YMM#53: Nathalie Rizonde

Red's POV

I hurriedly get out of the car when I saw a car crushed at one of the trees not far away from the signboard saying, 'Abandoned Road'.

I run towards the car not waiting for D to come out of the car. My heart is racing and it seems that anytime it would come out of my chest. Tori, what happened? I ask inside my mind. As soon as I am beside the car, Tori's car. I know, it's her car because of the color, it's blue. I shake my head upon blurting out the word 'blue' inside my head.

"Tori?" I asks and went to the driver's seat door. I furrowed my brows when there's no Tori inside the car. I open the door and crease my forehead when it's not locked. Knowing how conscious Tori was of her things, this is strange and doubtful.