Everything I have come to know and the ones beyond my imaginative clue, even in the abstraction of my exceedingly exceeding mind's eye. I mean vehemently everything, I have known, both the identified and the mysterious, began from a point. The point plugs into points beyond the confines of the point of our thought clue, exceeding the domain of dark matter. Yonder out there the dimension of our imaginative grasp. Exceeding infinity in the heart of divinity, humanity comes to conformity. Calling forth, all from His thought from eternity to time, such that even time could never reach the very depth where gravity cannot hold. A point where the end of the end starts defining the very depth of life called eternal love from were all evolved. So we end up defining this end as the End of ends and the Beginning of beginnings, whereby the beginning is not known and the end no one can fathom to accurately predict even when the clear signs have been given as a pointer. It is absurd to think it, so it is only reasonably wise to trust what is written as ordained and even at what is written, we are still left blank to further ask, “Where did it all begin?”, despite reasons cannot even reach the depth of the reality. I in I AM is not a conventional writer, but a revelatory writer. You can choose to accept the Divine truth or leave it, but I admonish and persuade you to accept it for the sake of your soul because your freedom in the time that we are in and the heart of the perilously perilous time we are about entering is dependent on your acknowledgement of Divine truth. Our reasons can never reach the depth to know where it all began. It will only take trust to get to the core of reality, travelling down deep to the mind where the veracity cooked and served as faith becomes the only vehicle fueling and propelling done by grace (God in the race) with a will resting on the right belief. What is your belief? What do you believe? Are you believe truly in the unfailing Word of God or you have accepted plain nonsense as truth? Think about this question!
In this book, by-election of grace, I in I AM will be travelling deep and taking your thought through some journey beyond the blue into the mind of my Father to connect His ray field from where the revelation of His nature radiates and reaches us in the form of reflection of life called light. He is my Father; He wants me to exist in Him to cease existing in my thought, but in His love by igniting your passion to experience His eternal love through this Divine revelation truth.
God wants us to be lost in Him because it is in Him that we can cease to exist in ourselves. When we have come to the end of existing in ourselves but GOD, we will come to ease to think His very thought for us (Jeremiah 11: 29). This will ignite our power to overcome our greatest enemy that hides in a big giant monster of tiny bug S called self. Provided self has been brought under subjection and it has no power over me, sin cannot rule over my life. God has called out to live above sin. It is my mandate to make known this reality. Even as He has mandated me from the foundation of the earth to divulge His mind to the world.
We have to depend on God to mine divine realities and revelation truth. There an encrypted sealing from the intellectuals especially those who think they have the right to twist and untwist the Word. They are some men who now serve the Word of God in the dimension of their intent, mind twist and making people think the contrary direction but standing their ground as if the direction they are heading is right, not knowing that it is a way that seems right. The major reason why we end up off course is that we always hinge on what seems like, even when it is far from the ordained. We would not want anything to come between. Often, because of our selfish motive, we would not want to bury our reasons in the graveyard of trust and obey to reach knowledge in the ordained. Consequently, by so doing finds it very difficult to reach the fountain that springs with authentic realities in the heart where the very truth is.
This book will clear the air of all ambiguities that seem much concealed about how Satan rebelled, and correct misconceptions. Most of the misconception we had long dwelled in as doctrines, which did not catch the true life because of the slight twist because of varying thought patterns. The viewpoint of people viewpoints is never aligning. The truth here is not our viewpoints, but God’s standpoint. That is why for us to get there, we just have to stand instead of moving and this standing is simply defined as a standup in faith (Jeremiah 6: 16, Exodus 14: 13, Ephesians 6: 14) that ends us at a point of certainty, not points of uncertainties. That is why the Scripture admonished us to get up and shine for our light has come. This means we are living as if we do not exist and God wants us to start to exist in the reality of our true divine identity. Get up also mean to resume existence, which means, we somehow went on vacation. Therefore, we must have to emerge and reappear from our disappearance. This is because our appearance alone can fix things and most of the issues we consider problem will give way as we resume existing.
What does it mean that our light has come? It means, we have entered into the reality of understanding our true divine identity in God, so arising is a command and shining is symbolically revealed as manifesting. The views in our myopic thought lines may start at a point but later tend different direction, which can never till eternity rest at a point of certainty as in God’s focus. I was just imagining what Jeremiah would have seen if he were not in the perfect focus of God’s view as recorded in Jeremiah 1: 11. For us to see clearly, we must have first even in our heart of hearts (mind) answer the question “What do you see?” If you do not see from God’s focal point, you will see from self into the content of start, which defines tar (a black substance that could make a transparent glass opaque such that you cannot see through it and even if you do, the vision can never end you at true knowledge).
So I would categorically state from this point, right in the divine focal point based on divine revelation insight that our viewpoints are the major cause of twist when it does not arrive at a particular goal (love). You could end up at a particular knowledge and afterwards discover it is not the mind of God as ordained. This is the point most of our men of God are today, but they could not turn back when they tend to imagine the population of their audience. This mindset had made most men of God want to force God into their program instead of aligning with the program of God. Therefore, many people are accomplishing their goals. However, realizing, despite their accomplishment, they remain feeling empty.
Emptiness is a true sign of fulfilling the contrary of the ordained because you cannot fulfil God’s purpose and end up not being full of joy and happiness, which will be inexplicable.
Accomplishing the right goal as divinely ordained can never make you empty because the end of it will be full of God’s glory. It is satanic to think of ourselves to accomplish the mind of God. Nevertheless, until we change our mindset to align with God’s standpoint, we will never stop fighting to resist the twist of the Word of God. The twisting and distortion of the Word of God by some renowned men of God are the major causing of crisis in some particular religious system. We need to know the truth to subdue ignorance and install true knowledge of the Word of God, which is the only source of liberty that will enable us to function in our God-given capacity. This is the sure guarantee to crush carnality because we are not carnal being. We are spiritual beings who have accepted carnality. What has reduced us to become carnal is simply our thoughts.
We end up splitting into various conflicting groups because we are all selfish. Self takes us off the viewpoint of God. Therefore, instead of seeing inside God, what we end up seeing is outside God. It will amaze you that in all that Moses saw that we have as knowledge of seeing God is outside God (God’s back). Nevertheless, the generation we are in the generation when men are supposed to see inside God from His front, but what we have today is pathetic. We cannot even see the outside of God from His back; talk more of the inside of God from His front (right perspective). This implies, Moses who was a carnal man who had not experienced the gift of God (Jesus Christ) is even more spiritual than we are who had experienced Him and the reason is that we have left the first love.
Jesus Christ is simply the name that defines the gift of God to mankind and that gift is eternal life, which is a substance of the unconditional love of God that is based on the condition of grace which states that “You must be born again: acknowledge that Jesus is your personal Lord and saviour”.
Self is the design of the devil. Self is the nature of the devil that keeps the sequence of his chaotic thought program intact. Self is a wrecker, eviler and causes more havoc than good to distract you from your principal focus (Power Eye (PI): LIFE) to distort the revelation insight (Reflective eye (RI): LIGHT) right in the divine container as coded. Nevertheless, this reveals the Divine Pointer called MIDST, which mean in the middle of S-T.
S-T is the first and the last of the spirit letter wise, which we have come to know as Jesus Christ. Such that S-T gives us the reality of what is in the middle of the Garden of Eden. Where life defines love and light defines knowledge. That is why we have the tree of knowledge and good as well as the tree of life. Nevertheless, man did not eat of the tree of life but took from the woman and eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This was what led to the fall. Such that immediately man fell, everything started contending with a man who was ordained to be in charge. So S-T is a symbol of the power of the first representing the Spiritual Tree, did you catch the revelation?
The devil’s major mandate is to fight against our knowledge, which is the only tool to activate our relationship with God and authenticate the sweet flow of life. The devil does not want us to know that God loves us and he does even wants us to have an idea that nothing can separate us from the love of God, despite idea could hide the reality, he will not dare it to give us a single idea, all he will keep doing is constant distortions. That is why, he will end up fighting with all of his deceptive abilities and strategies, and because that is the only power, he has. You need to know this truth and use it to guide yourself against the devil’s wiles, and here is the Divine revelation truth; outside deception and lies, the devil is powerlessly powerless, perfectly clawless and toothlessly toothless to bite. Does he even have teethes? No! he was stripped of everything that has to do with his function to be something, so in reality, the devil is nothing, he is living a false life, which I am going to prove to you, but for now, let me persuasively provoke your mind. Have you ever thought that the devil is the opposite of life? What the opposite is of lived? I sure know your answer will be “Dead”, but if your answer is dead, then look at it again. The opposite of your right hand is your left hand and therefore the opposite of the devil is what?
For now, I am not going to explain the above, but as you read, I will divulge the reality to reveal to you that the name devil is simply a deceptive code that the devil uses to present himself as an angel of light. I will not say much about this, but will definitely. Did you catch the revelation?
The devil would only deceive us to believe he is powerful when we ignorantly give in to fear the unreal things, as naughty as he is; he uses nothing to create something in our thought, because as we think, so we are. Now my question is who creates for the devil? Ignorant men are the devil’s workshop who helps him in creating his world, even the devil has nowhere to stay outside our ignorance.
Therefore, by Divine Revelation Knowledge, I in I AM define darkness as the product of ignorance, which has to do with accepting nothing to create something for the devil. Did you catch the revelation?
Please carefully follow me through, I am heading somewhere to expose that fool called Satan who is supposed to be your servant, but you end up serving him because of ignorance. Wake up from your slumber and Christ will give you light!
The devil uses appearance in the form of evidence but false. What does he use to do all his false evidence that appears real? He uses the current thoughts to get into your mind and the current of your mind is simply your spirit. If you cannot catch the revelation. Let me help you catch it; just look at the content of the spirit, which is PIRI, how many eyes are in there? Two eyes and the two eyes typify currents. Now I ask you when there is a release of current electronic, let me say a sophisticated android phone, what do you use to see it before you can now start admiring and desiring to have it? Your eyes! Therefore, you can see that the devil cannot enter your eyes, except through his current releases. The devil’s current release must come in the form of lusts, which could ignite your passion when your love is for the world instead of the things of God. When this happens, you will start lusting after the flesh, which will be the result of lust of the eyes and eventually connect you to the pride of life. Pride of life will rid you of life because it will drive you into an abyss. It will make you never seek first the kingdom of God, but end up seeking things, that are supposed to seek you, having being parts of your inheritance that you are given absolute dominion over.