YMM#20: Took you long enough

Naiah's POV

"It's that bitch!"

"Hahaha! You're here! Die!" I dodged her attack and quickly jumped out of the bed. She's really crazy!

"What the hell?!" I exclaimed when she nearly cut my hair. Oh no! My hair!

"Hey! What's your problem? We just met, like...minutes ago! Huh?" I tried to her but she won't budge and aimed to stabs me to death. I clicked my tongue as I think of an idea.

I tilted my head as I smirked when I did, think of an idea. A wicked one, per se.

"Who are you?" I asked in a monotone. I took a step sideways and grabbed her hair from here. She shrieks loudly that I shut my eyes tight because it was in a high pitch!

"Answer me!" I sternly said to her. I kicked the back of her knee that caused her to fell on her knees. I gripped her hair tightly when she stubbornly went quiet.

"Why are you carrying Quenda's phone? Huh?" I asked, her eyes widen and she started to break free from my grip. I hissed when she was able to have a cut on my right arm. My grip on her hair, loosen. I took several steps away from her.

"You!" she shouted at me. I creased my forehead when she's near to crying. What the hell is her problem?!

"What?" I asked instead.

"You killed my sister!"

"What?!" I asked, my eyes are wide open. What is she saying?!

"You killed my sister! My sister! You killed her! Aahhh!!!" probably because of what I heard, I froze and can't even move a single muscle. I watched her running towards me, preparing to stabbed me to death.

"Die! Die!" I closed my eyes tight as I can't really move my body to dodge her attack. It's as if, my whole body gets numbed.

"Draine!!" I opened my eyes as I took a deep breath. For a moment seemed to forget how to breathe. I looked at D, who is currently trying to calm the bitch, down.

I shook my head as I supported my weight on the bed and slowly trying to get back my balance. I held my waist with my hands and heaved a sigh, again.

"She killed my sister!" I abruptly looked at the bitch and glared at her. How dare she accused me of such a thing?! The nerve!

"What do you mean?" I creased y forehead as I heard D, ask that with a calm tone. And the heck?! Does he believe that nonsense piece of accusation from that crazy girl?!

"I... I... saw her..." I crossed arms as I waited for her to continue. Quenda, what happened to you? I asked myself silently..

"Where did you see her?"

"Blo-blood... I see blood... Hahaha!" I closed my eyes shut as I heaved a deep breath. She's crazy! We don't know if she's saying the truth.

"You need to rest. Come..." I lifted an eyebrow.

"Gray... I see blood, isn't it amazing? Hihihi" she's obsessed with blood, that's a fact. And what? Gray? She called D, Gray? Is it his real name? Or just like Keiko, who's been called Blue by some strangers..

Gray, Blue, Purple, Violet... what's with those color names?


"Is she asleep?" I asked the moment D, went out of the room.

"Yeah" he sighs and looked at me. I raised a brow at him.

"Where's Quenda? Is she..." I trailed off, "dead?" I added. He shooked his head.

"I don't know" he softly said. I nodded my head and turn my back on him to go to the room and get my sleep. I need to rest from today's happenings.

"Where are you going?"

"Obviously, going to sleep," I said and without giving him a chance to say something, I continued walking my way to the room. His room, to he exact.

"Your hand..." I stopped in my tracks and looked at my hand. Just now I realized, I got myself cut from the crazy girl earlier.

"Geez!" I hissed as I start to feel the pain of it. Aishhh! Gust will scold me like a kid again for this! It's not like, it's something new! He's really overreacting sometimes. Tsk.


"Where do you think, that crazy girl saw her sister that 'I killed',?" I rolled my eyes as I sarcastically added those words. And wondering where is the crazy girl? She's there, sleeping her ass out. I smirked as I remembered what I did, just an hour ago.

It's not that serious though. I just pulled some strings. I let her sit up in a chair as I get some rope and tied her up. From her shoulder down to her feet. And to add something interesting, I put a black bag on her head. It was like, she was kidnapped for ransom.

Geez! Finally, I get my revenge. She's thankful I didn't do anything bad. Something bad, I mean, cut her fingernails that I know, she really loves it to the core; uhm, another thing is, make her a bald one. Haha! Or, better yet, hang her up just to get back on her for choking me yesterday. Tsk.

"Let's just see if there's any blood from the ground," he said. I looked at him. I frowned as we split direction to find Quenda's whereabouts. It's still early that's why the place is a bit dark. I woke up at 3 am to prepare. I carefully touch my right hand which full of bandage.

"Quenda! Quenda!" I shouted if ever she's conscious out there, she can hear me.

"Where are you? Do you hear me? Quenda!" I shouted again.

I nearly dropped on my knees when I felt I kicked something hard. I looked down and gasped as I get to see a dagger. But I think, I saw it before. It's familiar.

I squatted to get it from the ground. I take a look at the details on it. It's sharp, I know because I let it dipped on my pointer finger. I didn't mind the blood that flows from the small wound. I looked closely at the handle when I felt something curved on it.


As soon as memories struck my mind, I'm right that I saw it before.


[From chapter 11]

"L, what do you think?" I asked and handed her a dagger. It was a dagger of Quenda that I borrowed for a while.

"How come this dagger was in your hands?" she suddenly asked. My forehead creased in confusion.

"Why? Is there a problem?" I decided not to tell her that I just borrowed that dagger from Quenda. Maybe there is a secret on that one.

"It was a dagger of an Upper Class" she whispered to herself but I was able to hear it because I was just beside her, like duh?

"Upper Class?" I asked her. She stopped and remain silent for a second with what I asked her.

"Did I blurted it out? Uh, nothing. Just keep this, for now, they might suspect something" she said, seems like she is hiding something.


Yeah, that's right. This is the dagger I borrowed from Quenda. But it confuses me as to what is this dagger doing here? I don't remember that I handed this back to her. So why?

Even though confusion started to creep on my being, I continued to follow some drops of blood from the dagger's place. I didn't mind the vines scratching me anywhere, I am too focus to follow the blood.

"Oh my gosh!" I was startled when a hand held my wrist. I was about to throw a punch when the person at my back, talk.

"It's me, D" I took a deep breath and glared at D.

"You startled me! And just when you started to follow me?" I asked. I didn't sense him.

"From when you took that dagger?" he asked, I furrowed my brows.

"Whatever," I said and continued following those drops of blood.

"You have scratches everywhere. You're not being careful again. Tsk, your stubbornness can lead you to your death, d'you know that?" I rolled my eyes and glanced at him. I crossed arms as I totally faced him.

His eyebrows are lifted and he's also crossing his arms. "What?" he asked. Once again, I rolled my eyes and shooked my head and was about to turn my back when he talked again.

"Don't turn--" he was cut off when someone interrupted. My jaw dropped as soon as the voice sinks in on my mind.

What. The. Heck?!

"Took you long enough to find me, huh?"