YMM#54: From Death

Red's POV

"It's funny how fate played our lives, tsk" I mumbled as I laugh. I turn my back and look at the crazy girl.

"Come with me," I said and walk past her. She held my arm cause me to stop. I didn't look at her and stared ahead of me.

"Why would I?" she asks, I scoffed and smirks and glanced at her sideways. I shake my head and held her hand on my right arm and face her. I stared straight at her eyes, she didn't budge even a little. I smiled in my mind, she's so much different from Quenda. She's strong and she knows when to act. Though she acts crazy sometimes, it doesn't mean that she's really crazy. She's just like that.

"Wanna know the reason for Quenda's death?" her eyes widen but she hides it from me, real quick. I drop her hand and continued walking. I let her decide on her own. If she'll follow me, then good. If not, that's okay. It's not my problem anymore. She'll die in too much curiosity.