YMM#49: Sweet right?

Third Person's POV

(After Blue died...)

"See you later baby. Don't go out okay? I love you, I have to go" Naiah's mother bids her goodbye to her daughter. It's not Nadia, but Nathalie. Little Naiah just watched her mother walked her way out.

Not so long after her mother left the house, she's still there standing as if she's waiting for someone. She lifted an eyebrow when no one appeared.

"She's not yet here? Why so?" she thought. Even though she wanted to go in as the weather was so cold, she can't. Someone promised. And she has yet to test that someone will keep the said promise.

She lifted her arm where her wristwatch wrapped into her wrist. She waited for about four minutes already. "Just one minute," she thought as she desperately looked at the gate, wishing that the person she's waiting for, appears before one minute ends.