Two years later;
"Baby, don't bail on me for brunch. I need to see your celebrity ass. It's hard to meet you these days." Believe me, if I said the person who said that was Adam.
"You're the ass for calling a business meeting brunch. You could admit that you don't have time to put me in your schedule, so you gave me some time before your lunch meeting..."
"Ugh, how can I fool everyone and turn the table on them while you easily figure me out?" He groaned, cutting my ranting.
Adam and I became best friends in the past two years. We had to do some work together when I was touring in Europe. And he was monitoring me when Ethan wasn't. Both of them annoyed the hell out of for some time. They tried to keep track of everything I did so that I won't go rogue. By the time I grow okay with reporting my moves to them, we grow closer than before while meeting whenever we're free from work.