Some people do not even know and comprehend that God never stops giving, but the problem is because we do not know how to receive and receiving from God based on our connection to Him. For the reason that He is the one to give you, the knowledge of what you are receiving. Moses never went to God empty-handed, he went with the two tablets of stone to download straight from the cloud of God's glory and what he came back with was the Ten Commandments.

All that Moses got from Mount Sinai was the content of God's mind for His people. It will interest you to know that the Scripture we have today, vehemently are all a download from God's cloud of glory in the form of inspiration. but is now being refined from their crude state which was given first to Moses in the two tablets of stone and the revelation is simply the summary of all that was given, which implies, God's concern with mankind is deep intimacy and it was summarized in one word "LOVE" which is first for God and secondly for one another.

Matthew 22: 37-39

Jesus said to him, "You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first, and great commandment. And the second is like it, "You shall love your neighbour as yourself."

Deuteronomy 6: 5

You shall love the LORD our God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength.

The truth that most of us are yet to know is the reality that we cannot live without the love of God. There is no way we can be like God. Because being like God is to be independent of God and for us to live by God's standard, we must be in His likeness by allowing His love to rule our hearts. If we are like God, the love of God cannot rule our heart, because what projected is self, but if we are in the likeness of God, we will become submissive to His perfect will, which will destroy every potential of being selfish.

A heart that is not ruled by the love of God cannot avoid being evil and it will interest you to know that we have more people in church whose heart are not being ruled by the love of God and that is why envy, bitterness and resentment are still prevalent in most of our churches.

My journey of faith is not something I can relate all. A course program of God always takes me into the church system to teach me the vital issue about life. Reveal to me what is missing to build the content of God's message through me and brethren who have totally yielded their heart to the perfect will of God to administer His message to the world and that message is simply loving and with the gospel of peace. From this point, I could boldly say, "A man who has not the love of God in His heart is evil" and it will interest you to know that love is above every human protocols and standard.

I have seen it! Endless oceans of stars, not in my dreams. With my eyes not wearing a garment, I stand on this tiny ball, very tiny. The point I am standing is only but a point where billions upon billions of people can stand in what I call a tiny ball, if the ball is tiny, how big I am that my heart could accommodate the one who made the heavens and the earth. Whose throne is in heaven and His footstool on earth, but here I am just a point that is pointless when emphasizing the size of my God, Hmm! Some thoughts live only in your imaginations because you can never grasp reality, but by faith, all will become clear. The earth is like full stop completing a sentence of God's thought, "Where are you?" and you will expect an answer like, "I am in this world" but if you are in this world, where are you supposed to be while in this world? We are supposed to be in the spirit to be able to decipher the real things and overcome the influence of this world because we need to have our testimony from where our true nutrient tapped from, but we will have no testimony when we operate in the flesh. The life of God in any man is in the spirit, not in the flesh. Therefore, do not end up feeding the flesh and starving the spirit. Do not also end up starving the flesh and expiring the container that houses the house of your spirit. Therefore, discipline the flesh with wisdom, do not fast and kill yourself. Do everything you do in the frequency of your capacity, because sometimes, what God wants to reveal to you, may not take you fasting forty days and forty nights to connect Him. Jesus has done it all and on the cross, it is finished. Your spirituality is not a thing of achievement, so it is not how long your fast, it is how well you connect God understanding His mind. The dot like full stop is in the map, which transcends our thought grasp because the knowledge is just too vast to be contained in our memory bank. We, therefore, need a special memory device with a higher capacity slotted into our hearts and that device is the spirit of God, which becomes our active conscience when we have completely yielded our soul to His perfect will. We all are only but a pointless point pointing the point in the eye of the preeminent one and that point is the missing orb in life here on earth. Love is not a thing; love is a person whose life defines our essence when it is in His presence we always dwell. When seen from afar so farther beyond yonder away from here where we are brought near by the orb we are accepting, even as the content of eternity is emptied into time, no one else could fill our longing; it is like a raging tempest only God can still because in Him alone we can find true satisfaction.

When you see God, your eyes will open to reality. You cannot see God when our minds dim the light because of distractions from the cares of life. Our focus on Him brings forward a different view zooming closer with the speed of light nearer the reality we see, all in all, exist on earth is just but a dot of His intent, just like that which is under the question mark (?). Why is there a dot under the question mark? Remember a question is an indication that something is missing and the answer is what will justify the question mark and cancel it if what is missing you finally find. However, look carefully at a question mark; you will discover it looks like an anchor.

Who is the anchor of your life? Find out, the one who is the anchor of your life is your missing orb.

I have searched in high desperation and I almost give up searching, before He shows up in my life when I discovered He has been there and has never left me, but I am the one who is ever leaving Him.

Deuteronomy 31: 6

Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them, for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.

Hebrews 13; 5

Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He, has said, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you."