Forever it may,
The world we built will always remain.
I can't erase.
I sold the jewellery I had saved.
I sold my faith,
To build something so great
And all the sacrifices we made smiled when the end was near.
When you started to build a wall that didn't match one of ours
And what we built started to fall.
I got buried under the bricks I had designed with my gold and dime
But I was still left alive.
You were no where in sight.
All that I could see was the empty land in front of me
And even though I could break free, I only screamed.
I looked for the bricks I had made
To ease the pain
But all my jewelry had lost its rate, I was left with empty space.
Now I dream of us coming face to face
Because I know, sinners don't cave
And they love to tell their tales
As forgiveness walks away.
Admitting you are not sorry is oh! So hard to say
Since I will never forgive because the empty space can't ever be filled.
I will never know; if you ever really thought of it as home.
I don't know why you didn't show how badly you wanted to go.
I don't cry anymore
But I let the wounds show.
I have given up on my soul, I want others to know,
I will never enter their doors.
The art they show only makes me mourn.
Everything, I feel like has been shown.
I feel like a thousand years old.
I don't want to live anymore.