Chapter 39

“Are you a-thirst, Aikkul?” asked Ajdun sarcastically. “Are you hurt?” he stepped a single pace toward Col, routinely gauging the weight of his weapon.

“Where are your boastful words? Where is your sword?” Ajdun laughed. “Such sport, to think you once bested me.” He stepped forward again, hoping his prey would stand and fight. “Come and meet me, have you the will.”

Ajdun was a pace away, his patience worn, his stake held high. He brought it down at Col's head. Col's severed arm shot up and a black vapor suddenly spouted from the raw flesh. Col caught the bone-stake in a fist made of shadow.

“Some fight remains-” Ajdun began. He was stopped at 'fight', and chocked weakly on the last word. Col came with speed to standing, pumping his free arm with strength. Ajdun vomited black blood bidden by Col's fist buried in his gut. Col wrenched the stake from his grip and stabbed it into Ajdun's heart.