YMM#52: Abandoned Road

Red's POV

"Let go of me! Keiko what the hell are you doing?!" I look away from his gaze when I heard the girl's voice. Even though I hate the voice I am hearing, it saves me from further awkwardness.

"Is that Ziara the bitch?" I ask him instead and take a step away from him. He let out a chuckle causes me to look at him.

"What's funny?" I ask him, my eyes are in his nose. I don't want to look at his eyes. It's kinda pulling me closer and I want to prevent that to happen.

"Nothing, let's go" he turns serious and gently drags me beside him as we follow Keiko and Ziara not minding we're going deeper into the forest. I didn't know there's a place like this here. It's my school but I never did take around. I'll review the blueprint later. I have been busy these past few days.