YMM#32: Her name


'It's the Head Mistress'

I swayed my feet as I bite an apple in my hands. I'm sitting at a branch of a tree not far from the office of the Head Mistress.

"Sweet" I voice out as I taste how sweet the liquid of the apple in my mouth.

"She's dead. Sweet," I chuckled as I site it again on my mind. Sirens from the police car are the only noise that you can hear. All classes are suspended as they ordered us, students to go home. But I refuse, that's why I am up here in a tree.

"She's dead" I mumbled again as I munch the apple in my mouth. It's juicy.

I looked in front of me wherein I can have a view of what's happening at the crime scene. They are already taking pictures of the place as well as the body of the Head Mistress. The office was messy. Tables scattered everywhere. There were broken glasses on the floor, trophies and picture frames of awards were misplaced. Papers are everywhere. It's really a mess as if a typhoon landed straight at the office.