YMM#14: She's right, I killed her

Naiah's POV

I continued to follow Keiko at the back of the building. It was making me curious as to why he is always there. Now that I have a chance, I don't want to waste it. Who knows, he's meeting someone I don't know.

And I'm right.

"A" he greeted. 'A?' who is she? What is her connection with Keiko? Though, I really don't know him much. It's just that, it intensifies what I thought of him. He's mysterious and secretive after all. Heck?! What am I thinking?! We aren't even friends, Geez!

"Good thing you're here, Blue" I tilted my head as I heard what she called him. I think I've heard it somewhere.

Yeah, it was when I was up in a tree. When some guys in a red cloak attacked us in nowhere.

"What's the matter?" he asked her in a cold tone. I shook my head as I am expecting it. Well, he is a cold-blooded guy. He was never light and a happy go lucky guy. Tsk.

"What a warm welcome, Blue" that was a sarcastic one. I raised a brow. They seemed close. I doubt that she's a friend though. I mean, from the looks of it, she is a person you can't mess with. I can even feel her presence up here. She has authority. And I wonder, why are they having those kinds of names? I just know something, I heard it from Gust. A codename? Is it?

"Tsk. What is it?"

"I just want to remind you, that you can't miss the upcoming event"

"I told you. I don't have anything to do with that"

"Come on, Blue. It's your mission after all"

"I declined"

"Hmm. Let's say you declined. But, are you certain that Z will have mercy on you? Blue, I am just worried about you!" I was just listening to their conversation. And all I did was to crease my forehead in confusion. This is the problem if you can't understand a thing, or better say; you don't know a thing about the subject they're talking about.

"I can help myself" he nonchalantly said. I heard the girl, which Keiko called 'A', gasped.

"You're being stubborn again, you jerk!"

"A, you're overreacting" he calmly said.

"I am not" she sternly said. Keiko clicked his tongue and heaved a sigh.

"You know what will happen if you declined, Blue. She's not an angel, I tell you. She's just taking care of something" I held my chest that's pounding loudly. What the heck am I hearing? What are they talking about?

"I know" silence comes after. I took a peek and gasped when the girl hugged him. O to the M to the G! I hurriedly looked away and kept quiet behind a tree. What the hell?!

"How is the condition of X?" he asked her. I don't know if I am only mistaken about how he uttered those words. And the hell with those letters?!

"Still the same," she said and sighed.

"Blu—" "Bang! Bang!"

"Oh—" I covered my mouth to stopped myself from creating any noise. Is that a gunshot?! What's happening? Who are those guys?!

"Ready?" I almost hissed. Good thing I managed myself from doing it. Are they for real?! Oh, come on! There was a gunshot for Pete's sake! How come, that girl is so calm in this situation? Though I know how to fight and I am not clueless when it comes to violence, but, am I thinking it right? Are they somehow like me? I mean, you know, like a gang fight or something like that. If my hunch is true, she's cool.

"HELL?!" I exclaimed when I nearly got shot on my shoulder. I hissed and I don't have any choice but to come out from hiding behind a tree.

"Naiah?!" I looked at Keiko who seemed surprised I am here.

"At your back!" I shouted and blocked the attack from a guy on my left. I pulled his arms and nudged him at his stomach and I let him go as I did a roundhouse kick at his neck before he fell to the floor, unconscious.

"Serves you right. Geez!" the fight was fast. I think they are somewhat in a gang. I get to see a tattoo on their neck. Though, it was just a simple black phoenix. The thing is, there were two swords in a cross manner on its neck. I have a feeling that these guys are just their low ranked member as the tattoo gave me the idea that, no matter what they do, they can break your neck anytime. That they are only puppets.

"You didn't answer me" I looked at Keiko then heaved a sigh.

"How am I going to answer you when all of these guys lunged at me? And by the way, what's the question?" I asked. He looked pissed than usual. This is the first time I saw him reacts this way. It's either expressionless or nothing at all. So this is a big deal for me.

"Never mind…"

"Hey, hey, hey…Where are you going? I am not yet finished" I said when he turned his back on me. And as I look around, A is no longer here. She's gone. That fast. It was still a mystery for me. Who is she? Who is Keiko? The real him.

"You don't have to know. Go home" he said, he didn't give me a chance to say something and just walked away. I heaved a deep breath and just watched him walking his way away from here.

"Gust…" I called my cousin. We're at his condo unit.

"Hmm? I sighed again for the nth time. What happened a while ago was still bothering me. I looked at him and he was drinking on his bottle of wine.

"Do you have any idea with the name, A, X, Z, and blue?" I asked. As soon as I mentioned those names, he spits out all the liquid on his mouth and coughed nonstop. I tried to maintain my posture but then he is really funny.

"What the heck, Gust?" I asked and chuckled. But I suddenly felt guilty so I went near him and pat his back when his cough didn't stop.

"Do you plan to kill me?!"

"Of course not! Why would I?" I asked and I can't help but laugh at his reaction.

"I don't believe you" I rolled my eyes and went to my seat.

"so, there really is something with those names. And wait, you still didn't answer my question" I said and stared at him. He looked away.

"It's confidential" I opened my mouth to say something but I closed it as I can't find the right words to say. If it is confidential, then it is. I can't do anything with it. That's their privacy after all. But wait…it means…

"You're friends with them, don't you?" I asked him as I analyzed the situation. He stared at me longer than usual. It was like he was trying to find the right words to say. I shrugged off the idea.

"Yes I am" he curtly nods his head. I nodded. That is all I want to hear from him. There's a possibility that in no time, I'll know what is he hiding, I mean, I understand that it's their privacy; it was just my curiosity talking.

"Okay," I said and stood up from my seat.

"Where are you going?" he asked me. I looked at him and sighed.

"I'm going to call, Quenda," I said. Though, Sin told me, uh, I heard from her that she's the one who took my mother's life, I have a feeling that she isn't. Or, I just don't want to think that she could do it. I know it's nonsense to think that way. Considering that my mother and hers fought until death, I can't just fathom the idea.

"Hello?" she said in the other line.

"Are you busy?" I asked. I heard her sighed. I tilted my head in confusion.

"What? Any problem?" I asked again.

"Nothing," she said. She's unusually down from her cheerful and bitchy aura.

"Well, I don't want to be nosy about it. I called you because there's something I want you to look at" she went silent. I waited for minutes until I heard her say something shocking….

"She's right. I killed your mother…..

The way I killed my mother"