YMM#13: No, not ever

Naiah's POV

With my fingers, tapping the table in front of us, the place filled with complete silence. It's confusing though, I can't seem to think why, the two girls who's pride was higher than Eiffel Tower were silent as the night sky.

Quenda and Kanner were both quiet. I tilted my head as I am really confused and thrilled with the tension that was starting to build around us.

No one was talking. We are all glancing at each other. I heaved a sigh and leaned on my seat. They all glanced at me, so I smiled at them.

"What? Why are you looking at me?" I asked them but they only shooked their heads and didn't say anything.

"Just gonna get our foods, excuse me, ladies," I said as I stood up from my seat. I glanced at L ho also stood up after me.

"I'll go with you," L said, I nodded my head at her. I looked at Sin and raised a brow, but I immediately fixed my expression.

I turned my back and make my way to the counter. It's been three days after the incident in the garden. After I heard from Sin that Quenda was the one who took the life of my mother, I couldn't understand everything. Because they don't want to spill anything to me. They kept themselves, quiet about that particular thing. So I just shrugged off my shoulder.

If they don't want to say something about that, I can find it on my terms and strategies.

"Aren't you curious?" L asked, I looked at her then at the floor. I shrugged and heave a sigh as I answered her.

"I am..." I trailed off, I smiled at the girl at the counter then I turned to L.

"But then, I'm much curious how come, you three know each other? If the answer would be in front of me, I maybe don't know how to interpret it the way I can" I said and turned to the girl at the counter.

"Three boxes of pizza and four choco shake, please. And oh, four bottled water" I smiled at her as I leaned at the counter table sideways. I looked at L who seems like in deep thoughts.

"Mind sharing?" I asked as I crossed arms. She glanced at me and sigh.

"I don't mind"

"Can we share a table with you?" a voice coming from my back was heard, and because the whole table was too quiet that noise would be ashamed to mediate in between, we could hear it clearly and loudly.

I took a bite of my pizza and sipped on my choco shake as I lifted my head to glance at my back. "You're also transferring" not a question but a statement.

"Couz! Didn't know you'd be here" I rolled my eyes as I heard him, my cousin Gust. He's acting like he didn't know I was here even before he talked to me about my father. He's really a jerk.

"Just take a seat," I said as I munch my snacks. But surprisingly, he's with two guys. One of those two was Keiko. I tilted my head as I think for a reason, why is he with my cousin? Not that I am suspecting something, it's just that, Gust is a friend with him.

"Mind if I ask?" I asked still munching my pizza. I stared at Gust who didn't seem surprised with my sudden question.

"You're already asking" he smirked as I glared at him. I really want to smack his head. He's making me pissed. Geez!

I heaved a sigh and drink my bottled water and leaned on my seat after. While doing those, I was staring at the other guy, Gust tagged along with him. "Who's he?" I asked. The guy lifted his head and stared right at my eyes. I raised a brow at that.

"Aren't you too curious, miss?" he has this wicked smile on his lips. I smiled at him, this guy has the guts. I'll give him that.

"And what if I am? How would you deal with that?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest. I am loving the tension that was starting to build between us. Gust was confusingly silent. I shrugged off that thought and stared at the guy, I don't know his name, yet.

"How would I deal with it?" he asked, he looked at me and smiled, not with his wicked smile. My forehead creased but fixed it, real quick.

"On the contrary, why would I tell you? Wouldn't it be better if you knew it yourself?" he's good at words. He's playing, and I would love to play along.

"Is that so? Well, if it isn't my cousin's friend. I would love to. Let's eat?" I smiled as I take a bite of my pizza that seems to last long because I couldn't have a piece of it not with the two of us, having a small argument. If you can call it one. Geez!

"Stop staring!" I was startled a bit when Kanner shouted. I raised a brow when I saw her glaring at my cousin. I looked at Gust who has this mocking smile etched on his lips. Did he also know Sin and Kanner for a long time?

I secretly heaved a sigh. It was as if, I was just an outcast here. They all know each other, that's a fact. Those exchanged looks and stares, I knew, they are all keeping a secret that I wouldn't like to know.

I raised a brow as I stared at the pizza in front of me. I tapped the table with my knuckles, softly though I can still feel it. Someone's staring at me. Though I wanted to see who it was, or better say, I don't want to see who it is for I already know.

Why is he staring? Does he have something to say to me? Or, I am just assuming. Hays, I'm being crazy! Geez!

I looked at Gust. "How rude, Kan-Kan" he sounded teasing her, but I know, he's serious. Well, even though we just knew each other, I've got to know him more. Perks of being blood-related. Geez!

"It's Kanner! Kanner, okay?!" I shooked my head as I sipped on my choco shake, but I tilted my head when I felt it again, but this time, more intense than before.

I lifted my head and tantalizing blue eyes met mine, again. He raised a brow that caused me to raised mine too. The hell is wrong with him? He shooked his head after. I sighed as I stood up.

"Where are you going?" I looked at Gust who asked me seriously. I heaved a sigh again. Can't they stop asking?

"Just somewhere" I shrugged and was about to leave when he asked again.

"Somewhere? Where?" If I can just kick his ass out, I'll do it nonstop so he could stop his mouth from uttering such words. Geez!

"Somewhere where I can breathe fresh air. Now, can you let me leave in peace?" I asked, he looks surprised but then he smirked after.

"Chill! What's wrong with you?" he asked, I heaved a sigh and shooked my head but I accidentally caught a glimpse of his eyes. I quickly averted my eyes as he did not seem to stop staring at me. His eyes are very intense and as if it wants to tell me something. But what could it be?

"Have to go" I said and turned my back at them and leave.

"Hey.." I looked up and the other guy from the cafeteria awhile back is in front of me. Confused as to why he is here and why is he approaching me, I set it aside.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and looked at the field in front of us.

"Why? Are you the only student here? I am too, so I can roam around freely" he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and just watched other students playing soccer.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever" I shrugged off. He chuckled but I just rolled my eyes.

"Don't you want to know me?" he asked. And why would I want to?

"If I want to know, I would've asked you earlier," I said, nonchalantly.

"Geez! What a sarcastic as hell you are, tsk" I raised a brow and looked at him irritatedly. He's saying my favorite line, that was kind of annoying. Hays, I am really crazy to think that way.

"How can you say so? I left because I don't want any disturbance right now, but you're ruining it! Geez!" I stood up and left him there, jaw dropped. But then as I am taking the path to the garden, I caught a glimpse of Keiko. It was like a deja vu. This happened before but I couldn't follow him in the end. He had disappeared from my sight and I no longer knew where he had gone that day.

Now, I will make sure where the hell would he go. I can't let it go this time.

No...not ever....