
The Report

Belgia: Belgia Royal Hospital:

"Your Majesty, are you here to see his Majesty?" The question was posed by the nurse. Debby gave her a sidelong glance.

"Is that a question?"

"I'm sorry. His Majesty is this way." Debby was taken into Ashton's room by the nurse.

Debby entered the room and looked at Ashton. He appeared to be sleeping but was pale, which crushed Debby's heart. Although she was relieved that his body was finally responding to the treatment, witnessing the layers of equipment attached to him was a little too much for her.

She sat near him and began to play with his hair.

“Ashton.” She whispered. She was aware that he couldn't hear her. Debby smiled sadly; she never expected to long for him as much as she did. Memories of Ashton’s smiles flashed in her mind, and her eyes shown with sadness. The next six weeks will be torture for her.