
Anniversary ball pt 4: Proposal

“Please Jason, let me be. Go be with your female friends.” Genevieve pleaded. Still, Jason’s answer was the same. Genevieve groaned frustrated and yelled at him.

“Why don’t you just leave me alone for once!!” Her anger was at its peak. She didn’t realize what she had just said and how hurtful it was to Jason. Jason looked down sad in response, then Genevieve realized what she said. The guilt came immediately. It didn’t mean she regretted it.

“Because I like you.” He muttered and walked out of the balcony. What he said left Genevieve stunned.

‘He likes me?’ She asked in her mind. She didn’t see it coming at all. This narrator can pretty much agree with the author and viewers of this book who the author is appreciative of, that Genevieve is blind.