten a shot in the first place. You hesitated which is why they nearly killed your brother."
"I didn't hesitate! My leg was shot!"
"Right. Your leg was shot. By the time we're done, you'll be able to fight with ten bullets inside of you."
"Pffft. Yeah right. That isn't possible."
"Our powers aren't possible yet here we are. I'm going to go get a drink. Take a break and do whatever. I don't really care." Ex turns and walks in the direction of his cabin.
"Strike now. While you have the chance." Kanai tells Kasumi.
Kasumi smiles to herself before charging at Ex. Ex quickly senses her approaching and flips her on the ground before she could even make a move.
"You were too loud and impulsive." Ex explains.
Ex moves onward to his cabin, leaving Kasumi angry on the ground.
Sato and Yoshiro both walk into the apartment. Sato closes the door behind him while Yoshiro examines the place.
"Nice! I'm so proud of you guys." Yoshiro states proudly.
"It wasn't easy, but we finally did it."
Sato approaches Yoshiro and puts an arm around him.
"Just wait. One day we'll be able to get our own place." Sato says to Yoshiro, smiling.
"Who will be paying for that?"
"Well, both of us, idiot."
"Don't call me an idiot, dummy."
Just then, Yoshiro's phone starts ringing. He answers his phone.
"Hello? over there in the minute." Yoshiro states.
"Everything ok?" Sato asks, concerned.
"Yeah. Mom's having problems with her computer again and she has something due in a few hours. I've gotta go help her. Today was really nice. We should do this more often."
"I'd like that." Sato smiles.
"We can meet up for dinner tonight if you'd like?"
"Sure. It can't be long thought. I don't like leaving Kasumi here by herself for too long."
"I understand."
"I love you. Go help your mom."
"Love you, too. I'll see you later."
They kiss before Yoshiro leaves.
Kasumi and Ex are still in the woods training.
"You can go home now." Ex tells her. "That schedule I gave you is very important. Stick to it when you wake up and before you go to sleep."
"That's it?"
"Yeah. I have a life outside of helping you."
"Do I come back tomorrow?"
"Yes. Exactly the same time."
Ex walks past Kasumi and leaves. Kasumi stares at him with a puzzled look before walking back to the apartment.
"He's interesting. Don't you think so?" Kanai says.
"There's nothing particularly interesting about him. What are you talking about?" Kasumi says quietly.
"You can't fool anyone."
"If you're implying that I like him, you are terribly mistaken. If anything, I hate his fucking guts. He's way too snotty. Besides, that's the farthest thing from my mind right now."
"Right. You're right. What are you going to do now?"
"Well, I have to keep listening to what he tells me to do. That's all I have right now."
"Did you say something?" Ex asks.
Ex continues walking forward. Kasumi follows silently.
"The view from here isn't bad. Not bad at all." Kanai says.
Shut up.
Kasumi arrives at the apartment to find Sato already inside and sitting down on a pillow on the floor eating ramen.
"Oh. Kasumi." Sato says with his mouth full.
"You're home early."
"Yoshiro convinced me to take the day off for myself."
"Yoshi? I haven't heard that name in awhile."
"Well we haven't gotten to hangout in awhile."
"Did you get some actual time off?"
"Yeah. We went on a walk before he stopped by the apartment to see it."
"Where is he?"
"He had to go help his mom with something. Do you think you'll be ok here by yourself for about an hour? If not, tell me and I'll say here."
"I think I can manage. Go have fun with Yoshiro."
Kasumi gently gestures to her collar bone nervously without Sato noticing.
"Are you sure?" Sato asks.
"Yes I'm sure."
Kasumi gives Sato a bright smile.
"You need as much time as you can get. You shouldn't have to look after me all the time, you know. I'm an adult now, I've gotta learn my own way." Kasumi says.
"I understand that, but I'm just trying to make sure that you're ok."
"I'm fine."
Kasumi scratches her collar bone and smiles.
"You're lying."
"I'm not lying."
Kasumi prevents herself from gesturing to her collar bone.
"Right. It'll only be an hour or so. Just, stay here and keep everything locked. Don't let anyone in. If anyone happens to break in, there's a bat behind your door in your room." Sato tells her.
"Ok, got it."
"I'll be leaving at around 6 ish."
"How was your day with Ex?"
"I absolutely hate that man."
"What do you mean?"
"His stupid smug face every time I do something wrong. All he does is criticize and tell me what I'm doing wrong."
"Well, he's trying to help you. And judging by his overall attitude, he doesn't work with others that well. Teaching is new to him so maybe just try and understand that?"
"I can understand that just fine, but he's a bit harsh when he's fighting me."
"We're also under a time limit here. I have no idea how much time you guys actually have to prepare, but something tells me, you don't have a lot of time at all. He's just trying to make sure that you'll know what to do when the time comes."
"I guess. I just don't like his attitude."
"Unfortunately, it looks like you're going to have to deal with him. At least until all of this is over."
Sato stands up and takes the empty bowl to the sink.
"Go take a nap or something. It seems like you've had a long day." Sato says.
"Yeah. Have a good time tonight. By the way, why are you eating ramen right before dinner?"
"It's so I don't order anything so that he doesn't have to pay."
"Smart. But maybe that will make him feel bad if you don't order anything?"
"That's why I'm going to order something small and cheap."
"How very smart you are."
As soon as Kasumi turns around, Sato stumbles around, clutching his head.
Kasumi turns around to see Sato in distress.
"Sato? What's wrong?"
"There's a high-pitched screeching...coming from...somewhere nearby…" Sato says in distress.
"Coming from where?"
"In the direction of…" The high-pitched screeching hits Sato even harder, making him put his hands over his ears and fall for the floor. "It's an abandoned temple! Agh!"
Blood starts coming out of Sato's nose. Kasumi crouches down next to him, biting her knuckle nervously.
What should I do? What should I do?
"Nothing." Kanai responds.
"Call Ex. He'll know what to do." Sato says.
"Ok! Ok, where's your phone?"
Sato points to the counter-top where his phone is. Kasumi goes and picks up the phone to dial.