YMM#35: He broke it

Third Person’s POV

[Fifteen Years Ago]

“It’s late again,” said Nadia, Naiah’s mother. She went out of her office and went in the elevator down to the lobby.

After some minutes, she went out of the elevator. She reached her car keys in her bag while walking into the dark parking lot.

She hissed when she almost slipped into something. She looked to see what it is. Her forehead creased when she can’t see it for it’s too dark; the place is too dark for her likings.

“Who’s there?” she asked, looking around. She sighs and reached her phone in her bag and opened the flashlight.

“Weird,” she thought to herself. She was about to turn around when someone grabs her, harshly.

“What the hell? Who are you; get your hands off of me!” Nadia shouted but the gripped on her tightened.

“Let go of me!” Nadia tried to free herself but the culprit is stronger than her.

When she finds a way, she bites the hands which locking her up to move.