The sense of importance faded as quickly as the Acumen fled the scene. Aikkul forced his mind to stay on task; He had to stall the ghouls. The half-dead pressed in all directions, clawing and biting. The bonesword was so clotted with ichor that it no longer sliced but bludgeoned. His robe so tattered he could feel the ghoul's instinctive breaths on his skin.
Then suddenly, they fell away. A great wide circle was left among them, lit by a street lamp. Aikkul's shadow fell behind him. He felt a presence approaching from the sky.
In the seconds that Aikkul waited for it to arrive, his mind came again to life. He felt something approach, not the Nosferati lord who came down before him; A maiden. The maiden whispered to him softly, in words that were more image than sound. 'Col'....
She was standing in the black. Aikkul hugged her to himself then gently closed her eyes with his fingers. He whispered in her ear. She disappeared from the Dark.
Aikkul grasped his head and groaned.