YMM#36: Daughter

Third Person's POV

[Fifteen Years Ago]

Nadia let out a sigh as she went out of her office. She can't find the evidence, she doesn't know what to do.

"This is frustrating!" She shouted once she was in her car. She droved her way into their home as she calls Reddina.

"Oh, come on. What is she doing? Is she asleep?" She asks herself as she focused on the road.

She shook her head as she called her again. It is ringing but no one answering. Her confusion intensifies and calls her again. After three rings, finally, Reddina answered her call.

"Thank God, you answered my calls, finally!" Nadia exclaimed as she was going nearer and nearer into their house.

"Red woke up, I just put her into sleep, now, did you find it?" Nadia sighed and turn left and drive through the way.

"She dreamed her dad again, am I right?"

"Yes..." Reddina answered. Nadia nodded as she heard a door closed.

"What about the evidence? What will you do?"