YMM#48: Don't let me

Third Person's POV

[Fifteen Years Ago...]

"Damn! That startled me" Red exclaims as she glances at the shattered glass on the floor. She was silently washing the glass when it slipped on her hands.

She shook her head and she went to the backdoor to get a dustpan. She knelt on the floor and pick the shattered glass. After that, she swept the leftover pieces of glass.

"Weird," she mumbled and continue washing the plates and all. Her heart is still beating fast and she's starting to feel anxious. She tilts her head and sighs. When done, she went into the living room and stood at the center. She looks around the house. She felt empty. She doesn't want what she's feeling now. Empty and alone, that's worse than being dead.

She heaved a sigh and went upstairs. She walks slowly and in deep thoughts. She doesn't know why she stops in front of Blue's room. Her instinct is telling her something and that she didn't want to let it pass. As she said, it never fails her.