Nothing is completely complete in the real sense without the orb even in its completeness.
Life is incompletely incomplete without the orb, because we ate from what we thought was life, but forbs.
It was forbs because from our knowledge it hides, even as we take from it, we eat of but the forbidden fruit.
Music is incompletely incomplete without the orb, because the emotions and feelings of sweet relieve cannot come from the nightclub, but the orb.
Life is a perfect gift of God that defines reality and gives shape to what appears without form and void. It begins with the seed that must first die and will only start making sense with the incidence of light, which is simply the reflection of life.
In reality, life is a person, not just a flash. This person has to come down because His nature in His purposed creature was soiled. This distorts the dynamics of flow of true life, such that instead of giving, as his nature is ordained, he takes, as his nature is not ordained. With this, peace withdrew from his life just because the orb is missing.
The introduction of sin to humanity brought about death. God had to give His very life since in real sense God cannot die. Instead of man to die as against what God has designed, God had to give His life. The gift of the life of God is what cancels the wages of sin. The implication of the gift of God is simply eternal life through Christ Jesus (Romans 6: 23). It came in the container of LOVE (John 3: 16), which was full of grace and truth (John 1: 14) to administer the capsule containing the contents of the orb. This content alters the direction created by the introduction of sin, which came about by the false orb of Satan (forbs). The false orb made man took of the fruit from the tree considered forbidden. The content are; justice, mercy and faith.
It all began in space like a tree, which has different fruits that shines (attracts the sight) as being ignited by the source from the dimension of light. The source spoke His thought (Word) to His choice purpose (man) to keep him on course far away from infection with the curse from the forbs. Because of selfish thought of the light bearer stripped off light, having being custodian of knowledge, he knows the mind of God, but became envious of the Divine Right of God's Choice Purpose (man) evident with the question, "Who is man that You are mindful of him?"
Relationship is incomplete without the orb
Family is incomplete without the orb
The church will be like the lion's den and the den of thieves without the orb
The orb is the essence of everything that is good and true in accordance to God's pattern.
This contrary thought created immediately a contrary dynamics, which opposes the clockwise flow of God's intent, not in God, but in man. Automatically, this became an anti-dynamics twisting the mind and making the mind to generate a current impulse that moves like wind. It became a force against (Anti-Christ), with the quest to find rest without God. That is why today, the world is speaking of Globalization Agenda, which is aimed at installing the One World Order (OWO) that will run the world with the wheel of gross darkness, that does not walk in God's perfect will, will be lost in the devil's current releases. This will find its appearance much more in the entertainment industries, especially in films and music. Some live reality shows will out rightly promote and sanction immorality as the norm.
The reason why people will see evil and call it good is that they have their mind twisted with wrong impression. Such that what looks like, now accepted as real and the real, now suppressed to a point that its appearance will have nothing written home about because of the form of wretchedness forced into its appearance because of pressures from the contrary winds. What looks like the mind of God is not the mind of God, but it is only an imitation. This is where most Christians are missing and the orb is simply the NESS in the LIKENESS, which defines what blots out multitude of sins to cancel its consequence. The orb was missing because we departed from the ordained path and stepped into the path that seems right (Proverbs 16: 25).
Religious people will never ever see to discover the missing orb in the course of our faith and as a result will not enter into the kingdom of God, but will do anything to stop those who are trying to enter (Matthew 23: 13).
The reason why most religious people, especially some pastors cannot catch the revelation of the Divine Standard as stated in Genesis 1: 26, which reads,
“Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, accordance to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth”.
The reason we are not having dominion over things as ordained, but now turning ourselves to the things is that something is missing from our will of authority. Even when we have the image of God, it is not enough to portray the image. The image is the appearance, while the likeness is the power and authority. Whatever, what happens when we remove NESS from the LIKENESS? I do not mean the literal word as in LIKENESS, my concern is the character that the word "LIKE" describe. The character that the word "LIKENESS" describe are two separate things, based on God's standard. The first is imitation (looks like), while the second is authentic thing (real). You can see that the problem we are experiencing today in our world is because there are more imitations than real.
The real thing in the world we are is like a treasure you must search with all your heart. It may not be easy to find it, but when you have a steadfast resolute mind, you will certainly find it. With what we have in our world today, one can only count on God. Because most of our knowledge has being soiled in one way or the other. It is as removing all the available teethes of a snake and expects the snake to bite, would such snake be able to do any harm? No, it will only give you a romantic feel even as it tries to coil around you. Nevertheless, such snake has become harmless. A toothless snake is a harmless beast like snail. The devil is harmless if you can operate in the confines of your true divine identity in God wherein your dominion hinges.
An anchor holds our authority in God that anchor is the orb, and until we lay hold of the very anchor, which has three holds, we can never exercise our right fully in God. Here are the three anchored questions, namely
1. Who are you?
2. Where are you?
3. What are you seeking?
If you can see correctly, you will discover the encryption of the first anchor, same as the second, with the variation in the third anchor. Because of the introduction of something, the first anchor defines our identity in God; the second anchor defines our position, while the third defines our mission in God. Nevertheless, the face of the first two anchor is WAY. The face of the third anchor is WAYS. You can never ever know where you are when the image you have accepted is like the supposed, not the likeness of whom was, is and is to come.
The rejection of what is, simply reveal the acceptance of what is not. This is because grace cannot separate from the truth. Therefore, the content of your identity must be based on grace AND truth for you to operate with the full right of God as His son. This guarantees His very DNA in you when He opens your eyes to see who you truly are in Him. It takes true knowledge to know who you are not to know who you are, not as the world has called you. God knows you by name, the name He has called you. You cannot know where you are when where you have left you cannot even know. What we have all left is the way of the LORD. The way of the LORD is LOVE. Even when He admonishes us to walk in love to have rest for our souls, we must deliberately respond, "We will not walk in it" (Jeremiah 6: 16).