Chapter 3

Zone 6"(chapter 2)

Rosalinda runs to her neighbor sable for help

-marta! Martha! Help me I don't know what mari has

Marta runs and enters to be impacted with the state of Mari they call ambulance which arrives almost immediately since the hospital is to single minutes of the house of Rosalinda and they take it to him, for luck of Mari and Rosalinda the wounds did not cut veins and they managed to make a washing for the effect of all those pills, they sutured and when I finish the day already Mari was stable but the really serious thing for her was about to happen

Mari and her mother entered a doctor's office where a doctor was waiting for them. He immediately gave Rosalinda some documents to sign and almost immediately two nurses arrived for Mari, who tried to convince her mother not to allow them to take her away.

They walked a long way without leaving the hospital, crossing open and closed parts until they reached a door that had a tablet on it (psychiatric zone 6) where it was written that it would be mari's turn to spend the next 60 days

While inside, she was placed in a room with many beds, and although it was the exclusive area for minors, there were elderly people who were totally crazy because the hospital could not cope with so many inmates due to dementia, Mari was too exhausted and sleepy to realize where she had really fallen so she fell asleep almost immediately.

The next morning at just 6am a very loud bell rang and she heard it, but she didn't listen to it immediately and two nurses came in and said

-Get up and take a bath, the doctor is almost here

Mari got up and listened but the water was cold and there was smoke coming out of the cold water but she had to get in when she saw the nurses pressuring her and the rest of the patients ,when she finished showering Mari dressed in a change of clothes that without knowing her mother took to her at night while she was sleeping, The sound of pits sounding was the food cart that had just arrived, unfortunately for Mari it was coffee with milk and oatmeal, two things she never liked, but the pressure of the nurses to bury her if she didn't eat forced her to do so when she finished and without warning a nurse took out a syringe and stuck it in Mari's shoulder followed by two pills that she had to take and left, mary sat on an old, broken piece of furniture in front of a turned off television until she was called by name

-Maricarmen barrio!

She got up and walked to the office where she was called and a very elegant lady was waiting for her

- sit down mari

Tell me about yourself how old you are

-sixteen doctor

-Why are you here?

-because I got hurt

-And why?

-I don't know

The doctor pointed out what Mari was saying

-mari you miss your stepfather died very recently

-if a lot

-What was it like with you?

-I was affectionate and defended myself from mom

- Did he ever touch your private parts?

- he never loved me much until my sister was born

-don't you love your sister?

-not because of her my mom loves me even less than before and everything is for her

-Do you feel that?


-have you ever had sex?

-no, I never swear

- I believe you, tell me you have a boyfriend

- doctor i don't like men i want to be a man i feel that i am a man but something bad happened when i was born and that is why i am a woman

The doctor looked at her and asked

- Have you ever had a girlfriend?

- no

And then because you are so sure of what you say

- I feel it every time I get up and look at myself and see my body, it makes me sick.

-listen to me you are beautiful and I understand that you are confused about what you want to be but as you are growing up it is too early to think about that little by little we will be talking about this you and me and your mommy but you can't, you mustn't hurt yourself for anything and nobody mari now go outside we will see you in 5 days

Those days became eternal Rosalinda could only visit her daughter from two to three in the afternoon, Mari saw how there was abuse towards the patients even some nurses abused the most adult who had lost her memory and since it was their word against the patients' they all had the word to lose and Mari even spoke since she was also a patient with some mental problem.

Every day that passed Rosalinda felt that she had made a mistake when she saw her daughter in a sleepy state and out of reality caused by the drugs that kept her doped, and even wanted to ask that she be given back home but the psychiatrist claiming that she was a danger to herself and her family and that something else was hidden denied the request and reminded her that she had signed a paper where she gave the child to the psychiatrist and until he considered it prudent she remains there

Defeated and repentant Rosalinda left, it was evident that she was also suffering, she stopped eating and was almost on the verge of going crazy thinking about whether her daughter was really in good hands. the days had passed and Mari could no longer speak, an intense pain contracted the muscles in her face when she tried to articulate and her hands cramped. it was an intense pain that made tears well up in her eyes without being able to say what was hurting her. the psychiatrist examined her and immediately called the head of that ward.

-bring me her medical history

The nurse went and looked for her, as soon as the doctor read it, he said in a loud and very annoying voice

-because they are still administering zoloft and haldol in these quantities at this point, if I had changed this story, I saw how that girl can't talk about the pain. She's doing me a favor and giving me a diclofenac injection so that this doesn't happen again.

The nurse picked her up and took her to give me the injection a few minutes later and the pain was gone, That night they changed the nurse on duty and placed another one that night and the first nights was noble and let them see the news but as the days passed the change and hit the older ladies and the barons made them dress as a girl with the clothes donated by the churches Mari began to be afraid and even saw him locked up at night with the older women The nurse Luis Carballo he was notbad he was different the other was nothing more than a monster dressed in white, and so the 60 days that Mari thought he would never end up seeing these people abused, passed. Mari never tasted one of the many fruits that her mother left her on visiting days, nor did she taste a sweet, everything was shared among them and thank God the big day arrived and finally she was discharged with an open history of manic depression with gender identity disorder and her mother was aware of the truth about her daughter and had plenty of time to talk to the doctor those 60 days

Rosalinda in her desperation sought the word of God and seemed apparently more calm that blow of losing her daughter shook her from the bottom of her soul, finally at home Rosalinda accommodated her daughter in bed and went to continue their work soon return to school to continue their studies which thanks to God Mari maintained the 2nd best average in the institute x which already had the year approved when this happened.Mari had to continue with her psychological follow-up and take the medicine but Rosalinda, who had given herself to the word of God, decided not to have any more doctors or medicine and to ask God to heal and change her daughter.

One sleepless night watching television as she has been doing for some time, she saw a movie where the wife of a drug dealer was giving her an overdose under the care of one of her escorts. The desperate man, upon seeing his boss' wife dying, prepared a syringe with some type of medication and stuck it right in her heart, making her relive it.

After leaving school he went to his house where a certain clown lived and told him that if he could get that he would be known by everyone in the neighborhood that the clown was one of the drug dealers of the leader of the area and that he also saw Mari grow up and knew all the history of that family and took advantage of the situation and said

-Let's do something I'm going to give you a bag and you're going to take it to the other side of the police module and give it to me around the corner because I always stop the police and so did Mari, she passed it to the other side and then went home before her mother arrived.

A couple of hours later, Mari heard them hissing near the window of the house, and he appeared to be a clown who, as a favor, handed her a short cigarette with a white powder inside in gratitude for the favor he did her.

Mari locked herself in her room, very scared, not knowing what to do. She was afraid that she would consume the product and that it would give her something, not so much that she would die, because if she died, no one would reproach her, if she did not stay alive, she would fall back into a hospital and have to listen to Rosalinda's reproaches, It was about 11 pm and Mari decided to do it as she saw in the movie. She took two lines out of the dust on the bedside table he rolled up a sheet of paper from one of his notebooks into a cylinder, stuck it up his nose and sucked on the first line, getting up quickly to wait for something to happen to him, touching his chest on the side of his heart.