At the hospital, Jamie’s room:
Jamie had been on the hospital bed all day thinking of all the things that took place. She finally told her daughter the secret that she has been hiding from her since the day she was born. The fact that she has been battling cancer before her baby, Genevieve was born.
Of course she didn’t expect Genevieve to take the news so well but she knew that something broke in Genevieve when she heard that her mum had cancer and what’s worse. The fact that her mother had only two months to live.
Jamie wanted to give Genevieve a normal childhood, as normal as she could. So she didn’t tell Genevieve. When Genevieve became a teenager, she successfully won cancer and decided not to tell their daughter about it since it was all over, or so they thought.
Jamie and Genevieve bonded throughout Genevieve’s high school days. They went shopping camping and so on to make up for the time she had to go for chematography when she still had cancer.
It was in the middle of Genevieve high school last year, she landed in the hospital only to find out that the cancer was back again, and this time it was worse. She became weak and couldn’t bond with her daughter anymore. Her chematography stopped working and the doctors said there was nothing more they could do to help her. The doctor said she was going to die with the disease and that all they could do is to prolong her life for as much as they can but she has less than a year and a half to live. A year and some months has gone by. Now she has less than two months to live.
Jamie couldn’t stop the tears from falling on her face when she thought about the cancer situation. She can’t see her daughter till she grows up but she hopes she will still be alive till Genevieve’s next birthday, the day Genevieve will turn nineteen. Cancer is a truly horrible thing indeed.
“Darling, why are you crying?” Roland, Jamie’s husband asked as he entered the room with food in his hands.
“I really can’t imagine how Genevieve will feel about this” Jamie sobbed.
Roland sighed and leaned over to hug his wife.
“Don’t worry about it Jamie. Genevieve will be fine, after all we raised her to be strong. Plus, I will always be there for her. You don’t need to worry” Roland said into Jamie’s neck as they hugged.
“Thank you Roland” Jamie said and kissed him.
Outside of Jamie’s room: With Genevieve
“Genevieve, you have to cry, you can’t keep suppressing your emotions. You are human. You can’t be just okay if you are about to lose your mum” Jason said desperately.
He has been with Genevieve since he heard about her mum’s issue. Genevieve hasn’t shed a tear since but her eyes has been empty since like she was in despair. It’s obvious she’s still in disbelief stage. Like she can’t accept it.
Apart from the calls she made to Brianna and him about the issue, she hasn’t spoken a word since and she refused to see her mother, like it was a taboo.
Jason sighed. He hasn’t been good at comforting someone. He knew how it felt too because he lost his dad to a car accident. The pain of losing a parent isn’t something to keep pent up.
Suddenly a tear dropped from Genevieve’s eyes.
She really didn’t want to cry. She knows she isn’t okay but she doesn’t know what to feel, is it anger that her parents didn’t tell her before or sad and devastated that she was going to lose her mum. She really doesn’t know what to feel anymore.
Unknown to Genevieve, tears has begun dripping from her eyes.
“Mama” She crocked out now fully in tears.
Jason seeing this hugged her.
“Let it out” He said softly into her ears.
Genevieve cried like never before, she couldn’t imagine her life without her mother.
Few minutes later, Genevieve was out cold. Jason almost busted into laughter because they were on their feet and she was leaning on him. He carried her bridal style and she didn’t move.
“Guess she’s a deep sleeper” Jason chuckled.
Jason carried her to Jamie’s room and laid her down on the couch.
“I am guessing she finally cried?” Roland asked.
Jason smiled and turned to the sleeping Genevieve.
“She finally cried” He confirmed.
“Thank God. As long as she cried. Then she’ll be okay” Jamie smiled at her husband.
At the Reception table
Brianna walked to the Receptionist.
“Good afternoon, I’m here to see Mrs Agosti” Brianna said. The receptionist looked at her and then turned her attention to the phone.
Brianna rolled her eyes at the receptionist rude behavior.
“Hello, I am asking to see a patient here”
“Are you a family of Mrs. Agosti?” She asked.
“Then no seeing for you.” The receptionist said and turned back to her phone.
Brianna sighed and was about to phone Genevieve when Cathy stopped her.
“No need.” Cathy said and turned to the receptionist.
“Ruby! If you don’t want to lose your job this instant. Get off that phone and tell me Mrs Agosti’s number now.” Cathy yelled. Jacob behind her almost flinched at Cathy’s harsh tone. He hasn’t seen Cathy talked like that before.
What was more surprising was the receptionist didn’t even flinch at all. Ruby raised an eyebrow at Cathy.
“Who are you to make me lose my job?”
“I am Catherine Stewart. Nice to meet you” Cathy fake smiled at Ruby and folded her arms.
Ruby was surprised, straightened up immediately and apologized.
“I am so sorry Miss Stewart. I didn’t know it was you” Ruby apologized.
“If this is how you treat others in this hospital, this place is not for you. Be expecting your sack letter. Now tell me Mrs Agosti’s room number”
“It’s Room 505. Please don’t fire me. I will be better…” Ruby begged and Debby interrupted.
“What’s going on?” She asked confused.
“Ruby was rude to me and she’s about to lose her job. I have never seen Cathy this annoyed.” Brianna said shoving an imaginary popcorn down her throat.
Debby turned to Jacob
“Can you calm her?” Debby asked.
“Maybe” Jacob turned to Cathy.
“But I am not going to. Whatever Ruby gets is what she deserved.” Jacob said. Debby sighed.
“Cathy. She knows she’s wrong and will behave next time. Please can you calm down a bit” Debby said. Cathy turned to Debby ready to yell at her.
“Calm down??!!! People like her will make my mum loose patients. She’s rude and obnoxious. My mum struggled to establish this hospital and she’ll ruin just it like that! Just wait till the HR hears of this. You’re lucky my mum didn’t have time to come here. You would have gotten fired for sure.”
“Cathy is really pissed” Brianna commented.
“Okay Cathy, let’s go see Genevieve. You don’t have to waste your time on her.” Jacob said pulling Cathy along. Cathy gave Ruby a last glare before turning to leave with Jacob.
Ruby relaxed.
“I won’t do that if I were you. You are not safe yet. If there’s one thing I know about Cathy. It’s that Cathy never forgets.” Debby said and left with Ashton.
“If you see a dude with Brown hair, cute blue eyes and says his name is Tyler Miller. Let him in and direct him to the room. He’s with us” Brianna said and left.
“Ha, I’m done for” Ruby sighed dejectedly.
At Jamie’s room:
All of them are in Jamie’s room, Cathy is still fuming, Jacob is trying to calm her down, and Jason is laughing his ass off at the matter.
“Can you stop laughing?” Debby said already irritated with Jason.
“No can do” Jason smirked. Debby sighed.
“Let’s get to the matter at hand. Jason, how’s Genevieve doing?” Brianna asked and took a sit nearby.
“Well, she kept her tears in for a while before she cried.” Jason said.
“Mrs Agosti…” Brianna got interrupted by Jamie.
“Please, call me Jamie”
“Okay. I think I can help you with your sickness. There’s someone at Guyana, they say he’s the best doctor in the Kingdom. They call him the miracle doctor. Can I call him to attend to you?” Brianna said. Jamie frowned and looked down.
“I don’t know. There is really no hope for me. The doctor said there’s nothing they can do. I have survived this long, I think it’s time for me to go.” Jamie said dejectedly.
“But it can’t hurt to try? Let’s see how good this doctor is. Maybe he can help you prolong your life” Roland said with hope.
“No problem. Let’s see what he can do” Jamie said with a small smile.
“Okay, I will head over to Guyana with Debby to get him” Brianna smiled at Jamie and Roland.
“I am going with you guys” Ashton said.
“You need a male with you” He continued.
“I am going to my kingdom. I believe they won’t attack me” Brianna said offended.
“He’s right, I am going with you too.” Tyler said from the door.
“Fine, since you guys insisted” Brianna said and phoned her driver to come over to the hospital to pick them.
Three hours later: At Guyana
Ashton, Debby, Tyler and Brianna arrived at Guyana about fifteen minutes ago and immediately headed to Brianna’s office. Brianna phoned Wu Feihong, the head of GSOS (Guyana Secret Organization of Spies) before they got to Guyana. Wu Feihong is presently waiting for Brianna in her office.
“Your highness” Wu Feihong bowed.
“Raise your head” Brianna said as she sat on her chair, the others took their seat too.
“I need you to help me find the miracle doctor. According to what I know, he isn’t living with his family but somewhere else in secret.” Brianna said.
“I am so sorry to announce that the miracle doctor is dead. He died two hours ago” Wu Feihong said.
“What!!” Brianna exclaimed.