YMM#11: The battle

Naiah's POV

We literally were thrown out at different corners of the arena when our sword meets each of their sharpness. The other two that are fighting with each other nearly get thrown out because of the strong force that we made.

I hissed as I ready my sword. "That was a hard blow" I murmured. But I think she heard me as she lifted the side of her lips for a smirk.

"Indeed," she said and in a split of seconds, our sword meets again. I continuously attacked her at a constant speed. I'm now at offense and she's in defense. I aimed my sword at her left shoulder but she was able to dodge it. I smirked as I moved faster than usual. She also did.

I was able to wound her several times but it was not fatal. I cursed as she was able to wound me as well. I hissed and moved forward, pointing my sword at her chest with force. She stepped back until she raised her sword and aimed at my neck. I smiled as I also raised my sword to counter her attack. The only sound that you can hear around the arena was our sword fighting. The audience was silent that I was confused. But nevermind, I still have more important things on hand than being curious at the crowd.

"It's getting more exciting, don't you think?" she asked when our sword touch each other's sharpness. We are both breathing heavily because of the nonstop attacks in each.

"I didn't know you're this good," I said as I put more force on pressing my sword against her. This girl has a stronger force, huh? Tsk. We shooked our heads as we stared at each other.

No one wants to make a move as our swords were still on each other's sharpness. We both are looking for a chance to have a move. Then suddenly the crowd cheered that caused us to move our asses. We didn't mind the reason why they suddenly cheered and focused on our battle.

She swung her sword at my neck horizontally so I bent down and backflipped, twice. When I set my feet on the ground, I run towards her, we run towards each other's throat.

"This is fucking tiring" she cursed as our swords have their world on attacking each other. I smirked.

"What do you expect? None of us don't want to be a loser" I swung my sword upwards to counter her attack. I turned around as I let my right foot to slide in one of her feet. She jumped before I could kick it. We continued to aimed and attacked each other.

We both bent down when a dagger was thrown in our direction. We glanced at the two, they are already sitting up at the corner.

"Tsk. You both don't want to stop, do you?" Quenda asked us. We looked at each other and smirked. Suddenly, it was as if a bolt of lightning passed through in the middle of our fight as we find each other's sword at each of our necks.

"Time's up! The fight has ended!" we are both catching our breath as our sword was still on our necks, mine to hers and vise versa.

"It was indeed a good fight," she said and let her hand on her side. I smiled as I let down my hand too.

"Definitely yes," I said. We bowed to each other and went to Quenda. She's frowning like a grandmother would be when she finds her grandchildren, not listening to her.

"Frowning like there's no tomorrow, what's the problem?" I asked, she hissed and glanced at my back, which I followed and saw Sin and Kanner talking to each other. Suddenly, they also looked in our direction.

"Guess, you're not alone, huh?" I chuckled and tapped her shoulder when her expression worsened. Geez!

And it's been decided that the battle between us was a tie. They said, Quenda and Kanner were both lose and my opponent and I were both held in the neck.

"L, what do you think?" I asked and handed her a dagger. It was a dagger of Quenda that I borrowed for a while.

"How come this dagger was in your hands?" she suddenly asked. My forehead creased in confusion.

"Why? Is there a problem?" I decided not to tell her that I just borrowed that dagger from Quenda. Maybe there is a secret on that one.

"It was a dagger of an Upper Class" she whispered to herself but I was able to hear it because I was just beside her, like duh?

"Upper Class?" I asked her. She stopped and remain silent for a second with what I asked her.

"Did I blurted it out? Uh, nothing. Just keep this, for now, they might suspect something" she said, seems like she is hiding something. I shrugged the thought of. We have our secrets after all. Besides, if she can't trust me with that one, it's okay.

"Let's go, I'm hungry," I said and stood up from my seat in the garden. Our morning class has ended an hour ago. It's lunchtime.

"Naiah!" L and I stopped walking when we heard someone shouted my name. I tilted my head as the voice of this person was familiar.

I did not even have a looked when someone jumped and landed in front of us. It turns out, it's Quenda.

"What are you doing here?" raising my brows, I asked her that. She also raised her brows and rolled her eyes at me.

"Are you blind? Of course, I was here to study. What's the point of wearing a school uniform? Like duh?!" just now, I realized she was also wearing the school uniform as I am.

"Tsk, when did you enroll here?" I asked. But then, I saw her staring at L, she has this serious looked on her face as well as her eyes.

"Long time no see, Violet"

"The audacity, Purple" she sarcastically said. I was just practically changing glanced at the both of them. To L then to Quenda, and vise versa. Violet? Purple? Is that their name?

Quenda hissed and looked at me. She smiled, her serious aura that I felt earlier was gone. Totally gone. Secrets, how many of us have secrets? No one knows, and it'll never be revealed unless someone tries to.

"I can eat lunch with you, besides I just get in here. I am not really that familiar here. I am clueless right now" she explained. I just rolled my eyes as I clung on L's arm, or Violet, as Quenda said earlier. I shrugged. Her eyes followed my action, and it's weird because I caught a glimpse of shock in her eyes.

"Let's go," I said to divert the tension that was starting to creep me out.

"Let me take your orders" Quenda insisted to get our food by herself so, together with L, we sat on one of the chairs as the table was between us.

Silence ruled the space between. No one dares to break that silence. I stared at the table in front of me as I let my hands rest on there.

"What was that?" I decided to ask after a while. It's just that my curiosity was intense that I can't help to think of things.

"Nothing that concerns you" it was like, I was stabbed a million times on my chest. I feel hurt but I hide it with my normal self. A silent and serious me.

"Well then, if that's the case, I should make it as a case closed," I said as I looked at her eyes and stared at them. It wavers a bit but turns cold, that fast.

"Sister! Why do you want to sit with them?! Sister!" I glanced at my back when I heard again a familiar voice. Today is such a nice day, what do you think? I rolled my eyes and waited for them to sit with us.

"We'll take our seats" someone spoke seriously and without making any noise, she sat with me. I smirked as I glanced at Sin who sat beside me at my right. Quenda was on my left side before getting our orders.

"Sister?! Urghh" she doesn't have any choice but to take a seat beside L who was silent throughout.

"What are you doing here?!" and here comes the twin of Kanner in terms of making all things, a big deal. Quenda irritatingly sat in front of Kanner.

"Do you seriously think that this place was yours?" raising her brows, Kanner asked Quenda sarcastically.

I was about to say something when Sin told her sister to get their food. "Kanner, go, order our food" she commanded seriously as if Kanner was just her maid. Geez! And to make things funnier....

"Quenda, I forgot to add something, can you please get me another plate of velvet cake? Oh, and a bottle of apple juice. Thanks" I cheerfully said as I smiled at her glaring face. She heaved a sigh and went to the counter together with Kanner.

"They're similar in different aspects, who knows, they will become as one in the...
