YMM#25: What are you hiding?

Naiah's POV

I let my eyes closed for a while. I'm awake, but I don't want to open it.

"Draine, get up. I know you're awake" I rolled my eyes even if it's closed. Draine? How dare he call me by my second name? And of course, who the hell keeps on calling me Draine? None other than, Captain D, that, he introduces. Is that really his name?

I kept my eyes closed. I did not mind his presence inside my room. "You're not getting up?" he asked, still I didn't move.

After a minute of silence, I heaved a relieved sigh. Thank God. He stopped bothering me. I am getting myself asleep again when something hit my right arm, hard. I immediately open my eyes only to see the crazy girl's raging eyes.

"What the hell?!" I cursed and rolled on the side part of my bed when she attempted to stab me. I cursed under my breath when I couldn't move my body because of the comforter that is hugging me, really tight. Geez! Talk about perfect timing.