YMM#24: Who are you?

Naiah's POV

"Why do you need our DNA?" A asked, she's smiling yet I know, she's furious inside. Implanting their DNA on my data system means I can access their true identity and such. Brilliant, isn't it?

I smiled at A, "Your DNA means a lot, that I know of, but..." I trailed off.

"I'm just being careful, and the fact that you are here at my territory, you can't just question all of my decisions. Pretty strict, right?" I lifted an eyebrow as I asked them.

"Now, if you plan to leave, better yet, deal with them," I said as I glanced at their back. They turn around and as soon as they see a hundred men in tuxedos lining up in ten carryings a sword at their back, they gasped as they uttered curses under their breaths. Some are carrying a gun, hanging at their shoulder.

They looked at me. A, holding herself not to burst, she gritted her teeth and glared at me. Black seems cool with it as well as Keiko. They're brave huh?