Permit me to expressly communicate my thoughts in words even as I am being inspired, and the incidence of this God's breathe communicated words will come in the form of thoughts, which will be expressed in encryptions.

With encryptions, the serpent brought nations under the siege of condemnation. Even as men are now trafficking the broad path of modern civilization, making robots, much more relevant, with man's intelligence shutting down as the switch of his heart turns off. Good morals, now tending extinctions, as AI beings are now taking the place of man, using man's intelligence with few men now isolating man to a state of redundancy. Instead of the way of true life, man now desires the ways, which connects him to things that are passing away with the passions of this world.

It is a projection so high as a mountain acting as a pinnacle of the thoughts of men. This projection is driving and controlling almost every system from secular to religious, political to governmental systems, entertainments to sports and financial institutions.

The hidden eye is SOS revealed as the Synagogue of Satan. SOS pilots the conspiracy theories usurping and abuse the truth as lies and project lie as truth. This happens through some new-age churches. These churches are technological with network connections to various Media. The Media are under control with an eye placed at the summit. They are tracking and seeing everything with an eye operating system. Pathetically, many people are seeing but have not seen well to understand what the painting as the eye. This has a secret and that secret is Satan riding self as I. Therefore, iOS emerge from SOS, which is Satan Operating System, running on the platform of darkness. Nevertheless, JOS will counter run on the platform of light as Jesus' Operating System.

What I mean by the platform is simply kingdom. The battle of kingdoms will be between light and darkness. The weapons will be of knowledge following the path of the kind of information you accept as truth. Whatever you accept as knowledge regulates your thought lines to control your mind. You must fight even when you do not want to, but with an identity "Who are you?"

Scripture is perfect and true to me and I cannot impose it that it is to you. To me, it has perfectly painted the picture of all that we need to know as prophesied. Now is the future defining the time that is coming and that time is now?

The light has come to make known all the hidden knowledge. All the distortions of histories that have led to the displacement of our true divine identity in God portraying true princes as slaves. How can princes walk on foot, while servants ride on horses? In reality, the opposite is the truth because men no longer love the truth. Even when the light has come, men are not getting up. Nevertheless, the remnant of the election of grace is waking up. These are the ones sold out for the course of truth and will resume correcting distortions and twists of information in every system. The correction… will lead to a mighty fall, even as I see in God's eyes the eye city reduced to earth. Like the tower of babel, they are rebellious and zealous, but their rebelliousness has ignited God's jealousy and anger. The fury of God will pour down like hailstone. The eye sees, and the eye without the heart is dying, which implies, the devil's eye is dying (EE) connecting electricity and electronics. This is anti- grace and truth. It thus implies if the symbolic electricity reveals a form of enlightenment, it then entails the generation of energy-producing light. Instead of men staying in the light of God, they are now getting up and going to the eye.

The eye gives as a form of knowledge, but the knowledge on this ground connects you to the love of the world. As you love the world, your eye drags your focus unto the desire of things. This will eventually take you off your focus from the things of God. Nevertheless, the great city is falling and that city is the eye of all cities with the unit of current as of the initial of its name. However, even when people's eyes seemed opened, but never open to understanding the nature wherein all that is hidden will manifest, with the true-life reflected, for all to see. Even when the true light, the system fights and paint to look like the false, the light will shine out from the darkness.

The uniting platform is like the forest with wild beasts that would not make the mistake of sparing the ignorant ones who lacks the knowledge of the truth. Nonetheless, these beasts will snatch the ignorant ones by force.

Kingdom men are forceful men who will violently contend to take their heritage by force, if you are not faithful, you will be forcefully taken by the beast.

If you are not of… you cannot be for… and if you are not for… you are not in the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God suffers violence, the violent to takes their heritage by force from the evil foxes. Evil foxes are fiercer than wolves and they come in little. Anger and pride are little foxes and they can ruin your good vine. Foxes can take anyone like the prey who is not in the force of the beast, beginning through subtle romance. Evil romance is a form of information with distorted knowledge, which makes you deny the cross of accepting the truth.

The cross you deny, you can never carry. The cross you do not carry the truth you cannot accept to set you free. This is because all you see is now all that they want you to see. Therefore, you will now become what they want you to become, not as in what God has created you to be. This happens through various means, they can affect your mindset and stir up crisis even in your relationship or marriage with notions and orientations that are never aligning with what is right. You need to know that this does not begin now. It has been and it will take the strong in the Lord to break through this demonic horde. Even the devil has now entered into churches. The devil now seats like one who is in charge, polluting the hearts of young women and men who have now subscribed to acts of sodomy. Some of these women and men are already married to each other even before getting married. When they try to cover up with the real marriage, they continue with their evil acts. They are under control spiritually as connected to their spiritual partner that will be more possessive and aggressive. The innocent partner who is true and ever fighting to keep the marriage will be the one receiving the blows. In the end, the innocent partner they will paint as the evil one, even when the pains have reached the forbearing point. They are people who could be same-sex, but with the principle of what they now called a threesome alternating between their true partner and their spiritual partners who may be of same-sex with them.

If there is the true light and the light we see seemed true, then there is more to the light we see. Even as we lust after things by loving the world. They called themselves the elites and hid the knowledge of the truth. With the knowledge, they see themselves as enlightened ones. The eye they see is the secret that hides for real the evil one called Satan equating his ways with the way to get the model of his eye or equating his trees with the tree to hide in the idea that presents what looks like a light as light to bring man under seizure.

The experience is like a man with a seizure who lost consciousness in darkness, right in his heart the switch became accessible to turn of the true light… This is the genesis of the fall and in one all humanity fell and in one all will rise and it will interest you that God is the one, the only one that can rise all from the fall is the Son and the Son does not mean one apart from the very one that created all…

Oh! What a fall… just with one man, all humanity needs admission to receive the life stolen all in the thought. When love is missing, the system becomes only but like a lion's den, and that cats will never again allow the hens. The devil can only use your mind against you; else, he has no power against you. He will create an impression that will make the people you relate with contradicting and by any means resist you stand and as this happens, it will affect your thoughts and the moment you start thinking, the reality of what you are thinking will come manifesting. When we look at some things, the image enters into our minds and hearts. Through the heart and mind, the devil can completely capture our will to do his evil dictate.

When love is missing, withdrawal is without a sign and chaos the order of the day, with strife and envy to blend.

When love is missing, the human becomes a beast and wolves now put on sheep clothing as men put on coats hiding their knives to kill as they execute their task through backstabbing.

When love is missing, absconding fellowship is what defines the true sheep, but the love will only be, I did not see you in fellowship.

The church system must be a place of love where the peace of God that passes understanding rules the heart of men, else soon men will choose club than a church because we are all playing church.

Oh! This is all in the eye and the serpent said to the woman, "you will not surely die" but hide the die in

"Your eye will be open" simply means the heart of eye stolen and if the heart of your eye is Y, why can you not see the die presenting itself as the double of e? This represents the reflection of the world called love of the world that defines lusts.

As the outer eye keep opening, the inner eye keeps closing, as one opens, the other closes and that is the rule.

As the outer eye keep living, the inner eye keeps dying, as one lives, the other dies and that is the truth.

We are all masking up, and that is why we cannot make things up to God's standard.

As the outer eye keep loving the world, the inner eye keeps hating the Word and goodwill eventually become evil and evil now seen and embraced as good, and this is the world we now live in.

The world has gone the way of left-right, instead of right-left and if you right-left, the system you will offend.

We now live in a system of wrong is right, right is wrong, and from our hearts, peace is withdrawn.

We now live in void and emptiness, with darkness ruling our hearts to avoid each other, but embrace devices that are now enjoying our kindness.

What kind of laziness is this? It is all in the distortion, where the true content alters.

The Distortion

It all began with a thought to be like, even when we claim we are like Him, it only a suggestion with an intent anti to struck the eye.

You may not see because you can only see, but with the eye and that is why the thought targets and hit the eye with a lie.

I give you a clue as scripted in the scripture; it's all coded as MIDST and all happened amid the garden called Eden, now the deceiver has created electron den and we have now embraced it as Eden called the new age civilization, taking the world hale wire in the area of technological advancement.

Can you see it? What do you see?

It is what you see that fashions your thought and you are nothing outside your thoughts, guide your heart with all diligence.

I saw void, emptiness, and darkness brooding, but I saw the Spirit also brooding, but the darkness brood the serpent I saw and the spirit brooded the life reflected and I saw light.

I saw the life in the original as light in man, but also saw the life in the origin that thoughts to be like the highest, darkness that presents itself as light to fight the life in man to distort it against God.

Life was lost in the spirit of man because man accepted the left to be right and the right now became the left to the system and here we are running left and claiming we are right.

The anatomy sees into the eye and points the midst; you are free in the spirit and lost in the serpent.

The midst gives the first and the last and this became the spiritual tree of the fruit we must eat in order not to become a meal for the beast.

The first is spiritual, the fruit is knowledge, and as you intimate, the true spiritual knowledge you will experience the true life, but the contrary as you intimate, but the distorted form of the true knowledge, in death you will now start abounding.

The midst gives the first and the last of the spirit and serpent, but what I caught is the content, because that is what the midst defined in the container.

You cannot alter a nature from the container until the content becomes accessible.

The content of the Spirit of God in man alters with a thought that opens the eyes.

If you do not know, you need to know all that you need to know because it all in the record.

In the beginning sectional thought program 3, step four, and 5, "Then the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

Just with a piece of information from a thought contrary, distorted man's divine identity and man now started thinking he is who is not when God has painted even as stated whom he truly is, born of the spirit.

The eye captured and the life of light in the heart shut down to electricity and electronics. The spirit of man died to give the serpent that has lived life, which now projects as devil through the manifestation of self.

From man to have it all back, man must die in flesh to rise from the fall with the call to glory to live in the spirit and that is the new story, but men love the old, but with the old, they rob and call those who rob not robbers of God.

The truth is all contained in the spirit, but hidden in the pyramid of the serpent code, break the code, you will see how far we the devil has used men to take us very far from the mind of God.

I see a great awakening!

The light of life comes!

Wake up from your slumber, the time is now!