YMM#15: Who is it?

Naiah's POV

I rested my head on my arms at the top of the table. I am early to go to school as what I heard from Quenda still bothers me.

"You're early" I looked at L who just enter the door.

"So as you" I muttered. She tsked and sat beside me. And when things sink in on my mind, I hurriedly get my head up from resting and glanced at L.

"Wait a minute…" she looked at me and raised a brow. I also raised my eyebrow at her. I clicked my tongue as I crossed arms.

"What are you doing here by the way? It's not like, we are classmates on this subject" I said and looked at her, confused. I don't remember anything about that.

"We are," she said shrugging off her shoulder. I gasped and sat down. I don't understand.

"We are? When?" I asked, still confused. Maybe, some of you think that it is easy to understand, but hey, my head hurts from everything I heard just yesterday, and now this? O to the M to the G. I can't. My brain can't take it all in just one go.

"Just now. Come on, is it something that shocking?" she asked, I tilted my head as I slowly rest again my head on my arms at the table. I heaved a sigh and closed my eyes. I just wanna sleep it out. Maybe it can make me go sane again. It seems like, I'm literally going crazy.

"You okay?" I heard her asked.

"I don't know" I softly said and shut my mind from thinking. I'm tired.

"Hey…" my forehead creased when a hand pokes my cheeks. I grunted and drift into sleep again. But this one is persistent.

"What?! I want to sleep!" I exclaimed and shut my eyes tightly. Now, it seems like I can't return to sleep.

"Miss Rizonde! What did you say?!" I hurriedly opened my eyes when my ears hurt from the tiny voice who shouted right at my face. I sat up straight when our terror teacher was fuming mad beside my chair.

"Oh, I didn't know you're here Ma'am. Greetings" I said and heaved a sigh secretly.

"You're being sarcastic, are you aware?" she asked me as her eyebrows reached the highest mountain on Earth, kidding.

"I am, Ma'am" I nonchalantly said and smiled at her. Her face crumpled for no particular reason. I mean I only said the truth. I am an honest person, you know. Though, I also have something I can't tell despite that. We all are, don't we?

"You brat! Get five thick books at the back and carry those on your head until the end of my class! Am I clear?" I grimaced when my eardrums seem to explode anytime soon. Can't she just tell those without shouting? Geez!

"Yes Ma'am!" I cheerfully said but she mistook it again as sarcastic remarks. Well, she can think whatever she wants to think. I don't care.

"Okay, going back to our topic…" I rolled my eyes and stood up and looked at L who has a mocking smile on her lips.

"Have fun" she said. I hissed at her and turned my back and went at the back.

I opened my eyes. The clear blue sky was the first thing I see. I heaved a sighed and help myself get up from lying down on the grass, here at the Garden.

"What are you doing here?" I held my chest when a deep voice suddenly interferes with the silence.

"Keiko…" I mumbled to myself.

"Naiah.." I looked away from his intense gaze and went to a bench near where I am.

"Just having fresh air…" I said and sat down. I looked at him and ask. "You? What are you doing here?" he put his hands at the pocket of his slacks and looked at me, seriously.

"Come with me," he said. My forehead creased as he sounded cold than usual. He glanced at me when I didn't even move a single movement. Though confused, I stood up and fixed myself.

"Where are we going?" I asked him when I noticed the place we are passing by, familiar. He sighs and was about to say something when my phone rang.

"Hey…" I greeted. After some seconds of silence, he finally talked.

" Naiah.." I shuddered once I heard him uttered my name. It was like, it has something behind it.

"What's with my name?" I asked. It's weird. I tilted my head as he also sighs the same with Keiko. That's when I notice the place where we're in. We're in a hallway. It was just a hallway but it gives me creeps at the same time, I felt, nervous.

"You can't be here. Don't move from where you are" he said. I looked around to look for Gust because it seems like he knows where I am.

"And why would I?" I asked though I don't know where Keiko would drag me.

"Just because…"

"What?!" I gripped my phone as I heaved a sigh.

"Damn! Just don't come here, okay?" he said.

"I don't understand you. What's going on?" I asked, confused, and worried. He's scaring me.

"You can't be here. Do you understand?"

"It doesn't make sense! Where are you?" I asked. I don't even know where is he, why tell me I can't be there?

"You're with him" I looked at Keiko who's leaning at the wall. Before I can say something he spoke at the other line.

"Give him the phone," he said, coldly. I shuddered at the thought that he's just near us. For what reason, he can't show up in front of me?!

"Do you even know who I am with?" I asked to confirm he's just around the area.

"Just give Keiko the phone!" I nearly dropped my phone out of shock. He really knows Keiko's with me.

"Do you really need to shout at me?!" I shouted. He startled me, geez!

"Because you are not listening!" I held my chest when he shouted again. Is he mad at me for some reason? He's unusual gets pissed with everything.

"Okay, okay… no need to shout at me, Geez!" I went near Keiko and handed him my phone. I was confused when he seems to know who is the caller and why did I give him my phone.

"What is it?" he asked. I rolled my eyes and leaned on the wall as I want them to finish their conversation with privacy.

"It's her fate. You can't stop it…" was the only words coming from Keiko, I heard until I was comfortably leaning on the wall not far from him. I glanced at Keiko when minutes passed; he's still not done talking to my cousin. I heaved a sigh and looked at the building where we are heading, the building for Engineer students.

My forehead creased when suddenly, several students were running towards in one direction. Curiosity is filled my being. I checked Keiko if he was already done, and I felt relieved when he still is. I stood up straight and without a single glance at him, I followed those students.

"Hey… hey!…" I grabbed a girl to ask what the hell is happening.

"Where are you going? What's the commotion?" I asked the girl. She looks at me and confusingly, she seems scared.

"There is a body in the storage room…" she said. I tilted my head and raised a brow.

"Uhuh. And? What about the body?" again, I ask. I pulled my hand back from gripping on hers, tightly. She stared at my eyes and I did. I looked closely at her eyes. She really looks scared. It was as if this kind of incident scared the hell out of hers.

"It's dead"

"What?" I'm shocked. A dead body? And who the hell would kill a person and let it in the storage room? The thing is, it's inside the school premises. What the hell is really goin' on?!

I followed the girl throughout the way. I stopped midways when I saw Gust in the middle of the place, in front of the storage room. He's here. I held my chest when I felt my heart, beat faster than usual. Why is he preventing me to come here? And… whose body it is that he was persistent earlier?

"Gust…" I called him; he was startled to see me at hid back.

"Damn it! Why are you here?! Where's Keiko?" he asked, he's nervous, no he's scared of something I will found out here at any time. And why is that?

"I don't know. You… you tell me what's goin' on" I asked, wishing it to be not that heavy to carry. He heaved a sigh and looked away.


"L, you're here… d'you know what is happening?" I asked her. She looked at my cousin and sigh. Her eyes found mine as she uttered the words.

"A guy and a girl went into the storage room to put some boxes of files. They reported that they saw a dead body…" I nodded my head and told her to go on with the story.

"Is he from here?" I ask. She shook her head so I assumed he's not from here. Then how the hell is he here? And worst, a corpse…

"Do you already know its identity?"


"Who is it?"

"Your father…"