Wonderful life

In an ideal world, I would give you something better than dirt.

My words telling you I don't have enough change in my purse.

My mouth hurts as I tell you the lies I told you before.

Looking at you, Oh! How you feel blue.

I feel like my heart gets bruised.

I dream of giving you every penny I don't want to loose

But in reality, I am just the one to whisper sorry and move.

I might have been the one who seemed rude

But how can I look you in the eye and still have the courage to live just fine?

You deserved a wonderful life.

I see a tree, it has shed all its leaves.

Its branches have gone weak.

My gaze drops at my feet.

I touch the wood of the tree and I feel a warmth inside me.

It feels like a sad wave of reality.

Looking down I speak

"You have made the ones next to you worried,

I hope the others don't feel the way you did.

In a forest full of trees why is it that only you decided to leave?

You were so tall and so pleasing to see,

I am sure you were too good to be."

In an ideal world, you would be free from stopping crime and killing the ones who are fighting to be free and alive.

You don't want them to pry over where you are and why

But it kills you inside.

I can see how distort is your mind when you finally get to spend time with the people you like.

You are putting everything in line to protect your place from the worst times.

Then you get to hear how war is a bad bad crime.

I do sympathize, I want to help but I'd rather live without the fearful nights.

You are a good guy,

You deserved a wonderful life.

Walking on the street I see a dead rat, its body as flat as the road in which I stand.

I look away, I try to walk away as quickly as I can to not see that sight again.

My mind starts to imagine the pain such a small life had to face.

It feels unfair that its body doesn't get a peaceful space.

It stays on the road like a disgrace.

I start to question my beliefs

"What is wrong with me? Am I mourning for a rat I just happen to see?"

But then I feel like it's the world that is a mystery.

That poor being must have been better off without living; than to exist and always be seen as something sickening.

People would rather feel pity for something pretty.

I don't even have the strength to bury, so it can be at ease.

I close my eyes as a speak;

You deserve better than this.