
Anniversary ball pt5: Alliance, disaaperance and captivity

Arthis: Frier Castle:

“I see, you’re in love with her, aren’t you?” Queen Miranda asked, Ashton replied positively in response.

“Well, be careful because your girlfriend is messing with something she might not be able to deal with.” Queen Miranda said with a straight face, Ashton frowned.

“What do you mean?” He asked.

“I have been Queen for thirty-eight years, from the age of twelve after I lost my father. All through out my reign, I’ve never seen someone dare to mess with the Mkrium Royal family.” Queen Miranda said. ‘Except me’ She added internally.

Ashton isn’t aware of the fact that Debby drugged the King of Mkrium with love portion and is the cause of his marriage mishap, so when he heard what Queen Miranda said, he didn’t understand her clearly.

He did know that Debby and Princess Jada were not in good terms, he thought Queen Miranda was referring to their drama earlier.