9:35am, Debby’s office
“I think its better we go with Ashton’s idea.” Brice said.
“Explain” Gunther said.
“I know the organization father and Williams are using, they’re good, stronger than Vanquezs’ but not as strong as AROSA. We can manipulate the investigation by sending one of our best agents to make it real” Brice continued.
Gunther sighed disappointed at his subordinate.
“We can’t just plant corpses, there has to be a reason why Locke and his family’s dead, he can’t just be found dead. We can manipulate the investigation yes but someone will eventually get framed or the investigation will not be closed, even if it’s closed, the advisors will suspect something fishy as why he and his family died.” Gunther said and everyone in the room realized why he said fire.
“What about fake helicopter crash” Debby suggested.
“The story will be like this, you tried to run away with you and your family to escape your judgment but didn’t make it to your destination as the helicopter crashed with no survivors.” Debby said again proud of her new idea.
“I don’t see any flaw but we need a faulty helicopter to pull this off plus are you seriously sacrificing a helicopter for this?” Gunther asked.
“There’s an helicopter that has only one more journey to make before it will be completely disassembled into parts and used to build a new one, Locke came this morning to lend the helicopter to fly out of the kingdom to escape since all his are being monitored at the moment, the helicopter should be able to go a journey more but it unfortunately didn’t, there was an helicopter crash, no survivors, no one can question it. We still need to monitor the agent so the investigation goes the way we want it. I will lose some money but I can always get it back” Debby said.
Locke was relieved that his house doesn’t have to be burnt down.
“Locke, you and your family will have to dress as my helpers that will escort me to Belgia so I can go from Belgia to Amise, Genevieve’s kingdom for her coronation tomorrow.” Debby said, Locke nodded.
“So guys, what do you think?” Debby asked the rest in the room.
“Spoken like a true Queen” Vanquez smiled proud of Debby, she came up with an almost flawless plan.
“Brice, you’ll have to take the position of the new Prime Minister. Mia, I am sorry I cannot give you the position right now but I need them to think that their plan worked flawlessly. Mia, you can be Brice’s personal assistant so you can learn more about being a Prime Minister before you assume the position” Debby said looking apologetically at Mia.
Mia nodded and smiled at Debby.
“No worries” Mia said.
Debby turned to Gunther, Vanquez and Mia.
“I will be going to Belgia tonight and from there head to Amise for Genevieve’s coronation tomorrow since Belgia is closer to Amise. I want Vanquez, Mia and Gunther to take care of Arthis till I come back. I will release an official statement when I arrive concerning my Prime Minister’s helicopter crash. Be sure to crash the helicopter in an activity free zone. Brice will be coming along with me, I need safety and I want them to think I trust you completely. Ashton, do you have room for the extra guests?” Debby asked.
Ashton talked about it for a moment, they are taking a family of four, a secret agent and her. He came with his helicopter.
“No but I can ask the pilot to return the helicopter and another pilot to fly here with a jet.” Ashton replied.
“No problem. Meeting terminated. Get ready for tonight.” Debby said, everyone returned back to their activities to do.
Ashton remained with Debby in her office attending to his matters online.
Few hours later
Debby was already done with her work for the day, she was waiting for Ashton so they could head out to the airport.
She really couldn’t understand how long it will take a guy to prepare, she was beginning to get impatient.
“Hey Ashton, get out and let’s go!” Debby yelled.
Ashton rushed out of the room.
“Sheesh woman, calm down! I am here now!” Ashton said raising his hands up in surrender.
Debby rolled her eyes.
“About time” She said.
Few minutes later, they got to the airport.
“You sure took your time getting here your highness” Locke said chuckling.
“I am sorry but my dressing wife delayed me at home” Debby said glaring at Ashton causing him to raise his hands to surrender.
“Anyway, let’s go” Ashton said and they all climbed to his Jet.
Few hours later
“You take the driver and head to the castle, I have to get Rosa settled.” Ashton said.
“But it’s late, you must be tired. Can’t you do this another time?” Debby said not entirely happy about Ashton dealing with them when they just got to his kingdom.
“I have to, we have Genevieve’s coronation to attend tomorrow. I will not be able to settle this tomorrow. Now be a good girl and let the driver take you home”
“First, I am not a kid. Second, it’s 3am, I am giving you an hour to get back, if you aren’t back, I will find you and pull you back” Debby said clenching her fists.
‘I didn’t realize she cared this much about me’ Ashton thought.
“Anyway, see you in an hour then, Princess” Ashton bowed and headed out the door with the Rosa following him.
“Let’s head to the castle” Debby said walking out the second door with her maids walking behind her.
Fifteen minutes later
The car came to an abrupt stop at the gate of Ashton’s castle.
“What’s going on?” Debby asked the driver.
“A guard is stopping us from going in, he wants to see you ma” The driver replied.
“Open the window for me” Debby said and the driver did as asked.
“Why are you stopping me from going in?” Debby glared at the guard.
“I am sorry ma but I don’t recognize you” The guard replied.
“And how is that my business?” Debby asked.
“If I can’t recognize you, you can’t go in ma, that’s the rule”
“Oh really” Debby picked up her phone and called Ashton.
Ashton: Hey Debby, it isn’t even up to twenty minutes yet, why are you calling.
Debby: One of your Security Agents isn’t letting me in. He says he doesn’t recognize me. Did you employ a new staff?
Ashton: I didn’t sign an employment letter, he must be an imposter, a very foolish one at that. Wink at the guard I assigned to you, he will take care of it.
Debby: I keep telling you, that method is secret message is weird.
Ashton: But fabulous. I have to go, see you in forty.
Debby turned to Malcom and winked at him. He understood and whispered in the ear of Brice to get Debby out of there in case the imposter suddenly attacks.
Brice walked Debby to the second car, while Malcom broke the wrist of the imposter causing him to yell out and the other Security Agents and some maids to rush outside. Debby flinched at the sight.
“Who sent you here?” Malcom asked reaching to break the arm of the imposter.
“Why should I tell you?” The imposter yelled through gritted teeth.
“Ummm… because he’s about to break your arm? He’s merciful, I will do much more than that if you don’t talk” Brice spoke suddenly at the sight, Debby was surprised at how fast he was.
“Your majesty, you don’t need to see this, Malcom and Brice will take care of it. Let’s get you in” Bree, one of Ashton’s maids who came out with the Security Agents when Malcom broke the imposter’s wrist said trying to walk Debby into the castle.
“No, I am going to the sight, I have to be able to handle things like this” Debby said and rushed to the sight.
“Your majesty, please go into the castle” Brice begged Debby when he saw her.
“I am not going anywhere until I know why he is here” Debby said folding her arms.
“We are planning to take him to the investigation centre to torture him, it isn’t wise to see that” Malcom said trying to convince Debby to go in the castle.
“Fine, assign another guard to me, Brice will go with you. I want to know the result of the investigation in an hour.” Debby said.
“Adam, you are to protect the Queen of Arthis with your life.
“Yes sir” Adam nodded and led Debby inside.
Forty minutes later
A car drove into the castle’s compound, Ashton got down from the car and walked into Debby’s suite.
“Hey” Ashton greeted slurring the ‘y’.
“Right on time. Did you get them settled?” Debby asked.
“Yup” Ashton sat on one of the seats.
“How’s the matter with the imposter?” Ashton asked.
“Malcom and Brice are taking care of it.”
“And left you without a guard?”
“Don’t worry, Malcom assigned Adam to me”
“When are they going to be back?”
“I told them report to me in an hour, I am expecting them to report to me in twenty minutes. That’s one of the reason why I am still awake.” Debby said yawning.
“So what’s the other reason?” Ashton asked wiggling his eyebrow at Debby.
“You don’t need to know” Debby said flustered.
“Anyway, you need to go to sleep, I am sure you’re tired” Debby said standing from the couch she was sitting on and went to pick two sodas from the mini fridge.
“I am tired but I can’t sleep, it’s my kingdom. I have to know the outcome of the investigation first”
“You have not been sleeping well lately, you have terrible eye bags, let me deal with this” Debby passed a Soda to Ashton.
Ashton opened it and took a big gulp.
‘I am so sorry Ashton’ Debby thought.
“Do you know Soda doesn’t help people sleep, it energizes instead?” Ashton said and stood up.
“I am heading over to the investigation centre” He took a big step to the door.
“I won’t do that if I am you. You just took sleeping pill in your soda” Debby said dialing a number.
“Wait, What?!” Ashton exclaimed and next thing, he collapsed on the floor.
Debby dialed Adam.
“Hey Adam, I need you to pick up your King and take him to his suite….”
Sixteen minutes later
Someone knocked at Debby’s door.
“Who is it?” Debby asked.
“Your majesty, Brice Velendez here to report the outcome of the investigation.”
“Come in”
Brice came in, bowed and sat on one of the couch.
“It was the King of Mkrium that sent the imposter in on a mission to drug the King of Belgia”
“What kind of drug?”
“Love portion.”
“I am guessing it’s because Ashton rejected the King of Mkrium’s proposal”
“Yes, the King of Mkrium wants his daughter to get married to the King of Belgia, the imposter doesn’t know why though.”
“How sure are you?”
“He’s half dead”
“Good job, make sure he gets good treatment then” Brice nodded and left.
“Well, time to sleep” Debby walked to her room and slept.