You can't recall why you visit so often.
The reason being something awful, And the witnesses are your own organs.
The hell you brought onto this earth, I couldn't bear its burden.
You conversate with someone you burried.
Try to erase the guilt.
You wished for my death and here it is
Thank you for visiting still.
You denied me the right to live, the right to breath
You trapped me under six feet.
Even before I was a dead body, you turned me into a dead man walking.
It often leaves marks the ghost of the past, but this time it has began to rott.
It has made its home inside your pulse, each time your heart moves it tells the story of us.
I am everything your eyes will set on.
I am the the dark.
I am the thoughts you don't speak of.
I am the end of a deep well, something you're afraid to find out.
I am the emptiness you feel when you are alone
I am here forever, for the future and the present.