Eve could see the orb because she desired the forbs and ate from it and because it was not what God commanded them to eat from, it became forbidden and led to the opening of the eyes that paved way for the mindset to choose between good and evil, such that good would now look like evil in your eyes and evil will now look like good and it will take the grace of God to be able to decipher that, that good you think is good is actually evil.
What do you see? (Jeremiah 1: 11)
What are you seeing? (Jeremiah 1:12)
The first question is based on the knowledge of who you are in God and what you are seeing is simply the act of what you are seeking, because what you are not seeking, cannot form in the imagination of your thought and God has encrypted His thoughts in the both questions such that when you coming the two questions, you will discover that the first question defines a room what you to have a vision of something and that thing is a person and that person is the person of God and for that to happen, you must first standing in the ways and it will interest you to know that the revelation the way is in the second question, which points you to the direction of what you are seeking wherein you will encounter that certain man (Genesis 37:15) who will give you true direction (Proverbs 3: 5, 6) to find what you are seeking. Looking at the questions above, you will also discover the difference in the two occurs with the words, "DO" and "ARE" and if we will depend on God to reveal His mind as patterning the difference in the two words, by Divine reversal, we will have OD for DO and ERA for ARE which speaks of the command and the time to obey the command and the Bible made it crystal clear that a time is coming and now is, when the true worshiper will worship the Father in Spirit and Truth. Therefore, the command in our time is for us to rise up to true worship and this can never be until we obey the ordinance of God to go and preach the gospel to the unsaved (Matthew 28: 18-19). Therefore, OD is simply Order of Divinity, which is simply the content of God called grace, and truth that has nothing to do with laws. The reason why Eve could not see the real thing was because she was deceived to accept lies as truth and since the deception came through the desire of her intent even as she has delighted, she become enlightened on the contrary and saw in the light of the contrary which made what in reality is not pleasant to now look pleasant and because she already know it will make her wise and she will be like God, she took of the fruit and ate, not that she did not know, it was deliberate, having known what God commanded, it will amaze you the twist, that she quoted what God did not command (you can find this out in Genesis 2: 16, 17 and compare it with what she quoted in Genesis 3; 2, 3) and this was what gave room for the devil to start building a mindset contrary from the ordained in man, because the woman started on a very wrong platform of knowledge which is not true and the devil can only be resisted with the truth of God's Word, and it will amaze you that the devil knows the Word of God more than you and that is why you need the Holy Spirit who is all knowing to teach you all things beyond the knowledge of the devil knowing the Word of God to oppose those who are ignorant of the Word of God and that is why Scripture have it, "That My people perish for lack of Knowledge" (Hosea 4:6).
Genesis 3: 6
So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise she took of its fruit and ate she also gave to her husband with her and he ate.
The orb of life is simply the fruit of love and the fruit of love is the manifestation of the fruit of the spirit, which we must eat and this is what will disconnect us from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and connect us back to the tree of life of which Jesus is as the Vine and we are the branches.
If Satan is telling you something (in your imagination) that sounds like truth or showing you something that looks like truth, watch it! He is trying to make God sound like a liar to you, but God is not a man that He should lie or neither is He a son of man that He should repent. Don't quote Genesis 6: 6 and make it appear as if God repented, God being sorry here means, He was grieved that man's intent has now become continually evil and man judged Him by saying, "It was the woman you gave to be with me that gave me the fruit and I ate' (Genesis 3: 12). So the repentance of God is simply an expression of grieve, not that God sinned, but He was made sin for man's sake because man judged Him and provoke His gift to cancel the wages of sin (Romans 6: 23).
If God is a liar, who is true... When the orb of life is missing, you will be compelled to accept that God is a liar and this is the devil's ground design to grind you into pieces and pour you out like powder into the pit of hell to tormented for the ignorance of not accepting God's love, you will live in perpetual fear.
The moment the orb in Adam and Eve's life became missing because they were missing from the position of the orb, they started seeing themselves but no more in the light of God's glory which is the cover to their nakedness. God alone can cover us in the midst of it all because He loves us, He will give us a second chance, and not just second, as long as we return back to Him, He will never reject us. Adam and Eve had themselves hidden from the light of God's glory and that was why it has become obvious that men love darkness rather than light and instead of us to be dwelling in the real, we are now dwelling in the shadow of the real, which is a mindset that claims to be like God.
John 3: 19-21
And this is the condemnation that the light has come into the world and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil for everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been in God.
This implies Adam and Eve hid themselves because their deeds were evil and this simply implies their deeds were not done in God. The Holy Spirit of God is the discerner of our hearts and since He knows our very deepest intents, He will not commit Himself to us and He has no need that we testify of Him for He knew what lies deep in our hearts (John 2: 24).
It will interest you to know that God did not call Eve, He called Adam and Adam did not say, "We heard your voice in the garden", he said "I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked, and I hid myself." This was because Eve's exposure to reality is dependent on the knowledge of Adam, so Adam was the one that sensed the fall from glory because it was to him the authentic knowledge was given, not to Eve who was design to receive and learn the act of the orb even as Adam gives as God gave him. So Adam fell short of God's glory because when he was supposed to be awake to reality of God's mind, he was still sleeping (Matthew 13; 25) and this made man to miss the orb of life because a tare was sown into his perfect half through false impression of knowledge not in alignment with what God has commanded Adam.
Ephesians 5: 14
Therefore, He says, "Awake, you who sleep, arise from the dead and Christ will give you light.