Chapter Nineteen

Chapter 19

Demitria Frostine

"Did I startled you?" He asked

"Not really, I just did not expect you to be here," I said while putting the spear back to its position after absorbing all the ice on it.

"I'm Liro and I'm glad that you're included in the next battle," He said and extended his hands on me.

"I'm Demitria, as you all know," I said and accepted his hands.

He smiled at me revealing one dimple on his left cheek. His red hair is complimenting the color of the sky, it was almost sunset. His eyes were curving when he smiles but when he is not, he looks mysterious and does not give anyone a little bit of his time.

He positioned himself in front of me, aiming at his choice of target. In a blink of an eye, three daggers were already traveling towards three different targets and hit the middle spot of it. The chest part.

My eyes grew bigger in amusement. He was fast. He was fast as he was able to throw three daggers towards three different targets.

"That was astounding," I said.

"Daggers are my main weapons as well as blades," He said.

What impresses me more was that he didn't even take a dagger from the weapon table. He summoned his daggers and he also sent them back to where they come from.

"Daggers were my main weapons too, but it feels different when I'm holding them. It feels like my body was looking for something new, something different."

"Did you try touching every weapon on that table? Maybe you'll know if you have tried doing that."

"I have not," I said and shifted my gaze back to the table where all kinds of weapons are there.

"Go, try, and find your weapon," He said.

I went back near the table again and tried holding the weapons there. But nothing feels right for me. These are all melee weapons.

"Do you know where to find the other range weapons?"

"Ahh, It's on the weapon chest right there," He said and pointed a huge chest near the exit of this field.

When I opened it I saw different kinds of beautiful weapons. I knelt on the ground to check it and my heart starts pounding when I saw a blue bow.

I remembered being able to summon a bow and an arrow during the battle so I took it out and I can't help but smile. There is an unfamiliar sensation that I felt as soon as my skin touches the bow.

This is it! This might be the weapon for me.

"You will know that it is your weapon when you tried doing something with it unexpectedly. Now try using it," he said.

"Where's the arrow?"

He didn't answer my question and let out a smirk. He went a little bit far from me when I positioned myself to hit the target. But little did he know, I am not sure what to use as an arrow.

"Connect with the weapon!" He shouted between his hands on his mouth.

I pulled up the bow, focusing my eyes on the target that I want to hit. I got confused when I was trying to focus on the middle target but my senses suddenly become sharper that I can see all the hidden targets.

As I was aiming, I thought of trying to summon an arrow that I can use or I can create my arrow. I tried creating my arrow but it took me time just on creating it.

"I should train on not eating time when I'm making weapons."

I pulled up my bow again and this time something was coming at me rapidly. I was able to dodge those arrows but one arrow comes after another. I was running until I realized that I was inside the training field where targets are moving and shooting. Some were still hidden.

I shoot one of the targets and hit the white part of it which means that I had hit an undeadly part of an opponent. Suddenly, in the middle of throwing my daggers, a huge ball of rock was approaching me. I jumped in the air and aim my bow towards the rock and an arrow suddenly appeared.

When I released it, the arrow multiplied into three arrows towards the huge ball of rock. I landed on the ground gracefully and the ball of rock becomes smooth sand of snow. It looks like it was snowing in the field.

I took my bow again and aim at the last target that I can see, aims at the chest part and eventually, an arrow suddenly appeared so I released it and hit the red dot on the chest part.

Panting, and gasping for air when I come back to the weapon table. Liro was leaning on the wall with his hands in his pocket.

"Aren't you going home?"

"No. I will be staying," He said and turned his back on me.

"Okay," I said.

He was about to exit the field when I started speaking while returning all the weapons that I have used.

"Anyway, thank you for helping me identify my weapon."

"No problem," He said and continued walking towards the exit.

While walking back to my room to rest, I was able to see Tallulah and her friends going out of the kingdom. They were all bringing just a small suitcase.

"Demi!" Tallulah shouted.

"Take care," I said and hugged her.

"Be careful on your training," She said and bid her goodbyes.

She went inside a huge carriage with her friends. They will be traveling back to their kingdoms together. When it started to move, I went to my room so I can rest. I will be training myself for a whole day tomorrow.

How I wish everything would be good for me.

"Ahh, " My bed was too comfortable so when I laid down, I immediately felt sleepy. The sun was almost setting and sleeping is not prohibited now especially when I and the other nine students are allowed to do everything on our own for three days.

I woke up in the middle of the town. It was the town with minimal lights, the town that I have grown up to. Why am I here? I was just sleeping and then I woke up being here, with no people nor noises.

"Hello?" I shouted.

No one answered. Not even a single sound from animals.

The busy town that I know was different from what I am seeing now. I turned my back and got confused when everything starts to light up and people started walking past through me.

This is the town that I know. This is my home.

"That kid is a thief! Get her!" I heard a baker shouted from afar. A little girl was approaching me. I tried moving my feet but I was just stuck on where I was standing.

The girl went through me and kept running. I was invisible. They cannot see me but I can see them.

As soon as I was able to move, I followed the child and saw her hiding behind a huge wooden water jug. She was shaking as her eyes were closed. I can sense the fear of the poor child in front of me.

"I'm sorry... I'm just hungry..." She kept on repeating it while hugging a long bread.

Her tears rolled down on her face as she was seated, forcing herself behind the jug.

"Psst! Come here."

I looked at the boy who called the child and saw a very familiar face. He looks so familiar but I cannot distinguish where, when, and who.

"Please don't let them catch me.." She begged.

When I looked up, I realized that I was in front of the house where River and I used to play and grew up. This is the house that comforted me when I needed a home and River became my family.

I went inside after the kids entered it but my expectations were easily broken with what I saw inside. There were broken plates on the floor as well as bloodstains everywhere. This is the last scenario that I had in my mind after River was gone and before I got inside the Academy.

I wanted to see more but I got pulled away from the house by an unknown force and when I opened my eyes, I was back inside my room.

The moon was already at it's brightest light and the stars accompanying it. The wind was entering from my window since I forgot to close it before I slept.

I decided to go back to sleep because I remembered that I needed energy for a whole day of training with myself. I have to enhance everything about my element and I know that no one will help me aside from myself.

So, sleep now Demi, you will be having a very long day.
