Two months after Genevieve’s coronation:
At Campus:
Genevieve’ phone rang waking her up. She looked around the room and saw Cathy and Debby still resting on their beds. However, Brianna was not. She heard sounds coming from the kitchen and concluded that Brianna was making breakfast.
The phone was still ringing. Genevieve groaned and grudgingly picked the call without checking the caller.
“What do you want?”
“Hey baby” The caller greeted.
Genevieve recognized that voice anywhere “Dad?!” Genevieve exclaimed. Her dad hasn’t called her for a while now. She was truly surprised to receive a call from her dad.
“Baby, you have to come home as soon as possible” Roland, Genevieve’s father sounded distressed on the phone.
“Father, why do you sound distressed, what’s going on?” Genevieve was already beginning to panic fearing the worst.
“You have to come home baby. It’s not something I can tell you over the phone”
Genevieve sighed “Okay dad. I will be home tomorrow” She ended the call.
‘I wonder what’s going on’ she thought.
“Hey Evie, what’s going on, you look so worried” Brianna said.
Genevieve looked up and saw Brianna leaning on the wall near the kitchen door chugging down her pancake.
“My dad told me to come home. Something is wrong at home. I have to go home tomorrow” Genevieve said. Brianna sighed.
“Why do you want to go tomorrow? You can go today.”
“I need to settle things”
“I will take care of that for you. After all you’re in Business Administration, I’m in Economics. Our classes for today are together. About Amise, Emily will take care of that for you because I know you don’t trust Samantha. You really need to take care of her by the way. Besides, you won’t be at your best because you will be worried about what’s going on at home. Its better you take care of that right now”
Genevieve smiled sadly at Brianna.
“Thanks Brianna. I will be on my way now. Tell the others where I’ve gone”
Brianna nodded and smiled.
Two hours later
“WAKE UP SLEEPY HEADS!!” Brianna yelled causing Debby to fall off her bed and Cathy to jolt up hitting the bed above her in the process.
“Hey! What was that for?!” Debby exclaimed.
Brianna smiled sheeply, then helped Debby up.
She suddenly turned serious. Debby and Cathy were shocked at her sudden change of behavior.
“Genevieve has gone home. Something is wrong and her father refused to tell her until she gets ho…” Brianna’s phone interrupted her.
“Hey Genevieve, what’s it”
“I just found out that my mum has cancer, she’s had it for years now. The doctor said she has two months to live” Genevieve said solemnly.
“Oh my” Brianna covered her mouth in shock “How are you doing?”
“I’m okay, it hasn’t weighed on me yet” Genevieve paused. “I’m not in Italy, my mum was moved here. It’s an hour and forty five minutes’ drive from campus.”
“I will come as soon as I am done with my class for today, send me the address and I’ll tell the others about the news. And you have to let it out, please don’t keep it pent up” Brianna said and hung up.
“It turns out, Genevieve’s mum has cancer and has two more months to live” Brianna said.
“What?!” Debby and Cathy exclaimed.
“Wow, I didn’t expect that, how’s she doing?” Debby asked concerned for Genevieve.
“If her mom has only two months to live, she must have had cancer for a while, it won’t have been sudden, and her parents probably knew about it, why didn’t they inform her earlier? This isn’t fair on her” Cathy said while selecting her clothes, ready to rush over to the hospital.
“Yeah, Cathy is right. We must go see her. I am calling Vanquez to take care of things for me” Debby said and picked her phone up to call.
“Guys?” Brianna tried to get their attention.
“Yeah. Good idea, I am calling Winnie to inform my Prime Minister to take care of the matters for today. Those damn advisors better not quarrel today” Cathy picked up her phone and began to dial Winnie’s number.
“Guys?” Brianna tried again.
“Why isn’t Vanquez’s secretary picking her cell? He better fire that girl, I’m calling Brice. Thank God he’s the new Prime Minister”
“Hey, my secretary isn’t picking, how horrible, someone’s going to receive a query” Cathy glared at her phone’s screen. “I think I’m gonna dial the Prime Minister’s office directly” She dialed again.
“GUYS!!!! Listen to me!!” Brianna yelled finally getting their attention.
“You guys have classes today you know. Debby, you have an important test today and Cathy, you have an important assignment to submit today. You know your lecturers don’t take shit. Plus, Evie needs to be with her parents this moment. You can go after your classes” Brianna said. Debby and Cathy exchanged glances and sighed.
“Fine, after the class, we’ll fly to Italy” Debby said pouted and put her phone on a bed stool near her.
“She isn’t at Italy, She’s supposed to text me the address of the place. Anyway, I decided to wake you knuckle heads up before I head to class, breakfast is in the kitchen, I will text you the address after I get it, until then try not to be stupid” Brianna giggled and skipped out of the room.
“Did she just skip?” Debby asked.
“I’m not going to bother” Cathy said and retired back to her bed.
“At least the Brianna I know is back, it’s the first time she carefully examines stuffs and makes decision like that. It’s weird” Debby said.
“I guess that’s what makes her Queen” Cathy said and dozed off.
Few hours later: Computer Science building.
“So Debby, how was your test?” Ashton asked behind Debby causing her to squeak and jump.
“You know, it isn’t nice to sneak up on someone like that. I could have hit you” Debby yelled trying to calm her breaths
“What could you have done? Pinch me?” Ashton smirked
“No, punch you” Debby replied with a very dangerous aura suddenly around her and gave Ashton a punch to his stomach. Impact of the punch was so great that Ashton winced, clutched his stomach and had to rest on a nearby desk not to fall.
“Your lessons with Brice is going well I see” Ashton said trying to recover from the punch.
“Yeah, I have the best trainer” Debby smiled gleefully.
“I am guessing you aced your test” Ashton said.
“Yeah, I’m hungry, let’s go eat at the café” Debby smiled and pulled a still recovering Ashton as she walked to the café.
At the café:
“I’m sure you aced the test too, Python has been easier for you than for me” Debby said when after they got to the café and ordered their lunch.
“That’s because I took it before I made up my mind to go into Graphics and Animation and you didn’t” Ashton said.
“Hey!! I just made up my mind to go into Cybersecurity last semester. I’m still new to this, I didn’t start coding from diapers” Debby glared at Ashton.
“Here’s your order” The waitress smiled, dropped their food and walked back.
“I didn’t start coding from diapers either, plus Python wasn’t out when I was in diapers. Fine I’ll tutor you”
“Remember the last time you tried to tutor me? We ended up racing each other. I think YouTube will tutor me this time”
“Fine, suite yourself, remember you need to pass Python excellently before you can apply to branch to Cybersecurity” Ashton said and leaned on his chair. Debby groaned.
“So what’s going on with Evie?”
“Her asshole told you?”
“Hey it’s bad enough that Jason calls her his bitch, I don’t want to hear asshole from you. Anyway, she phoned him and told him about her mums’ sickness”
“Those two should just get together.” Debby sighed. She was seriously tired of those two. “About the sickness, her mum has cancer and has only two more months to live.”
“Oh my, she must be feeling bad”
“Yeah, I know, it’s horrible. I wanted to head over to the hospital as soon as I heard the news but Brianna stopped me reminding me of my test. Since I’m done with the test, I am thinking of heading over. Cover for me?”
“I can’t, the lecturer of the last class for today cancelled. We are going together”
“Okay. Let’s go” They stood up and left the café.
At the same time: Architecture Building:
“Hey TY!” Someone yelled to Cathy behind her.
She knew that voice anywhere plus only a person calls her ‘TY’ despite her not liking it. She groaned.
“Jacob, what are you doing here, isn’t engineering building over there?” She said and pointed to a big building not far from where she was.
“Yeah but I’m done with my classes today so I came to see you” Jacob paused. “So how did the submission go?”
“It went well actually, I hope I get an A in it, I really put my all in it.” She turned to Jacob. “How about you, I heard from Michelle that you guys had an impromptu quiz today, how was it?”
“It went well, luckily I studied the course yesterday:
“Wow, lucky. Anyway, I am going to visit Evie. Her mum has cancer and has two months to live, we need to be there for her. I can only imagine the pain” Cathy said. Jacob was aware of Evie’s predicament, Jason informed him and since he was done with his classes for the day he decided to go with TY.
“Sure TY, lead the way”
“I told you to call me Cathy or Catherine not TY, I don’t even know where you got the name from” Cathy said as she glared at Jacob.
“Okay okay TY.” Jacob said. Cathy ignored him and started walking away.
“Hey! Wait!” Jacob yelled and started running to catch up to Cathy.