I have always thought right from the cradle even as I try to fathom out how it all began as from the moment in time that things just uniquely exist and we have no single clue to the “how?” and “why?” there exist. At that point, in time I could hardly organize my thoughts from that cradle. I tend to wonder why we were been taught certain things that we have now adopted as true knowledge. Nevertheless, I have to discover the true knowledge of most of these things are far from what they teach us as truth. We end up dwelling on these things, which now controls our mindsets, and they are using us as their handset, resetting and setting of thought to whatever they want to see. We can hardly act to do things outside the dictate of our hearts. This is where we find ourselves now accepting what they told us is true.

The knowledge that most of us have had as related to this subject is that the devil rebelled against God. Right from my childhood, I have tried to understand this, but could not just place what that means. Until this moment in time, that God gave me access into His heart for fulfilling His mandate as predestined right from the foundation of the earth, ordained for the time we are in, which is now.

How can the devil rebel against his creator? Does this not sound very absurd? Even if he does, why was he not destroyed immediately after he was found rebellious, knowing that God is omnipotent? Why did God who is the devil’s creator not destroy him (devil) after finding him rebellious? You will not stop asking such questions upon questions, the moment you are starting on the platform to discover the truth with questions that will make you more rational, instead of trusting God to ignite your faith. When your faith ignites, your thought could go beyond the span of your reasoning. If you do not rely on God for knowledge. If you are not careful, asking questions for your selfish interest, you will stray.

There is not just a single question you will ask that you will end up not finding the answer in the Word of God. The Word of God is the light shining on all mysteries making the unknown known. At the instance of God’s Word, nothing hide since the Word of God is the reality of God’s light, and with God, there is no secret, which implies the Word of God is simply the answer to all enigmas. If I have answers to enigmas, it is because the Word of God now abides in my heart.

Right from my childhood, somehow, I realize, even as I have much more known now, beginning with streams of thoughts when I started thinking about different things I see in the real world, even in abstractions most especially in my dreams. There is more to what I am been taught about the devil’s rebellion in our secular schools, even with our religious platforms like Christians gathering. Do you know lack of knowledge will make you be fighting the devil and be running his course at the same time? I have to discover, as God kept speaking expressing into my heart the answers to these mysterious questions I have always asked.

Since the devil was a rebel and God did not destroy him, it then implies there is a reason. The reason is clear that man himself needs salvation from his fall. In addition, for God to destroy the devil, man must come to a perfect state as ordained in His heart as His very image and likeness.

I thought also if God did not destroy the devil, then they should be an undertone to the reason why he rebelled. That undertone is the true knowledge of the divine right of the man. Man is still the reason God has not destroyed the devil. The man had his nature altered and mired through the fall. For God to destroy the devil, man must rise from the fall. Man is a spirit being lost in flesh and now looking for a way back to the spirit. Even when the way has come, man still do not like anything that has the form of flesh to lead them out of the ways into the way the spirit. The rising of man is the only condition to place him above the nature of sin. For that reason, Jesus had to come down in the form of flesh, died and resurrected to translate man from the falling state into His very state of perfection. This depends on His finished work of grace, to perfect man in Himself, so that man cannot exist in God’s image except through the perfect unfailing nature of God that fell to the ground like a seed and dies to live anew. The newness of this Divine life now became the course of God to regenerate man known as born again, which has to do with spiritual birthing. Did you catch the revelation? By this, I mean the devil’s rebellion was not directly to God. Do not be quick to want to debate this reality, remember this is not a viewpoint or a school of thought; it is simply Divine Revelation knowledge from the mind of God.

What was it that led to the devil’s rebellion? I reiterate, please do not start judging this revelation truth with the mindset of viewpoints by start thinking or assuming it is my ideology from the foundation, because if you do, you may end up thinking I am self-delusive and you may not be patient to reach the level where you will start seeing for yourself. Yes! You have freedom of thought, but you may not have the freedom to judge God’s wisdom, because it may be like resisting the mind of God. I am only throwing this as a caution, so that you do not in your thought try to want to reach the heart of God’s knowledge, sorry, you will surely crash! This is not an idea, but Divine insight. I humbly advise and persuade you carefully follow me through. I am only a messenger of God, mandated to clear the air of many ambiguities that present themselves as real, but far from real. Even most of the knowledge we have been dwelling on and has made them become the major foundation of our beliefs.

What if you get to find out that Christianity is not God’s mind will you turn back? What is Christianity? God is not a Christian, neither is He a Muslim, He is not and can never reduce himself to become a religious being. Therefore, we cannot cajole Him with our religious mindset. Is Christianity the reality of God’s mind? No! Christ is and whatever we hear from Jesus Christ concerning our identity is what God intends for us, not what we were been called by the world that does not know us. Is it foolishness for someone who does not know you to call you a name and you end up bearing the name because the name became popular? In the first place, the world does not even know Christ, so whatever they called us as related to the Christ they do not know, can never fit into God’s mind. Did Jesus come to this world to install Christianity? When did Jesus call us the name Christian and cautions us that Christianity is His way? If it is, then He would have said so, He only said, “He is the way, the truth and life and no one comes to the Father except through Him” (John 14: 6).

What is, was, and is to come remains, if it is authentic and true as written. What God inspired men to write remain His mind as long as man does not try to interpret the inspiration from a religious theological stand of knowledge!

If we must follow the written Word, we must know from where the knowledge is coming. We must be careful to follow God’s mind from what Jesus commanded us even the Apostles and men of faith whom we have as our role models. These men never said we were Christians or said they were. If I have read correctly, the disciples of Jesus Christ were called Christians first in Antioch (Acts 11: 26), then in Acts 26: 28, Agrippa told Paul, you almost convince me to become a Christian and when Peter stated that,” When we suffer as Christians” (1 Peter 4: 16). These are not just for us to read, but to read and see with the eyes of the spirit and heart with the ears of our heart and feel with the body of our spirit called thought to catch the revelation of the very truth. However, why are we not seeing them?

Where does the knowledge of the name “Christianity” that we the followers of Jesus Christ adopted today come from?

Did Jesus Christ christen us we now called Christians, which means Christ-like?

Acts 11: 26

And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught many people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.