What they imitate what I imitate (chapter 16)
And so it was that he realized that those trans women were imitating the worst of the real women and that he was imitating the worst of the real men, even the stupid men.
There were serious mistakes in May this was one of them rushing anything was better than staying alone except Frida
May, after the failure of her love affair with Sara, began to go out very late at night and went to the bridge, a place well known by all, where all the transvestites gathered to offer their services.
Every night, May, struggling desperately, had been left alone and could not stand it. He would go off to talk and take drugs with her until he ran out of money, and one of those many times, in the early morning, Frida told him
-I have no place to sleep because I haven't paid for my room
Almost immediately May's eyes lit up and she responded
- come to my room you can stay there as long as you want