YMM#26: No access

(One hour after the call…)

Naiah’s POV

I was staring at my computer in front of me for half an hour. I stretched my neck and felt relieved when it relaxes a bit. I don’t know what to do with this one. I have all their DNA’s recorded on my system already but I am hesitant to even tap the enter button of my computer.

“This is frustrating as hell” I exclaimed as I leaned on my chair. I rested the back of head at the headrest of the chair and heaved a sigh. I scratched my temple and stared at the screen. Now, what to do?

“~Damn, damn, damn~” I sing sang. I’m really going insane because of curiosity. I want to smack my head for me to be awake. But then, I don’t want to hurt myself.

“Geez!” one last glance at my computer, I finally tapped the ‘enter’ button as I can’t help myself to shut my eyes off.

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I sighed and stared at the screen as it goes higher and higher by its number.