
Ball anniversary pt3: Narrow escape

More people arrived after the drama with Princess Jada, Brianna being one of them. She wanted to arrive ‘fashionably late’.

Hearing she missed some drama made her upset and Tyler had to comfort her.

“I can’t believe I missed such a drama!” She yelled. Debby rolled her eyes.

“Go meet her and start another drama.” Brianna said. Debby’s response was to glare at her.

“So, you want fun at my expense.” Brianna smiled sheeply.

“Hey, leave her okay? She’s entitled to have fun, even at your expense.” Tyler said and planted a kiss on her cheek.

“Hmmm…” Debby responded absentmindedly. She wasn’t in the conversation anymore. She was staring at Dave Mana, CEO of CVN, calculating her moves.

“Bye” She waved and grabbed two glasses of drinks from a passing server and gave one to Dave Mana.

“Your majesty.” He bowed. Debby curtseyed in response.


“I want to have a word with you.” Debby said. Dave nodded and escorted her to one of the balconies of ball room.