YMM#33: None of your business

Third Person's POV


[Fifteen Years Ago]

“Red! Wake up! Come on!” a seven-year-old girl shouted at her sister. She’s wearing an all-white outfit.

From her white headband on her head, a white round shirt, and a white short down to her white slippers. Not to mention her watch, which was also in white.

“I’ll count to three and if you’re not yet going to get up, I’ll destroy your red collections” the girl in white threatened and it seemed like an effective one when the girl named Red, abruptly gets up from the bed.

Her eyes were still puffy red signed that she just woke up. Red rubbed her eyes and looked at her sister. Anger and coldness were evident in it.

“How dare you threaten me with my collections? Do they bother you in any way?” Red asked in a monotone voice.

“Oh, come on Red! Stop with your cold and rude act” Red’s sister surely is a pain in the ass.

“This is me, Blue. Aren’t you used to it?” Red asked her sister, Blue, still in a monotone voice.