YMM#16: A date?!

Third Person's POV

At the center of the room, there lies a girl who has an oxygen mask and a tube that connects to the heart monitor. The place is neither a hospital nor a house. Just a room, an abandoned one, per se.

The room was dark and only the sound of the monitor was heard. At the far corner of the room, a girl in black was silently watching the person who's lying unconscious at the bed. Her eyes are cold and dull despite their color. Ocean blue.

"You're pretty strong, huh?" the girl hissed and smirked coldly. She closed her eyes as she sighs. She leaned on the wall as her arms are crossed on her chest. It was not that long when the door burst open. She raised a brow when she heard the sound of the heels every time it hits the floor. That proves her guess that it's a girl.

"How's she?" asked a girl in red. She's wearing a mask that caused others not to recognize her face. Red heels, red sling bag, red dress, and a red headband. It's weird for a girl, a woman dressed in a sophisticated way, wears a headband.

"She's hanging longer than I thought" voiced out the girl, leaning on the wall, still, her eyes are close. The moment she opened her eyes, it meets much colder, ocean blue eyes. Yeah, they have the same eye color.

"Tsk, as if you're that really surprised," she said and went near the patient.

"Hey... Mind if I touch your hair?" she asked even though she knew, the girl couldn't talk back.

"You're being funny" exclaimed the girl who's still leaning at the wall, crossed arms.

The other girl hissed at what she heard just now. "Funny? Does it seems funny to you?" she asked. She's neither pissed nor cold. Just blank.

"Bad mood?" the girl in red heaved a sigh as she can't seem to look away from the person at the bed.

"Not really..." she trailed off and reached for the hand of the patient.

"What happened?" she still asked despite what she said. She looked at the girl on the wall and stared at her blankly.

"He's dead"

Naiah's POV

How does it feel hearing the word, dead? Shock? Confused? Sad? What? It seems like that one word shooked my senses away.

How will you react to knowing your father was found dead? You'll be shock and sad. It saddens you for the reason, you're not by his side before he died. That, just for a bit, you wish, you are on his side before shit happens. That, you'd spend the day with him, together to create memories that you'll cherish forever.

That will be the normal reaction of a daughter and a son for his dead father. As for me, I can't feel anything. Sad or Shock. Neither of those two.

"Naiah..." I lifted my head to see who it was. Gust patted my shoulder.

"You okay?" he asked me softly.

"Should I?" I asked and look at his eyes. He blinks as if he's shocked to hear those words from me. I shrugged my shoulder and glanced at the door in front of us.

"I don't know..." I said and leaned on the wall.

"That's expected" he suddenly said that caused me to turn my gaze away from the door and look at him.


"It's your first time seeing him in person. You only know him by picture. Meaning, he's a stranger"

"Is that so?"

"Only a possibility," he said. The side of my lips, lifted.

"How possible?"

"75 percent" I chuckled and looked at him. He smirked at me and raised both of his arms.

"At last, you smiled" I shooked my head and sigh.

"Is it weird?"

"What's weird?"

"Though, he's my father, why can't I feel anything? He's dead, he really is... It confused me" I voiced out and heaved a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"That's normal as for your situation"

"Is it?"

"Yes. So, are you staying or..?" I opened my eyes and glanced at the door in front of me. I read the signboard in the middle of it.


"I think, I should go. You can handle this one for me, is that okay?" I asked and looked at him. He sighed and held my hands.

"Uhuh, you also need to rest from all of these. Consider it done, you go home" I stared at him for a minute and nodded at him.

"Okay then.."

"L, what are you doing here?" I asked, surprised at her sudden appearance in Gust's condo.

"Thought, you needed comfort" I smiled at her and gestured her to sit with me.

"Didn't think, you can be this thoughtful, huh" I teased. She smirked at me and nudged my shoulder.

"And how did you even know I am here?" I asked, confused. If my hunch is true, Gust told her so.

"I made Gust, speak out of it" my jaw dropped as I realized something.

"You mean? You force him to" I said. She looked away and that's the mind of weird of her. I mean, she isn't easily be swayed out on something. Geez!

She rolled her eyes at me and leaned on her seat as she crossed arms. I stared at nothing as particular as we both went silent. Minutes of silence, she finally spoke.

"I won't ask if you're okay or not"

"I appreciate it, so much," I said and stood up on my seat and reached out a hand to her.

"Maybe you can join me," I said. She looked at me as if asking what and why. I rolled my eyes.

"Geez! Just come with me" I said. She shooked her head and reached my hand.

After a minute or so, we reached our destination. "Why are we here?" I glanced at L and shrugged.

"Well, I just feel like it," I said and walked past her.

"Your ID, ma'am?" the guard on duty ask for it. I reached for my ID on my backpack and handed it to the guard.

"Come in, have a good day!" I smiled and continued walking ahead.

"Naiah?" I glanced to my right when someone says my name. I stopped walking and looked at the person. My forehead creased when I saw who it was.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, surprised to see a familiar guy. This guy, I met him few days ago. He's with Gust and Keiko at that time, at the cafeteria.

"I'm Captain D. I didn't have the chance to properly introduced myself as you suddenly turned your back on me that day," he said causes me to raise my left eyebrow.

"So, you're saying it's my fault?" I asked, he chuckled after that.

"Does it seems funny to you?" I asked him again, I was near to smacking his head. Just one, foul word from him.

"Geez! You're hot-headed! Chill!" I rolled my eyes and glanced at L who seems bored watching the two of us.

"Let's just go, L" we are about to pass him when he held my arm.

"Mind if I'll join you two?" I heaved a sigh and shooked his hand away from me and rolled my eyes.

"Do what you want" I said and we continued to walk ahead.

"Have fun, Ma'am, Sir" we nodded at the guy who passed us and watch him go back inside the shooting range. We're in the field. I decided to just divert my attention and maybe...doing this thing can make my senses go back to their designated place.

"Why prefer fun? I thought you'll be crying your eyes out at the corner of your room" I didn't mind him and just focused on aiming the target. As I count one to three, I pulled the trigger, and... Bang! Bang!

"It's just your thought" I nonchalantly said and reload the magazine of my gun. I tilted my head as I heard L, firing her gun nonstop. I shooked my head and smirked when I came up with an idea. This will be fun!

"Hey!" I called him. He looked at me and mouthed, 'what?'. I smiled at him and told him what I think of just now.

"Have a date with me..."