Kasumi and Sato walk home from Ex's cabin. Sato is still slightly weak.
"I wonder why he can only heal you." Sato says, slightly frustrated.
"Well you hear the first creature we fought. It specifically called him a guardian."
"Yeah but a guardian of what exactly?"
"I don't know."
"Think about it, you were given a power to defeat these creatures...but where are they coming from?"
"What do you mean?"
"Something has to be creating these creatures. Or rather...someone."
"We'll think about it when the time comes."
"But whatever it is making these things, they hate you and want you dead."
"I know."
"I promised to do what I can to make sure that you get the life you deserve, Kasumi. No matter what, as long as these people - or things - are alive, you won't be able to have a normal life or be happy."
"You don't think I already know that?" Kasumi states sadly.
"I'm just saying, maybe the only way you can be happy right now is finding joy in the small things."
"What are you getting at?"
"I see how you are when you talk about Ex. I've never seen you so emotional about something out of the entire time I've known you, which is all of your life."
"Your point?"
"My point is, maybe stop being so cold to him and actually try to appreciate the fact he's trying to help us. Well, you specifically."
"I know what he's doing. He's not doing it because he chooses to."
"No, but he could be a lot worse about it."
"What do you mean?"
"He's going out of his way to teach you how to fight and control your power. I'm just saying, maybe you should thank the guy instead of insulting him."
Kasumi doesn't respond.
"Sato!" Yoshiro shouts.
Sato straightens his posture and makes it to where it looks like nothing's wrong.
"Hey, Yoshi!"
"Kasumi! It's been awhile. How are you doing?"
"I'm doing just fine, Yoshi. How about you?"
"I'm doing great."
"I thought you were booked for the rest of the week?"
"Yeah, but I was on my way home and saw you guys walking so I thought that I'd say hey before having to go."
"Well, hi." They both chuckle. "Wasn't there a question you wanted to ask me earlier?"
Yoshiro immediately blushes and scratches the back of his head.
"That can wait until next week." Kasumi glances at Yoshiro's behavior and smirks. "Right, well I gotta go. See you two schmucks later."
"See you next week." Sato smiles.
"Ha-alright, buddy. C'ya." Yoshiro turns and walks quickly the other way.
"That was strange." Kasumi smiles.
"Yeah it sure was. I wonder what he was so worked up about?"
"Who knows. Guess you'll find out next week."
Sato and Kasumi turn left to walk up to their apartment. Once they get inside, Kasumi shuts the door behind her.
"I'm going to go to bed early tonight." Sato states.
"Suite yourself."
"Goodnight, brother. See ya tomorrow morning."
Sato smiles at Kasumi before walking to his room. Kasumi walks to hers.
Ex walks through the hospital. Ex walks up to his mother's hospital room to see her the same exact way she was the last time he saw her.
"Still dead? Oh great." Ex goes and sits on the window seal as always. "You would not believe the week I had even if you experienced it yourself." Ex looks at his mother expecting an answer but getting nothing in return. "Right."
Ex looks out of the window and puts his legs up to sit criss-cross.
"How do I talk to people?" Ex mutters. "Everything I say and do seems to be insulting to the person I'm saying and doing it to. There's this person...everytime I try to help them, they see it as an insult and fire back with a piss ass response. She's such a suicidal maniac and she's not careful enough with her life. She's going to get herself killed." Ex sighs and looks at his mother. "I know...she's a handful."
Ex barely smiles to himself.
Kasumi lies in her bed staring straight up at the ceiling of her bedroom.
"What Sato said earlier is right. You really should thank him." Kanai tells her.
"Shut up. You don't know what you're talking about."
"Yeesh. Someone's not in a good mood tonight."
"I don't need his help."
"Without him, both you and Sato would've been dead long ago."
"I know."
"You are really a brat."
"Hey! You're not any better."
"Excuse me?"
"Do you remember that day in Mr. Ryuzaki's class?"
"You threw a fit because someone took your unicorn pen. Talk about being a brat."
"Hey! That unicorn pen was absolutely amazing and my pride and joy."
"Sure. Whatever you say."
Kasumi hears something outside of her window making her immediately sit up in her bed.
Long tentacle-like arms open the window to her room and stretch inside. Kasumi scrambles to the door of her room in hopes of getting out, but failing. Kasumi manages to crack open her door before the creature wraps around her and begins to pull her away.
"Sato! Sato! Help!"
Sato shoots his eyes open and hears an overwhelming high-pitched screeching sound.
"Kasumi…" Sato says, heavily strained.
Sato attempts to stand but falls to the ground due to the overwhelming high-pitched sound. Sato pushes through the unbearable sounds and stands up. He opens the door to his room and goes into Kasumi's room to see Kasumi being drug out of her window.
The arm that's wrapped around Kasumi covers her mouth, making her unable to talk to make any noise. Sato runs as fast as he can and hangs halfway out of the window. He watches as the unfamiliar creature takes Kasumi away.
"Kasumi…dear god."
Sato grabs his phone and dials Ex's number while also grabbing his bow and some arrows. Ex doesn't answer his phone, sending Sato to voicemail.
"Dammit! You little bastard why don't you answer your phone? A creature took Kasumi! I don't know where it's going but I'm chasing it. Stay at your house and I'll meet up there after I get her back."
Sato sprints out of the door to the apartment with his weapon in hand.
Ex is sleeping on the window seal of his mother's hospital room. His phone gets a notification, but that's not what wakes him up. He wakes up due to the face that Kasumi is feeling intense pain and now he can feel it. He opens his eyes and looks down at his phone, seeing the notification.
"Shit." Ex listens to the voicemail as he stands up. "Meet at my house? There's no way he can take that thing on his own. What the FUCK is he thinking?"
Ex fixes his jacket and leaves his mother's hospital room. I have no idea where they are. Goddammit.
Ex calls Sato back but doesn't get an answer. Ex redials as he leaves the hospital. It's pouring rain outside, but Ex doesn't mind it right now. Ex runs through the rain to Sato and Kasumi's apartment. He kicks the door open without thinking about it and looks inside. He looks in every room in the apartment and doesn't find anyone.
"Oh hey what do ya know, being suicidal maniacs must be a family perk of theirs." Ex remarks to himself.
Ex looks in Kasumi's room again to find her open window. He finds a piece of skin on the floor. Ex observes it closer and then looks out the window.
"There's no trail. All I can do is what Sato told me to. There's no way I can find them. FUCK!"
Ex runs his hands through his hair; pissed off. Ex narrows his eyes and walks out of the apartments and back into the rain. He walks to his house, trying Sato's phone one more time.
"Fuck. They are so screwed. I knew Kasumi was a suicidal shithead, but now Sato too?"
Sato sprints through the woods, in the rain, trying desperately to follow the creature. Sato loads an arrow quickly and shoots it right into its arm, making it screech in pain.
"Get back here! Let go of her!"
Sato growls and narrows his eyes in pure anger and determination. Sato loads another arrow and shoots it in its leg and then shoots the other leg as fast as possible, making it hard for the creature to walk. The creature stops and turns around to face Sato. Sato finally catches up with the creature, loading up another arrow.
"You won't sssstop will you?" The creature hisses.
"Not until you give her back."
Kasumi somehow manages to move her mouth from behind the arm.
"Sato, run! Please!" Kasumi cries.
"Not until I get you back!"
The creature forces the arrows out of its skin with Kasumi still wrapped in its arm. It squeezes Kasumi to the point of shattering her bones. "Agh!"
"Kasumi…" Kanai's voice inserts.
"What...do...you want?" Kasumi asks, heavily straining the words.
"Use your power."
"No...That's too...d-dangerous."
"Kasumi! Don't worry, I'll get you out of here." Sato shouts. Sato narrows his eyes again. "Bring it, monster."
The creature gets pissed at his comment and strikes at him with its free arm. Sato unexpectedly dodges it and loads an arrow with inhuman speed. Sato aims and shoots at its eye, making it even more angry. It grows an extra arm, in which Sato wasn't expecting it. It knocks the bow out of his hand, leaving him somewhat defenceless. The creature laughs maniacally at Sato's current state.
"How doesssss it feel to be defffenssselesssss." It hisses.
"I'm not completely defenceless…"
Sato grips an arrow and charges straight at the arm holding Kasumi. Sato goes at it with FULL strength (dodging its strikes along the way) and stabs it directly in the arm, causing the creature to screech in pain and drop Kasumi on the ground. Kasumi plummets hard to the ground, catching Sato off-guard. Sato's attention to Kasumi causes him to get snatched by the creature. It wraps its arm tight around Sato.
"I get to kill both of you. What a night!" The creature states.
"You may be able to get me...but not her." Sato says, strained.
"Oh pleasssseeee...I'm moving on to her nexxxxtttt."
"Kasumi...get up. Get the FUCK up!"
I can't...move.
"You have no choice. Sato is going to die! Get your lazy ass off the ground and use your power. HELP HIM!"
Kasumi opens her eyes to reveal the bright purple eyes.
"I wonder how good you tasssssteeee."
The creature laughs slightly before inching Sato to her mouth. Sato begins to get very worried as his feet barely enter the creature's mouth.
"Hey!" Kasumi interrupts the creature, causing the creature to stop and look at Kasumi who is fully transformed. "Let him go!"
"Would you look at that? You're transsssforrmed. But thisssss issssss not your full potential."
"She's right Kasumi. This isn't your full potential. Let me in. I'll unlock your full potential."
"No! What? I can save him."
"Not without your full potential. Let me IN!"
Kasumi's head starts hurting insanely bad, causing her to lose control. Kasumi's purple flare glows brighter.
"Kasumi! Stop it! You can't control it! STOP!" Sato begs.
Kasumi can't stop herself at this point. Her power overflows inside of her, causing a very bright circle to explode from within her.
Kasumi goes back to normal after this, falling on all fours. When she looks up, the creature disintegrates due to the light and Sato and flung straight into a tree branch that impales him straight through the heart. Kasumi's eyes widen in shock and fear. She's overwhelmed with exhaustion, but she forces herself to stay awake to try and get to Sato.
Kasumi pushes herself to walk to the tree where Sato is attached to. The tree branch that's impaling Sato breaks off, making him fall to the ground, but he's already dead.
"He's dead, Kasumi."
"No he's not...oh god. What...EX! Ex can heal him. We're near his cabin. I'll take Sato there and Ex can heal him." Kasumi has silent tears rolling down her cheeks as she tries to find a way to approach dragging Sato. "Oh god...how?"
"Leave him here, Kasumi. He's dead."
"SHUT UP!" Kasumi begins sobbing and laughing at the same time. "He's not dead. He can't be. He still owes me so much." Kasumi looks over her shoulder and sees familiar trees. "His cabin is close. I can drag him."
"You'll only tire yourself. Besides, you don't even know if Ex is AT his cabin."
"Shut up." Kasumi sniffles and grabs Sato's phone from his pocket. "I'll ask him to meet us there."
Kasumi dials Ex's number and waits for him to answer.
Ex is soaking wet in his house with his arms crossed. Ex answers his phone, pissed as all hell.
"What the fuck? Is she ok?"
"I'm fine."
"And Sato?"
There's hesitation from Kasumi. Ex already knows what happened.
"He's hurt. He's hurt really bad. Meet me at the cabin. We're close by. I can drag him there and you can-"
Ex already knows where she's going with the rest.
"Kasumi, I can't heal someone that's already dead."
"He's not dead!"
"Even if he wasn't, my powers are specifically built for healing you and no one else. Kasumi, please-"
"Meet at the cabin, goddammit!"
"Where are you? Don't drag him all the way to the cabin. Just tell me where you are."
"We're around 15 miles north of your cabin."
"How do you know that?"
"I'm familiar with this area. Get here as soon as possible."
"I'll be there in a few."
Ex hangs up the phone and punches a hole straight through his wall out of anger.
Ex sighs and relaxes.
"At least she's ok. This could've been worse. A lot worse."
Ex grabs the medical tape and fixes his jacket. He leaves his house, fixing medical wrap around the hand that he punched the wall with.
Ex arrives at the area Kasumi told Ex to meet at. He sees Kasumi sitting on the ground next to Sato with her knees curled up to her chest. Ex hears quiet sobs, making him feel...almost sad. Ex approaches carefully.
"Kasumi." Ex says monotonously.
Kasumi doesn't budge. When Ex gets closer, he sees Sato's dead body. Ex's eyes widen a tad bit.
"He's not dead...right?" Kasumi asks sadly and quietly. Ex barely hears what she said.
Ex closes his eyes, exhaling softly.
"Kasumi, he's gone." Ex says softly.
"I know…"
Kasumi stands. She looks completely monotone and emotionless. When she turns and faces Ex, she has a tear stained face and a red nose from crying. Once she sees who it is, she looks back down at Sato and trains her eyes on his dead body.
"What do I do now..?" Kasumi asks with a deeply sorrowful but monotone voice.
"We'll prepare a funeral for him. That's all we can do for him now."
"Do you think that he's in a better place?" Kasumi's voice still falls emotionlessly.
Ex hesitates at Kasumi's question.
"Can't say for sure. Come on. You really should get some rest. It's been a long night."
"We can't leave him here."
"I can take him to my cabin in the meantime while I arrange a funeral."
"He'll be safe there?"
"I'm sure of it."
"Kasumi, I would like for you to stay at my house. I'll stay in my cabin, but you need to be safe and that's the one place that we're sure the monsters don't know about."
"I think it's a good idea for me to be alone right now. Even if it is back with my father."
"I don't think that's a good idea."
"It's as good an idea as any."
"Fine. I'll take Sato to my cabin and I'll make sure you get home safely."
"He told me he was scared of turning into my father."
Ex's eyes turn glossy but he doesn't cry nor show any kind of emotion. Ex places a hand on Kasumi's shoulder in a kind way.
"I'm sorry for your loss, but the best thing to do is to move on."
"You're right." Kasumi states emotionlessly. "I don't want to go back to my childhood home and live with my abusive, drunk father again, but I have no other choice."
Ex takes his hand off of her shoulder and picks Sato up off the ground. Kasumi walks mutedly next to Ex as he pulls Sato with him to his cabin.
Ex pulls out the branch that used to be lodged in Sato's chest and then covers him up. Ex and Kasumi press on to Kasumi's childhood home. Ex is walking slightly in front of Kasumi, looking back discreetly to see if she's doing ok. Kasumi is staring down at the ground as if just coming back from seeing the most horrifying thing.
"Kasumi?" Ex's soft voice asks.
Kasumi blinks and then looks up at Ex, still emotionless.
"How are you doing?"
"Don't know."
Kasumi looks down at the ground with tears silently falling from her sad eyes with Kanai standing behind her with shade covering her eyes.
"If only you had more control…" Kanai says.
"It's my fault what happened."
What Kasumi says catches Ex's attention.
"You shouldn't blame yourself for what happened." Ex tells her. Ex and Kasumi eventually arrive at Kasumi's childhood home. "I can wait here for as long as I need to in case shit hits the fan."
"Do whatever you want. I can't control what you do."
She's lost her will...
Kasumi looks up at the door and flinches after she knocks on the door. Ex sees this and makes the decision to wait outside all night in case Kasumi gets in trouble. Hirata answers the door, looking as drunk as ever.
"What the fuck are you doing here, bitch?"
"Sato...left." Kasumi says, still emotionless.
"Psh. I knew he would."
"Where's mom?"
"She's in here."
Kasumi ultimately regrets the decision to return to her father, but feels obligated to. Hirata's eyes shoot Ex a deadly glare, but Ex doesn't flinch.
"Who the fuck are you?" Hirata recoils in disgust.
"None of your fucking business." Ex retorts. "I can flatten your ass faster than you can say any word in the dictionary. Don't hurt her."
"Whatever. Get inside, Kasumi."
Kasumi looks back over her shoulder at Ex with nothing but guilt, sadness and regret. As soon as the door closes, Ex reciprocates those exact feelings. Ex turns around but then automatically hears yelling.
"What were you doing walking home with a guy?!" Hirata yells.
"I'm 18...I can do what I want." Kasumi responds emotionlessly.
"You're back in my house...which means back to my rules and the punishments that come with breaking them."
"Do what you will. I deserve the pain you'll inflict on me."
Kasumi looks over to see her mom battered to shit, breaking Kasumi of her numb state. Kasumi widens her eyes.
"Have you been...hurting mom?"
Hirata grips Kasumi's throat.
"Well yeah. Without you here, there's no one left to feel the power I have."
"You don't have any power." Kasumi says, strained.
The statement pisses Hirata off, making him throw her to the floor.
"Since your precious brother isn't here to save you, I can do whatever I want to make up for lost time."
Hirata climbs on top of his daughter, restraining her wrists above her head and scaring the shit out of her.
"Stop! Please!" Kasumi begs.
"It was just earlier you were accepting the pain. What's going on, Kasumi?"
"Uh-oh. No one's here to help you."
Kasumi desperately looks over to her mother for help, but her mom is staring blankly down at Kasumi.
"Sato...left?" Her mother looks down, numbingly.
Ex tries desperately to open the door but it's locked. Ex grunts as he kicks open the door.
"Get out!" Hirata shouts at him.
He finds Kasumi on the ground with her father on top of her, ready to do anything he pleases. Ex acts quickly, kicking Hirata hard in the face. The kick was so hard, it flings him off Kasumi. Kasumi is trembling and quivering out of fear and sadness. Ex helps Kasumi off the ground and steps protectively in front of her as Hirata stands, wiping blood from his nose.
"You've got quite a kick, boy."
"I'm not a boy, I'm a fucking man. A man that will crush your heart with my bare hands if you ever touch her again."
"Right. Do whatever you want with her. I don't fucking want her anymore if it's this much trouble to have her back. And, hey, she's good in bed."
Ex grows overwhelmingly pissed, feeling his power spark inside of him. "Shut up."
"Ex...please let's just go. I don't ever wanna see him again." Kasumi says, terrified.
"When she curls up and cries as a response to direct pain. The girl could take a beating which always surprised me. But it wasn't the beatings that got to her. It was the other stuff."
Hirata plays with the hem of his pants while sensually biting his lip. Ex growls at Hirata.
"I would shut your mouth if you know what's good for you." Ex threatens.
"Right. Well, take her. I'm not in the mood to fight with anyone tonight. Leave. Kasumi, don't ever come back here again, you hear?"
Kasumi stares down at the ground sadly and doesn't respond.
"You hear?" Hirata shouts even louder.
Hirata takes a threatening step forward, causing Ex to step even farther in front of Kasumi.
"Don't speak to her like that." Ex defends.
"Or what?"
Ex narrows his eyes but Kasumi grabs his arm.
"Nothing. We're leaving."
Hirata's and Ex's eyes don't lose eye contact until Kasumi finally drags Ex outside of the house and shuts the door. Kasumi looks down at the ground.
"Where can I stay? I'm so fucking screwed. I can't pay for rent." Kasumi begins worrying.
Ex sighs deeply.
"You can stay with me until you're able to live on your own." Ex offers.
"Thank you, Ex."
"I mean it...thank you for everything."
"Right...let's get going."
Three weeks later, Kasumi stands in front of Sato's grave on a beautiful fall day, staring down at his tombstone.
"Hey, Kasumi." Yoshiro says softly.
Kasumi turns and sees Yoshiro and forces a smile.
"Hey, Yoshiro."
"I...I'm sorry for your loss." Yoshiro says kindly. Kasumi doesn't reply. Yoshiro hugs Kasumi and Kasumi hugs back. "If you ever need anything, call me. Ok?"
"I'm here for you."
"Thank you, Yoshi."
"Kasumi. It's time to go." Ex said in a monotone voice.
"Right." Kasumi pulls away from Yoshiro and sadly locks eyes with him. "I gotta go. Bye, Yoshi."
"Bye, Kasumi."
Kasumi leaves alongside Ex but the scene stays focused on Yoshiro. Yoshiro pulls out a small square box from his pocket.
"I don't know what happened, or what would've happened, but I was looking forward to marrying you. Now that you're gone, I don't see any point in me having this."
Yoshiro opens the box to reveal a ring.
"My heart died with you, Sato. Wherever you may rest, I hope you find peace. I love you. Together forever....never apart. Rest in peace, Satoshi."
Yoshiro places the open box in front of the flowers in front of Sato's tombstone.