YMM#12: She killed my mother

Naiah's POV

"And why did you transfer here, Quenda?" I asked as I have a spoonful of food in my mouth.

"Just because," she said and shrugged and sipped on her bottled water.

"You, why did you two decide to study here?" I asked, I looked at Kanner when she rolled her eyes at me. This girl, really?!

"And why do you ask? Besides, can't we study here? It's a school for everyone" she said and rolled her eyes again. Hayyss, can't they just answer me properly? Manners. Manners. Why do they lack that one?

I glanced at my wristwatch. We still have an hour to wander around. Quenda and Kanner are in the same class. It was only a year gap between us three, L and Sin.

"It seems like, you need to go now. Your class is about to start" I said, still looking at my wristwatch. I tilted my head as I remembered, Gust. I haven't talked to him, yet.

"How did you know?" Kanner asks, and as usual, she's raising her eyebrows. This girl is bitchy, she also doesn't know how to calm down.

"I just know," I said as I shrugged. She rolled her eyes and hissed at me. I raised a brow at that but I remain silent.

"You two, go in your class, now" I shivered a bit when I felt how cold Sin's voice was. Geez!

"But sister!" Kanner was about to complain but Sin glared at her. I looked at Kanner. How clingy, tsk.

"What are you waiting for?! Let's go!" this one is shouting as if the other person was on the other side of the mountain. She's loud. Geez! My eardrums are at stake.

"You're shouting at me" Kanner didn't ask but stated it instead.

"Yeah, have a problem with that?" even before Kanner could answer, the whole place and crowds suddenly became quiet when L struck the table with great force.

"Stop with the nonsense. Just go" I thought I would be dead when Sin spoke earlier, it would have gotten worse when L was the one who was going to talk. Geez! Are they somehow born in the underworld ?!

"Let's go to the garden. Let's spend some time there. It's also quiet" I said to my two companions. They both nodded their heads. I cringed at the sudden tension that was building up between them. What is their problem with each other? I'm tired of the two who's pride was as high as the sun, and they will be next to it? Geez! What's happening on Earth ?!

"Sin, why are you here?" I asked Sin. I know they have a reason why she and her sister are here. I do know that this school has a lot of secrets. I do not know how many and how heavy those secrets are.

"We're bored" she answered. I shrugged at that. They seem to be looking busy, but then, no one knows the real deal.

"And besides, it doesn't concern you," she said almost in a whisper. I went silent after that. Is it always like this? I am not even asking if it concerns me or not! They're weird! Hell!

~Now I've got thicker skin

I'm a warrior

I'm stronger than I've ever been

And my armor is made of steel, you can't get in

I'm a warrior ~

I glanced at my pocket when my phone rang. I looked at the two who were also looking at me. Geez! They're creeping me out.

"I'll just take this call, excuse me"

"Naiah" I shivered when I heard Gust's voice. It was serious and deep. He called while we are taking the path to the garden.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Remember what I told you the other day?" he asked, I stared at the ground as I remember what we talked about the other day.


"Can you tell me about my dad now?" I asked Gust after we ate.

"Not this time, Naiah" he seriously, my forehead creased in confusion.

"Why? I thought we're going to talk about my dad. What is this again, Gust?" I asked him. Still dumbfounded with it, I stared at him.

"That can wait--"

"No! It ca--"

"It's about your mother, Naiah!" I went still of what I heard just now. My mother? I looked away and heaved a deep breath.

"My mother?...tsk, so she's still alive" I whispered to myself.

"No, she's dead already" it seems like he heard me, but what did I hear right here? She's dead? I looked at Gust with widen eyes. Even though I considered her dead, I still have a lot of things to ask. And now that I heard she's already dead, it's as if I had been drowned in cold water for a long time.

"She's dead.." I replied weakly, it's almost a whisper. I just stared at the ground because I can't say anything. I gulped as I tried not to cry in front of him.

She's dead. Huh, fate was sucked. Funny as it sounds, it's real.

"How?" I asked, still not looking at him but the floor. I heard him heaved a deep breath.

"She was tortured to death. That was all I know about your mother" he said, I heaved a sigh and looked up at the sky. Tortured? By whom? For what reason? I have a lot of questions but the only one who can answer me is dead. How else can I understand that?

"And my dad?" I asked weakly and remained to stare at the sky. It was turning dark.

"We lost track of him before we could save him. I think, his abductor sensed us and think of a plan after" I rested deeply. Is there nothing to add to my mother's death? I don't even know if I will ever see my father alive again.


That was what we talked about last time and now, bad news again. I can sense it.

"What about it?" I asked with coldness. I'm tired of hearing bad news from him. It'll just make me want to think otherwise.

"I have a lead at your mother's case" it seems like, I stopped breathing for a while. I gripped tightly on my phone that I was holding.

"What is it?" I asked, still a cold one. I don't want to be in a bad mood the whole day again.

"I will send you the details. I still have business to do. Hope, it can help you" I smiled as I looked up. The sky was bright and blue....

"It's a big help. Thank you"

"Okay then, I need to hang up," he said, I nodded even though he can't see it.

I walked my way to the garden. Maybe the two of them are already waiting for me. I left earlier to talk to Gust. Impatient that they waited longer than usual. Knowing those two, they are not that close to having a conversation. They are both, upright.

"They are looking for you. What did you put yourself into?" I hid in a wide tree when I heard that voice. I thought she was cold and all, she also knew how to shout and be angry.

"I can't just hide forever!" Sin's answer was emphatic. I thought they couldn't talk properly but it was just me, a thought, in the end.

"What makes you show up?" L asked, I know, she's stopping herself to shout or burst out.

"No need for you to know" Sin boldly said. I heard L grunted in frustration. I smirked and let out a sigh. I'm far with them and if their senses were strong enough to sense that I am just here, hearing their conversation, they will. But then, they are immersed with their own emotions right now. They can find me but they chose not to.

"Then, what about that Quenda?" L asked that caused me to raise a brow. What about Quenda?

"She was just as useless as a plastic bitch" she said, I balled my fist. I didn't know, she thinks of Quenda that way. How can she?!

"And why is that?" L asked, not wanting to hear some nonsense answer from Sin.

"She'll just complicate things," she said mysteriously. Even me, I can't have a hold on that one. Complicate things?

"I know, that's not only the reason you have there. Tell me..." I waited for Sin to say something. I don't know why my heart beats faster because of nervousness. Why am I feeling nervous out of a sudden?

But then, what I heard made me froze like a statue. What the heck?!

"She killed our parents, your parents as well as.....

Naiah's mother"