Knock Knock Knock
“Who is it?” Debby yelled covering her face with her pillow.
“It’s Ashton” Ashton yelled from the door.
“What do you want?” Debby yelled pulling herself from her bed.
She went to open the door.
“Why did you drug me?!” Ashton yelled at Debby.
“I didn’t drug you, I added sleeping pills to your soda.”
“That’s the same as drugging!” Ashton yelled pacing in Debby suite.
“Calm down, I gave you sleeping pills because I knew you won’t listen to me when I said you should let me handle it!”
“That isn’t enough reason Debby. That is a stupid reason”
“It was one of the reasons, you really needed the sleep. You had terrible eye bags, you look better now”
“Anyway, why do you want to handle it so bad?”
“You helped me with my Prime Minister Ashton, I wanted to help you”
“You can’t force your help on someone, I didn’t even need your help!”
“If I didn’t come today, you won’t have known there was an infiltrator. He would have given you love portion and then you would have been head over heels for the princess of Mkrium. You know what? Just leave, I need to have my bath” Debby said upset and walked into her bathroom leaving Ashton standing there confused.
At Amise, Genevieve’s Kingdom
“Good morning your highness” Lila, Genevieve’s personal maid greeted.
“Hey Lila, what is it?”
“Queen Briana of Guyana, King Tyler of Cyprus, Queen Catherine of Laos and King Jacob of Kuwait are here”
“Oh nice, I will be out in a minute. Go entertain them, I need Stephanie to finish my makeup first”
Lila bowed and left the room.
Few minutes later, Genevieve was seen coming out of her rooms to where her friends were.
“Oh my, there’s our new Queen” Brianna hyped and Genevieve turned around for them to get a closer look even though she was still in her robes and hasn’t worn her clothes yet.
“Congratulations Evie, how does it feel?” Cathy asked.
“Weird” Genevieve sat and took a slip of her drink.
“Hey bitch, miss me?” Jason said spreading his arms wide smirking.
“Hey Asshole of Monaco, ever heard of polite greeting?” Genevieve said rolling her eyes. Jason smirked and sat on one of the couches.
“Hey, where is Debby and Ashton?” Brianna asked.
“They’re having a fight” Jason said.
“I wonder why. Wait, are they together?” Brianna asked with glee.
“He picked her up to his place so it will be easier for her to get here. They are supposed to get here together, she’s his date” Jason filled them in.
“But Debby apparently drugged him to sleep so he’s angry with her now. He managed to get Debby upset. It will be very awkward” Jason continued.
“I wonder why Debby drugged him” Cathy said turning to Genevieve.
“I have no idea but knowing her, she probably wanted to find out something so bad and act on her own” Genevieve said.
“Hey, we’re here” Debby said going to sit at the other side of Jason. She looked tired and had eye bags luckily, her dark skin helped her hide it a bit.
“Why do you look like death?” Cathy asked.
Debby glared at Cathy.
“I am a bit tired, that’s all and someone abruptly woke me up this morning” Debby turned to glare at Ashton, Ashton glared back.
“Anyway, I need you girls to help me into my coronation gown, it starts in forty five minutes”
The girls headed to Genevieve’s room leaving the guys behind.
“Hey, I am guessing with that glare she gave you, you guys haven’t settled it yet” Jacob said.
“Kind of, I am still pissed with her you know? She drugged me”
“Have you tried looking from her point of view?” Jason said looking seriously.
“That girl might not show it often but I know she cares for you” Jacob asked.
“But her actions were way too extreme. Drugging?!” Tyler defended Ashton.
“What was the outcome of the investigation anyway?” Jason asked.
“The imposter was sent to drug me, to give me love portion so I can marry the princess of Mkrium, I am going to have to deal with him though.” Ashton asked
“If Debby wasn’t around, I am guessing he would have succeeded?” Jacob asked.
“Yup” Ashton sighed dejectedly.
‘It’s true Debby drugged me but perhaps I was too harsh on her?” Ashton thought.
“I think you know what to do” Jason said turning his attention to his phone.
Ashton sighed.
At the girls
“Was it really wise of me to have added the pills to his soda” Debby asked sitting on Genevieve’s bed.
“No, it wasn’t wise. What were you thinking Debby?” Cathy said passing Genevieve her glove.
“I really wanted him to rest, I was worried about his health, and I knew if I told him, he won’t have listened to me. I was there you know? I can’t be useless, so I decided to take care of it” Debby said.
“It’s not your kingdom Debby, it’s his. That’s his issue, you had no say in what was going on.” Cathy said.
“That’s enough. What’s done is done. All you have to do now is apologize and leave his kingdom for him” Genevieve said.
Debby turned to Brianna waiting for her statement.
“I’ll admit that Debby was wrong to have drugged Ashton but he had no right to react too angry. He woke her up abruptly and now she looks like a dead person to Evie’s coronation. He made my baby so sad. Anyway, just apologize and let things be so it won’t be too awkward” Brianna said adjusting Genevieve’s tiara on her hair.
“Now I have a question for you Brianna, why on earth are you wearing a Kimkii?” Debby asked surprised Brianna was wearing a kimkii. The last time Debby saw her with Kimkii was during Brianna’s coronation.
If you are wondering, Kimkii is Guyana’s traditional wears.
“Amise and Guyana are allies, if Amise is going to hold a coronation ceremony for her new leader, the leader of Guyana have to appear to represent Guyana and to support Amise as their ally. I am not only here to support Genevieve as my friend but also to represent Guyana today. Therefore, I have to wear a Kimkii” Brianna said. All of them nodded in understanding.
“So that’s why Genevieve wore Amise’s traditional clothing for your coronation” Debby said.
“So Evie is ready, time to head out. Don’t stress yourself too much Evie. We will always support you!!!” Brianna yelled as she was pulled out of the room by Cathy.
“Let’s head to the boys” Cathy said and they headed to the boys.
“The coronation starts in ten minutes, let’s head to the hall” Jason said.
About an hour later
“I now present to you, Queen Genevieve Agosti of Amise” The priest said.
Genevieve turned around and bowed. The congregation bowed in response.
“Let the party begin!!!” The announcer yelled. Immediately, servants came in the room with different snacks and beverages and classical music began playing.
Everyone were with their dates as usual and were having fun except from a particular couple. Tyler whisked Brianna to the dance floor, Jacob was accompanying Cathy as she stuffed her face with food and Jason is with Genevieve as she has to greet her
Debby and Ashton were busy eyeing themselves as they are too stubborn to apologize to themselves.
Debby decided to woman up.
“Look Ashton, I am sorry I drugged you. I had no right to interfere. I am sorry” Hearing Debby apologize made Ashton lower his guard.
“I am sorry too. I shouldn’t have lashed out like that. I know you were looking out for me but please don’t drug me next time” Ashton said.
“Sure…no promises. Attend to your matters with Mkrium” Debby said and was whisked away by Ashton to the dance floor.
They danced together for a while before Debby became tired and they had to stop for a while.
“You know, you are a pretty good dancer” Ashton said giving her a drink.
“Of course I had to, Vanquez drilled it in me. That guy can get dramatic” Debby shuddered remembering when she was learning how to waltz.
“Are you strong enough? Let’s go greet Genevieve officially” Ashton said.
“Okay” Debby replied.