There is no way something will come down if it is not coming from up. The orb is above all, despite it came down and we did not recognize Him even until this very moment.
John 3: 3: 16, 17
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
The orb came down, dwelt among us, but we still neglected the content of His capsule, which will heal our endemic disease of ignorance of the love of God. Because of the favour, we have chosen to embrace, we emphasize God's grace, but neglect the truth because it hurts and expose the dictates of our hearts and this is the reason why there is so much injustice and the love of many are waxing cold in our churches with the gross level of lawlessness. Sometimes it will amaze you the motive why we define grace as unmerited favour. The definition is true, but our motive is in favour. We do not even care about the truth, because grace cannot stand alone, it must stand with the truth. For the reason that it is the knowledge of the Word of God that authenticates the grace of God and that knowledge is LOVE and love is the orb, which is missing in our lives.
I am not..., you are not… and we will never be the orb. The apple is not…, do not be deceived by the school of thought with the notion that the fruit that Adam and Eve ate was Eve having sex with the devil. All these are lies from the pit of hell and you will hear freethinkers try to convince you that the Bible is only but a mythological book full of fairy tales.
Don't miss the message in every Word of God, if the message does not point you to love, then something is missing, because the message is the orb and the orb is what our churches have left (Revelation 3: 4, 5). Reject the message, you are rejecting life and accepting death, resist the truth, you are embracing bondage because it is the knowledge of the truth that can set you free. Truth is a person and the person wants to be in your life and replace your life with His so that it will no longer be you that life, but Him living in you to be able to overcome the world's influence. Life is love and love is giving, stop taking from people and making it appear as if you are doing well to them and still end up condemning them because they refused to give as they as cajoled.
What is the essence of giving, if the giving is not in love?
Our new generation preachers have to repent from this prevailing mindset of twisting the Word of God and making it appear as if what they are preaching about giving is actually, what God has commanded.
The murder sets into the equation of life because of the orb, which is now missing from our lives. Cain allowed his heart infected with the mindset of Satan who started the trend of envy, which was evident with the bitterness in his heart. bitterness leads to the murder of his very brother Abel because Abel's sacrifice was preferred over his (Genesis 4: 6) and the moment we allow ourselves to take the lead in our lives, sin lies at the door of our heart ready to happen.
The reason why a brother could rise against his very blood brother and kill him is that the orb is missing. You can never be your brother's keeper when in your life the orb is missing. It is as having an open circuit that flows with life that must be close (intimated) for current to flow. The switch that turns on the flow is simply the orb. Because of the evil dictate of our hearts, we can no longer abide under the shadow of the Almighty and it was originally designed that the presence of God will abide in us to activate the fullness of joy and that will keep us in pleasure forevermore.