God's dealing is directly with the man He created in His original plan, not the man that Adam became when he left where he was supposed to be into where he was not and this is because He (God) created man to be responsible for the woman and all that was created including the devil, because scripture clearly stated the extent of man's dominion as ordained by God in Genesis 1: 28 which reads, "Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves on the earth." You can see that the responsibilities of the dominion of man is only limited when it comes with God, because man does not and can never ever have dominion over God, because he is independent of Himself but totally dependent upon God. I think, "Over every living thing that moves on earth" included the devil, therefore man's authority is also completely over the devil, so if the devil is riding on man, it is because man has not still known who he truly is in God and in that ignorance allowing the devil to use his (man) very authority against him as to his (devil) own advantage. Have you ever seen the devil by any means with gun shooting human beings or denoting bombs? It is we human beings that do what the devil is thinking, when we are not thinking in the likeness of God. This is where the problem is, we don't even know who we in God.
The devil was created to be subject to man, but man in his ignorance has made himself subject to the devil as he has become the object or the instrument that the devil is using and this object is not even reserved for any honor but an object of ridicule and manipulation, even as he uses such ignorant men to subdue other men, to the extent that the devil is now using man to fulfill his evil mandate of stealing, killing and destroying, acting as he has now become God. Man can never ever walk in the way of God to do His perfect will until He discovers himself in the light of who he truly is in God. The knowledge of who you truly are, is your authority over the devil because the moment he deceives you to accept who you are not, he will keep taking you deeper, and deeper, until you will become his puppet and then your life will become so miserable and useless because it is what you literally hate doing that you will be doing. Religion is simply man's way striving to reach God and you could imagine the attempt in Tower of Babel. Religion will ever end in chaos and confusion even when it seems to be smoothly progressing from the initial stage, it is like a time bomb, waiting to explode for real and it will interest you that its explosion will come with the introduction of the true light (sons of God) which will expose every form of darkness and this is the time, and that time is now. There is no human effort that can ever reach God and that is why religion is failing, Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life, because the only way is God Himself giving man access to Himself. Some deep truth will always sound very crazy and illogical to those who are rational, but it is even more logical if you will not break the sequence, following the bases of all that was written concerning the person of truth.
Why would God ask Adam, "Who told you that you were naked?" The truth about life we sometimes miss will always boil down to the origin of the thought that told us what we believe and why we were told that. Just the same way God asked Adam, "Who told you that you were naked?" He is also is asking those of us who have become fanatic Christians, "Who told you that you are like Christ?" Jesus is independent of His sovereignty as God if you truly believe that He is God, are you also independent of your sovereignty as God or the god you are? No! We are all dependent on God and this truth is very simple, there is no ambiguity in this reality. Being like Christ is not in the emphasis of attribute at all, because even if it is, it thus implies, you are on your own. When we are in the likeness of God, it implies, we are dependent on God to be whatever He has designed us to be, which stated that we are Christ's. Let me point you to some standard truth in the Scripture of what the believers in Christ are;
1 Corinthians 3: 23
And you are Christ's, and Christ is God's
Did the Bible say we are Christ like or like Christ? So why didn't the Bible say we are Christ like?
Let me show you the truth;
1 Corinthians 15: 23
But each one in his own order, Christ the first fruit, afterward those who are Christ at His coming.
Did the Bible say, "Those who are Christians (Christ like) in His coming"? Or do you want to say Christ's is the same as Christ like? Do not harden your heart to accept the truth that will set you free, now is the moment of opportunity to embrace the perfect truth of God's Word. But it did not stop here; let's look further into the heart of truth;
2 Corinthians 10: 7
Do you look at things according to outward appearance? If anyone is convinced in himself he is Christ's, let him again consider this in himself that just as he is Christ's, even so we are Christ's.
Did Paul say, "They are Christians"? No, he said, "So we are Christ's", I then ask, "From where comes the mindset of we are like Christ or Christ like?" it came from Genesis 3: 5 and was installed in Acts 11: 26.
The problem of Christianity is not with the name, but the definition of the name and the question is, "Who gave that definition?" From this point, it became evident that the problem of religion is beliefs system and the devil is never resting in introducing things that looks like the right thing. The devil was the one in Genesis 3: 5 and he is still active in the mind of those who have accepted and adopted the mindset of Genesis 3: 5 and we can see the evidence in the manifestation of gross hypocrisy in our churches. This is not my idea and never my thinking, it is what is and has been, but we have been blind folded for too long by religion not to see it, but everything will be revealed in the light of God's glory and it will interest you to know that we are the ones to manifest the glory which the world is earnest waiting for. This is not my idea and will never be my thinking, it is what is and has been, but we have been blind folded by religion not to see it, but everything will be revealed in the light of His glory.
Ephesians 5: 8, 10-13
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord, walk as Children of light. Find out what is acceptable to the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret. But all things that are exposed are made manifest by light, for whatever makes manifest is light.
My problem is never with the name Christianity, but the definition of the name, because that is where the bug of a mindset of hypocrisy started from, having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof. If you are a Christian, you must have to choose if you are Christ like or Christ's. This truth did not stop here; it is revealed further.
Galatians 3: 29
And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Does this make any sense to you? Well, it is not in the sense, but right in the faith and it simply implies, if you are not Christ's (Christ like), you are not Abraham's seed and you are automatically not an heir to the promise. I sure know this is a hard nut for you to chew, but if don't chew it, falsehood will chew you up and you will be lost in deliberate ignorance.