YMM#19: It's that bitch!

Naiah's POV

"Sister?" I ask. He looked at me and curtly nods his head. He clicked his tongue before squatting down to lift the girl who nearly kills me. This girl will really lay for the damage she caused!

I grimaced as I touch my neck. The wound ache so much! I glared at the girl being lifted by D on his back.

"Damn it!" I cursed out and quickly walked past him. I even heard his snickered. I furrowed my brows and glanced at him. My hands-on my waist, I lifted an eyebrow and ask.

"What is your problem?" He smirked and fixed the girl's position on his back. I can't help but roll my eyes.

"Don't block the way" he said, and without even a glance, he walked his way and even heard him, hissed. The hell is his problem with me?!

"This day was supposed to be a normal one for me! But that girl ruined it! Geez!" I exclaimed and kicked the rock in front of me. My eyes widen when I saw the rock, nearly hit the back of the girl, D's carrying. But on the second thought, I'll be glad if she'd be hit. I frowned when it didn't even reach her.

I heaved a sigh and looked up the sky. It's dark. I can't even find a star. Are they hiding somewhere? Where are they? Do they really want my day to be this dark and full of bad lucks?

"Aishhh!!" I frustratedly shouted as I messed my hair.

I pushed some vines that were blocking the way. I glared at the back of D. He's a meter distance from me but I can still see him clearly.

"That jer--- Ahh!" I bit my lower lip to stop myself from groaning in pain, loudly. I glared at the rock which caused me to fall on my knees. I creased my forehead when I see blood flowing from the wound I get from the rock.

"Why is this happening to me?!" I blink my eyes, several times as it was starting to water. It's not a big deal if I get some small wound but it has been a hard day for me. I just wanna cry it out.

"What are you doing? You're not a kid anymore, get up" seemed like, my tears get scared at his sudden approach so they went back. I glared at his back, the girl's back rather. If looks could kill, he is already lying on the ground, lifeless. Don't I have a right to emote?!

"Aishh!!" I exclaimed again. I looked at my wound on my knee and glared at it. As soon as I felt like, the pain went numb, I stood up and followed him.

After a while, we are already at his secret house. I held into the door when I suddenly lose my balance. I looked at my wound on my right knee. It's shaking and its color is slowly getting violet. I shook my head and sigh.

"Do you have a spare room?" I asked him before he could open the door of the room right next to the kitchen.

He looked at me and sighs. I lifted an eyebrow as he clicked his tongue again. "I have. But, it's my room" he was about to turn his back on me when I shouted his name.

"D!!" he looks irritated when he looked at me again. His brows furrowed and his lips are pressed together. His jaw is also clenched.

"Deal with me later. I'm tired" I was speechless for a moment until I heard the door, slammed hard. I creased my forehead and gritted my teeth.

Just now, I realized, he's sweating all over and seemed really tired. I heaved a sigh and went into the kitchen to get some water.

I sat down at one of the chairs at the counter and poured water on my glass. I gulped down all of it and took another one and another.

"Whooh! Refreshing!" I said to myself and stared at nothing particular.

My father's burial is out there, I should be the one taking care of it but it has to be someone's work. And here I am, I thought I could forget what happened a while back if I get to something fun. Geez! I drink a glass of water again. As I've said, I don't drink wine or any liquor, so water can do. Weird right?

I heaved a sigh again. I gripped at the glass until it breaks into pieces. "What the hell are you doing?!" I jumped in surprise that I am nearly fell on my seat.

A hand supported my waist and helped me sit properly. "Oh, you're here?" I pretended to be drunk. Though, he can see the jar of water on the countertop.

"Don't pretend. It's just water, for goodness's sake" I looked at him and stared at his eyes.

"I would love to be drunk but I don't drink," I said and frowned. I was about to get another glass when I felt him, dragged my hand, and the next thing I knew, he's already locking his lips on mine. O to the M to the G! What the hell?!

After like forever, he put a little space between our faces. My heart is racing right now, I wish, he couldn't hear it.

My eyes are still wide open. Just what happened to him?!!"You don't need to drink just to be drunk... Just get drunk into this" I wasn't able to say something when he, again, locked his lips on mine.

Dear Lord, forgive me!!!!

"You're not being careful," he said. I absentmindedly looked at his lips, but as soon as the memory of what happened in the kitchen, flashed on my mind, I shudder to think. I immediately locked my gaze into my hand that he's aiding on minutes ago. He's now covering it with a gauze.

"Just..." I couldn't seem to say some words into a sentence.

"I know..." I looked at him. He's busy with my hand. He looks serious as his lips are pressed together and his eyebrows are creased. He's too focused on my hand that he can't feel my stares. I shooked my head as I smiled sadly.

"You know?" I asked, still looking at his expressions. He nodded. I smiled again, but not sad anymore. He's just too cute to be true.

"Done" I looked at my hand that has bandaged over it. I tried to squeeze it but D prevented me as he gripped my wrist.

"Don't use it for a while. It may take you a week to recover the wound" he said. As I am looking at his eyes, I realized, it has something more on it. As if, he's hiding so many things behind those eyes.

"Don't stare too much" my eyes widen a bit but I recovered and hide my surprise. I can sense him, being playful, again. He's back to his normal self. Not the serious one, not even his mysterious side.

"I am not! Excuse me.." I hissed when I heard him laugh at me. I rolled my eyes and I promptly get off the sofa and enter the other room. I don't care if it is his room. He can sleep outside if he wants But me, I am going to sleep here.

As soon as I comfortably sit on the bed, I felt my phone vibrated underneath my jeans.

Quenda's calling...

I creased my forehead. Why is she calling me? This late? Still agitated, I answered the call.

"What is it?" I asked in a monotone voice. I heard her clicked her tongue. I raised my brows but kept voiceless as I waited for her to talk.

"I heard, you're there..." If raising a brow is still not enough for the confusion I felt, then what could it be?

"Uhuh?" just then, she started to laugh like a lunatic. I shuddered as I seemed to be in a horror movie.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked still. Suddenly, she stopped.

After some seconds of silence, she finally talks "Because...you're funny! HHahaha" I nearly dropped my phone as she started laughing again. It's creeping me out already!

I tilted my head and glanced at my phone. The call has ended. But what horrified me is, I can still hear her laugh up to here! As soon as things crept on my mind, my brows furrowed more as I gritted my teeth.

She's not Quenda. And as if she can hear me, the door burst open and a crazy lunatic girl appears after it as she continued laughing her ass out.

"It's that bitch!"