“My house!”
“My baby! Where’s my baby!?”
“What caused this?”
“Everything’s gone…”
“It’s all your fault!” Ex shouts.
Kasumi is in a complete wasteland with a gentle breeze flowing through. There’s ash and smoke everywhere along with rubble and crumbled buildings. There are dead bodies everywhere.
“Whu...what’s going on??”
Kasumi looks around but can’t find anyone left alive. Then, she sees someone stand. It’s Ex. He’s gripping his sword tightly and his eyes are trained on her angrily.
“I didn’t want to have to do this…”
Ex sprints at her with the sword. Before he gets to her, Kasumi wakes up. She gasps and hugs Ex tightly who’s towering over her trying to make sure she’s ok. He hugs back.
“What’s wrong? Kasumi what the hell happened?” Ex asks.
“I….I don’t know...I don’t want to know…”
Ex hugs her tighter.