One thing people have been searching for and have not yet truly found, is because they see it as a thing and not a person and this is simply true love. The search for the orb is the greatest quest ever, right from the foundation of earth. It will interest you to know that even when you are searching for the orb; the orb is not missing; we are from the position of the orb.

We are the ones who left the path of the orb, because the orb is where it has always been. The orb is never leaving. He is still waiting and revolving around the circumference of our hearts. He is calling our attention to Himself even as we discipline ourselves to prepare to change course. He will only become reality even as we have first realize that we have missed it. To find our way back, we must have to wait to have our strength renewed in order to be able to journey back from the place where we have strayed, to the place where we are supposed to be. The place of true relationship, the place of intimacy, called the heart of worship.

When you wander off from something, you cannot see that thing anymore and it will appear to you as if that thing is missing. The love of God for us is not missing; we are the one missing from the place of the love of God because of the things of this world we are passionately pursuing after.

Jeremiah 29: 10

For thus says the LORD, "After seventy years are completed at Babylon, I will visit you and perform My good word toward you and cause you to return to this place (Genesis 3: 9).

What place would the Lord will cause us to return? He will cause us to return to the place we left called the place of our true essence. The place of our true essence is the habitation of true love. "Return to this place?" simply explained the place Adam was before he left. That place is a place of love with God. At this point, Joseph obeyed his father's instruction discovering something was missing (LOVE). He started travelling back to the place of God's original intention (Genesis 37: 15). The place of God's original intention is the point of administering the mind of the Father who is above all to those who are straying, just like Joseph's brothers who were supposed to be at the location where Joseph father directed Joseph to go meet them.

What would have happened if Joseph did not find the certain man?

This is implies, the carelessness of Joseph’s brothers, would not have deprived him of delivering the message of his father, Israel. This is exactly what is happening to us today in our churches. God will send a select group out of the many called, but the principalities running the church, as system will either conspire against the messengers of God. They will do everything to suppress and hide the truth, but the more they do, the more the system becomes loveless and any loveless system is a lawless system that will never help the love of many to wax strong in faith.

In the journey of faith, there is a wilderness experience. Until you have this experienced, your faith can never pass the test. Until your faith is tested, you can never experience true rest. There are level of experiences. Some experience goes beyond your capacity to bear and at the point when you have felt like laying off the coat, God often step in, but never lose hope of God's promises, no matter how long it tarries, wait!

I have had series of experiences in life that made me wonder why I have to believe. Nevertheless, I can still see God's faithfulness carrying me through even when I grumble unnecessarily. One experience I have had that almost tore me apart, was challenges in the early stage of my marriage. My wife will never understand what I was going through…and would always find reason to blame me. I was like a person who will never get it right when it comes to her assessment. She would support her friend who is only but a third party in the marriage, interfering and insulting me down to my family. Even cursing me and wishing me death. All these were part of my wilderness situation. She never did anything wrong to me, the devil was only trying to use her to pull me down. At a point, I had to decide to apologize deliberately, even when I have done nothing wrong. I discover the complexity of a woman to a man is a case study. No man can fully understand a woman. You only need to find a way to be happy and the only way is taking rest in God. Life is full of vicissitudes and nothing can keep you down except you choose to be down.

If you die today in worries, it will only take some years, even your own very spouse will forget you. Worries is not worth it, worship is the worth of life. Convert your worries to worship.

I had to digress a little to bring some point home.

Your obedience to the will of God will not stop the plot against you. This will not also stop the conspiracies. Therefore, do not be discouraged. Encourage yourself in the Lord just like David did, to be able to fulfill heaven's mandate of going after the lost souls who may try to eliminate your life. This simply emphasize the Great Commission (Matthew 28: 19).

You do not have to accept whatever someone has given you. Whatever someone has given you is only but a gift. It is essential you get to know that the gifts and the calling of God is without repentance (Romans 11: 29). Therefore, do not think it is a ticket to heaven when you are gifted and called.

The reality to accessing the kingdom of God (righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost) is simply in the fact that you are chosen (Matthew 22: 14). The gift of God cannot be purchased with money (Acts 8: 20). It will interest you to know that every good and perfect gift comes from God (James 1: 17).

It all began when the earth started going anti-clockwise as it rotates around its axis. Please, I need you to take note that I am speaking in spiritual sense. Therefore, do not assume the earth I am talking about is the physical earth. Earth in this context simply mean man.

The axis is an anchor that counts time in the space of reality and the orb is the ring that spins life from eternity past to present and spinning life into eternity as time stops counting in reality. The spinning ring is a symbol of our relationship with God. With Noah, God manifested the orb as rainbow, which is a seal of love. The orb reflects God's covenant with Noah who pleased him in his time when men where far off pleasing Him. It will interest you to know that the cross of Jesus Christ is the symbol of our relationship. The precious blood of Jesus Christ is the seal of His love for us. The love of God is right with us and has never left, even when we do wrong, it has never ever left the path in the circle of our lives. We are the ones who is never staying because of disobedience; we would rather choose death, instead of life.

The orb is still rotating around the axis of our lives, seeking people; the devil seeks to devour, to rescue them from the deadly claw of the beast. God is desperately in need of men who will create the pattern and right atmosphere to realign to align with not going contrary to the flow of life. If life is not flowing, death will abide, because the life that flows not forward, flows backward. To he who is supposed to experience the life, it becomes death when life flows backward. This is how; the devil has been able to live. I mean the devil is living with the negative flow of life. In reality, the devil is dead and you can even see it in his name (DEVIL = LIVED, which implies, he is no longer alive). If you oppose life, you will experience death. Opposing life is simply not going the direction of the orb, by this I mean not loving as God commanded.

These three are paramount to reality and the three are one in the dimension of expression regarding the portal (access or way in). The personality revealed as the life, love and the will of God is Jesus Christ. The will of God is for us to manifest and reveal His glory by dominating. Since God has given us the dominion, which can activates the operation in the orb, which is now missing from our lives. This we must find…

Jeremiah 29: 13, 14

And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all you heart. I will be found by you, says the LORD, and I will bring you back from your captivity, I will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you, says the LORD, and I will bring you to the place from which I cause you to be carried away captive.

Jeremiah 24: 7

Then I will give them a heart to know Me that I am the LORD and they shall be My people and I will be their God, for they shall return to Me with their whole heart.