One of the major problems in our world today is the misplaced enlightenment of the true knowledge of who God is (1 John 4: 8) and this has created an atmosphere of fear (1 John 4: 18). People now live in torments with the act of the thought of men birthed from the dictate of the heart, which is desperately wicked.

I was looking to see if I could find the missing light in the sky despite all the large and endless span of stars beyond the reach of my thought grasp. I realize they are only but a tiny spark of reality. The light I was looking for is beyond the dimension of the stars. Astronomers are now for black holes, instead of looking for the light. They spend billions upon billions of dollars just to discover what they can never comprehend, while people languish in poverty and no one cares.

Something definitely is supplying the light to all the stars and illumine objects in space and even beyond what we now call space, but we rather choose to accept that nothing is, but chance. He is the one giving light to all the stars and heavenly illumines of the solar system including the sun. I need the knower to know what He knows that I can never know in myself. Nevertheless, in Him who now lives in me, I can know beyond the limit of my knowledge.

The only way I can explain the content beyond the container of my spirit is to yield my heart and rest my thought.

The container of my spirit is my thought and my thought is the body of the Spirit of God in me that gives me true life.

Sometimes the smiles we express while asleep comes from the realm of glory in the dimension of light. This may happen in the form of dreams. When we sleep like baby, we receive angelic ministrations. I have observed this with my daughter Dannine who is only four months when I had this written. She is ever smiling and laughing when sleeping. You could see the literal excitement in her that could cause you to realize an activity going on wherever she is then and she was in active participation. I have noticed that she sings when she is awake. Her expressions when she is singing usually wows me because one would not expect a baby of such tender age to put on such kind of expressions. Well, it was something I prayed for and that was why I gave her the name "Dannine", meaning God's eyes from my deciphering ability. Things like this could so affect our emotions even as it will be evident in the expressions of our feelings to catch life when most at times it makes us cry.

Something is missing and I have come to discover it. We lie to each other and still not feel guilty, because the wrong has become our right and the right now the wrong. Even in our marriages, unfaithfulness is what we have defined as the norm.

I have searched and searched all over and could not find what my heart desire. This has nothing to do with my background of upbringing. The missing orb has always been my quest in life right from childhood and that missing orb is true love that does not fail. Nevertheless, in all of my searching, I will still have to come back to that which I am running from and this is simply the love of God.

My uncle Bongos Ikwue whose namesake I am singing a song titled, "Still searching" and in that song, he said, "He has been searching for true love, I will keep eyes on searching until I find. Nothing good comes easy, where is my love? I will keep my eyes on searching until I find". What was he singing about in reality? He was singing about the love of God because, in reality, you cannot truly find true love in the face of the earth. Even your marriage will hurt you so badly, that you will wish you never married.

The orb is missing in the cloud of men's thought but can only be found in the cloud of the thought of God (Jeremiah 29: 11- 13).

When I gaze up again in high desperation to look one more time, this time around, I was so provoked as, why I could not find the true light amongst all the multitude of stars in the sky. I felt this emptiness despite there was no space occupied. I saw that the sky was incomplete in the state of its completeness. In our hearts, we are not what God wants us to be because of unforgiveness, grudges and bitterness.

Yes, there were millions upon millions and billions upon billions of stars up there, but there the orb was nowhere because we cannot answer the question “Where are you?”

We are lost in futile quests exploring the solar system and milky ways when with us the WAY had identified. The orb is glorious and the glory needs not the light from the stars, being the true light.

Jesus is the true light we must witness.

John 1: 8-9

He was no that light but was sent to bear witness of that light. That was the true light, which gives light to every man coming into the world.

It will interest you to know that the light of God in us is simply His very life (John 1: 4, 5) and there is no way His light will shine in us except through love. Therefore, the life of God revolves around His love and that is why it is called ORB and the moment your life doesn't rotate around the axis of the Word of God, your life cannot revolve around His love and it is only with this that we can do His will as the children of God.

The totality of God's message from Genesis to Revelation and from Revelation back to Genesis is love and the entirety of His gospel is peace.

What do you preach?

Oh! Somebody should come and help my small mind, because the more I think of God's love, the more I am lost in wonder amazed and just a glimpse has made me not recover from the shock of the awe, Ah! When He got me connected to His dam from where He generates the energy to speak His light through His Word and everything broke forth at the instance of His Word in light, the eyes of my understanding became enlightened. Nothing is and can never become something if that thing does not remove the "NO" to trip on the life that will create a course of the orb and this is simply returning to the original plan of God, so that "NO" will now become "ON" and we will now operate on the premises of God's perfect will. Life is incompletely incomplete without the orb. The relationship is thorn piercing and is tearing apart because of the orb, which is now missing in us. Life is more like a sinking ship, hopeless beyond the experience of a titanic, crashing plane and collapsing edifies without the orb.